著作: | 361 作品に 361 出版物中に 361 言語 |
蒟蒻塊製備及殺菌條件對其物性之影響 = The effect of preparation and sterilization conditions on the physical properties..
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大豆芽萃出物之抗氧化性與生物機能性之探討=studies of soybean sprout extract to antixidant activity and biofunctions
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以冬蟲夏草菌浸液發酵生產胞外多醣體之最適化研究=Study on optimization of extra-cellular polysaccharides to cordyceps sine
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機能性軟糖中食用膠添加配方與質地相關性之研究=Study on the relationships between gum and texturein the functional softy c
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幾丁聚醣於防霉抗菌材料之應用 = Applications of chitosan to the anti-fungous and anti-microbial materials
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巨峰葡萄酒釀製過程品質及風味變化之探討 = Changes in quality and flavor during brewing of ge-hon wine
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殺菁與不殺菁洋蔥在熱反應肉類香料應用之研究=studies on the application of fresh and blanched onion in the preparation of
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酸類基質對Alcaligenes eutrophus 生產PHBV組成影響之研究=effect of organic acid substrates on the composition of poly(hyd)
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無菌立樂包裝中微量雙養水之定量分析技術=analysis techniques for minute quantities of residual hydrogen peroxide in tetra
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以脫脂花生粉脂酵素水解液製備花生香料=preparation of peanut flavor using defatted peanut hydrolysate
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生物界面活性劑之菌株篩選及生產特性之探討=screening,characteristics and production of biosurfactant-lsolates in taiwan
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以紅麴發酵蝦蟹殼粉生產抗菌幾丁質脢之研究=The studies on the production of antimicrobial chitinase by monascus sp. using
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食品添加物生技產品:甜味料市場概況=Sweeteners markets-aspartame,high fructose corn syrup and oligosaccharides
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幾丁聚醣酵素之發酵條件與特性分析 The Chitosanase-The Study of Enzyme Fermentation Condition and Enzyme Characterization
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