著作: | 341 作品に 325 出版物中に 325 言語 |
組織知識管理、信任對核心競爭力影響之探討 = Impact of organizational knowledge management and trust on the core competition
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知覺組織支持與員工工作結果 = Perceived organizational support and employee outcome:the moderating effect of power distance : 權力距離之調節效果
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新轉型領導、組織氣候與工作滿意關係之研究 = The relationship among new transformational leadership, organizational climate and job satisfaction : a study on elementary school in changhua : 以彰化縣國小為例
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情緒勞務、組織認同與組織公民行為關係之研究 = A study of relationship for emotional labor, organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior
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醫護人員工作壓力、壓力調適需求與休閒參與關係之研究 = A relationship study on work stress, stress coping needs and leisure participation for healthcare employees
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家長參與知覺、親師關係品質與工作滿意關係之研究 = A study on the relationships among parents involvement perception, parent-teacher relationship quality and job satisfaction
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教師之心理授權賦能與組織公民行為 = Teacher's psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior : the moderating effect of locus of control : 內外控人格特質之干擾效果
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工作不安全感、工作滿足與組織公民行為 = The relationships between job insecurity, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior
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從外溢理論探討工作/家庭衝突對教師組織公民行為之影響 = The impact of work/family conflict on teachers' organizational citizenship behavior:the perspective of spillover theory
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服飾業顧客經驗與顧客經驗管理 = Customer experience and customer experience management in apparel industry - comparison between positive and negative experience : 正面與負面經驗之比較
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教師工作導向之前瞻性行為與照護品質之探討 = A study of work-oriented proactive behavior in educational care quality
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教師人力資本與工作塑造之主動角色 = Teacher's human capital and the active role of job crafting : the importance of educational quality of child care : 幼兒教育品質之重要性
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服務氣候與顧客滿意 = Service climate and customer satisfaction : the boundary conditions of service attribute and the mediation effect of affective commitment : 服務屬性之調節效果與情感性承諾之中介效果
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餐飲業體驗行銷與顧客經驗管理 = Experience marketing and customer experience management service : a study of analytic induction method : 一個分析歸納方法的研究
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美髮業體驗行銷與顧客經驗延伸模型 = Experience marketing and extended model of customer experience in hairdressing service : a resear of grounded theory : 一個紮根理論研究
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工作家庭文化對教師組織公民行為之影響 = Family care as a moderator of the relationship between work-family culture and teacher's organizational citizenship behavior : 家庭照顧的調節效果
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醫療資源稀少性與情緒勞務關係之研究 = To study the scarce relation withine medical resources and emotional labor for emergency physicians : 以急診室醫師為例
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情緒商數、組織公民行為與工作投入關係之研究 = The study on the relationship among emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behaviors and job involvement
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員工-顧客連結之服務氣候驅動 = Driving service climate through employee-cusfomer linkage:the importance of satisfaction and citizenship behaviors : 滿意與公民行為之重要性
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在台外籍人士跨文化適應之研究 = Cross-cultural adjustment of foreigners in Taiwan - the experience of vietnamese spouses : 越南配偶之經驗探討
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工作動機對工作投入與工作努力影響之研究 = The study of work motivation, job involvement and job effort
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關係品質、溝通滿意對個人工作契合度影響之研究 = The study of realationship quality, communication satisfaction to person-job fit
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企業社會責任對組織認同與個人 = The effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational identification and person-organization fit : 組織契合度影響之研究
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應徵者逢迎討好戰術與面試官知覺之應徵者個人與組織契合度關係之干擾研究 = Exploring boundaries of the effects of applicant ingratiation tactics on person-Organization fit
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公務人員終身學習之研究 = Life-long learning of civil servants : 從生涯發展觀點探究個案經驗; Understanding individual experience from the perspective of career development
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銀行業員工顧客導向服務行為與顧客關係品質之研究 = The relationship of bankers' prosocial service behaviors and customer relationship quality
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個人-組織契合度與組織忠誠關係之研究 = The relationship between person-organization fit and organizational loyalty : 以心理契約為干擾變項; Psychological contract as a moderator
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員工訓練、個人-工作契合度與自我效能關係之研究 = The relationship among employee training, person-job fit and self-efficacy
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工作活力對工作投入與工作滿意度影響之研究 = The effect of job vigor on job involvement and job satisfaction
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溝通媒介、情緒勞務與溝通效能關係之研究 = The relationship between communication media, emotion labor and communication effectiveness
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壓力與工作績效 = Stress and job preformance : 人格特質與工作經驗之干擾效果; The moderating effects of personality and job experience
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跨國勞工組織公平,勞資關係與負面行為關聯性之研究 = A study on the relationships among organizational behavior in transnational labors : 以跨文化價值為調節效果; The moderating effects of labor value
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職業抱負與專業資產對專業成就之影響 = The effect of career aspirations and professional assets on professional achievements
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人力资源強国之路 = The power of a country through human resources strategy : 中国人本发展战略研究报告; a report on China's human oriented development strategy
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組織職涯支持與良師益友對研究表現的影響 = A study on the interaction between organizational career support and mentor in explaining academic achievement
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情緒勞務與工作倫理關係之研究以值班為干擾變項 = The research for the emotional labor and work ethics-On duty as moderator
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醫護人員年資與服務補救關係之研究 = The relation between tenure and service recovery for healthcare staffs
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美髮從業人員工作壓力、薪資滿意度與離職傾向之關係研究 = A study of relationship among job stress, salary satisfaction and turnover intention of hairdressers
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工作投入建構 = Building Job Engagement:A Study of Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance : 工作績效前因與效果之探討
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價值契合度、知覺組織支持與工作績效-工作投入的中介效果 = Value congruence, perceived organizational support, and job performance : the mediating effects of job engagement
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旅遊業品牌形象提昇對顧客忠誠度影響之研究 = The Study of the between Improving Brand Image of the Travel Industry and the Customer Loyalty
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銀行業內部行銷、工作滿足與顧客導向關係之研究 = A study on the relationship among internal marketing, job satisfaction and customer orientation in banking industry
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企業聲譽對合作意願影響之研究 = A study of the impact of corporate reputation on cooperative intention : 以工作價值觀為干擾變數; To work values as the moderator
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工作投入、職家衝突對工作滿意度影響之探討 = The impact of job involvement and work-family conflict on job satisfaction
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工作壓力、情緒耗竭對職場偏差行為影響之研究 = The impact of job stress and emotional exhaustion on workplace deviance behavior
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情緒勞務、關係與職家衝突之研究 = A study of the Relationships among emotional labor, guanxi and work-family conflict
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職家衝突、關係與工作壓力之研究 = A study of the relationships among work-family conflict, guanxi and job stress
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碩士在職專班生人格特質對工作滿意之影響研究 = The Research of the Relationships between Personality and Job Satisfaction of On-the-job Adult Master Course Students
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以體驗價值觀點探討Yahoo!奇摩知識+創作者知識分享之忠誠度研究 = A Study of Yahoo!Kimo Knowledge Creators' Loyalty of Knowledge Sharing from the Perspective of Experiential Value
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碩士在職專班生人格特質對組織之影響研究 = The Research of the Relationships between Personality and Organization Commitment of On-the-job Adult Master Course Students
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大陸台商外派人員角色衝突影響因素之研究 = The Determinants of Taiwanese Expatriates's Role Conflict in Mainland China
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感性訴求廣告與飼養態度對寵物食品購買意願的影響 = The Effect of Emotional Appealing Advertisement and Attitude of Feeding on Purching Intention of Pet Food
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親師管教方式的一致性對學習成就影響之研究 = The Impact of Congruence of Parenting Style between Custodians and Teachers on Learning Achievement
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授權領導與創新性績效 = Empowering Leadership on Creative Performance : 領導激勵之調節效果與心理賦權之中介效果; The Moderating Effect of Leader Couragement and The Mediating of Psychological Empowerment
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衝突歷程的顧客經驗 = Customer Experiences and Conflict Process : 公寓大廈管理委員會與住戶衝突事件之探討; A Reserch of Conflict between Apartment Building Management Committee and the Residents
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親師管教方式的一致性對學習壓力影響之研究 = The Impact of Congruence of Parenting Style between Custodians and Teachers on Learing Stress
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親師管教方式的一致性對情緒管理影響之研究 = The impact of congruence of parenting style between custodians and teachers on emotional management
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從雙因子理論觀點探討門診顧客經驗管理 = Outpatient customer experience and customer experience management : from a perspective of two-factor theory
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國小教師工作價值觀、專業承諾與工作壓力關係之研究 = A study of the relationships among work value, professional commitment and work stress of elementary school teachers
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工作悅趣對導遊人員思鄉情緒影響之研究 = The effects of the job enjoyment on homesickness with survey in tour guides
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組織政治知覺、職場靈性與工作壓力關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationship among Perceived Organizational Politics, Workplace Spirituality and Job Stress
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行為正直、員工主管適配性與工作滿足關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Behavioral Integrity, Person- Supervisor Fit and Job Satisfaction
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情緒勞務與工作者負向聲音之研究 = A Study of the Relationship between Emotional Labor and Worker Negative Voice
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奧客、情緒勒索與其他顧客趨避反應關係之研究 = A Study on Relationships among the Customer from Hell, Emotional Blackmail and Customer Avoidance
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全聯先生角色分析與全聯福利中心形象建構 = The Role of Mr. Cyuan - Lian and The Construction of Pxmart Image
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彰化縣國小教師專業發展評鑑對工作壓力與教師自我效能影響之研究 = Changhua County Elementary School Teacher Professional Development Evaluation of Work Stress and the Effects of Theacher Efficacy Research
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工作玩興與組織玩興對新進員工組織社會化影響之研究 = The Impact of job Playfulness and Organization Playfulness on The Organizational Socialization of New
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組織玩興與組織氣氛對新進員工社會化之影響 = The Influence of Organizational Playfulness and Organizational Climate on New Employees' Socialization
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工作玩興與組織玩興對情緒勞務之影響 = The Impact of Job Playfulness and Organizational Playfulness on Emotional Labor
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組織競爭與工作績效之關係 = A Study of the Relationship between Organizational Competition and Job Performance : 兼論創新能力之干擾效果; also on the Moderating Effect of Innovation Capability
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台塑六輕連環火環保議題 = The Environment Issues After The Series Fires of The Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant.
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服務氣候與顧客滿意 = Service climate and customer satisfaction:boundary conditions of service attributes and market-focused human resource management : 服務屬性與市場導向人力資源管理活動之邊界條件
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科技業無薪假事件內部危機溝通之研究 = Handling of Internal Crisis Communication:Unpaid Leave in the Technology Industry.
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團隊成員目標導向對創新性之影響 = The Effect of Team Member Goal Orientation on Creativity:The Moderator of Formalization and Intevdependence : 正規化與工作相依性之調節因子
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知覺價值、滿意度與合購行為關係之研究 = The Study on the Relationships among Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Group Buying Behavior
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目標導向與創新 = Goal Orientation on Creativity:The Moderating Effect of Centralization and Organizational Justice : 集權化與組織公平之干擾效果
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台中市國小職員工作壓力、工作倦怠與因應策略之相關探討 = The relationshps among job stress,job burnout and coping strategies-A case of Taichung city elementary school staff
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台中市國小教師壓力、工作倦怠與工作滿意度之關聯性分析 = The relatuonsThe Relationships among Job Stress, Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction—A Case of Taichung City Elementary School Teachers
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國小教師知覺學生父母教養行為與教師角色壓力關係之研究 = The Relationship of Elementary School Teachers Perceived Parental Rearing Behavior of Students and Teachers’Role Stress
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公司治理與企業績效對董監薪酬之影響 = The Impact of Corporate Governance and Performance on Board Compensation
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應用Kano模式探討醫療服務品質 = Using Kano Model to Explore The Medical Service Quality -A Case of Chinese Medical Clinic : 以中醫診所為例
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引進外籍勞工與台灣勞動市場關聯性之研究 = The Impacts of Employment of Foreign Labor on Labor Market in Taiwan
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海外投資對台灣勞動市場之影響 = The Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Labor Market in Taiwan
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家長式領導、工作滿意度與組織承諾的關聯性 = The Relationship among Paternalistic Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment─ Moderating Effect of Peer Support : 以同儕支持為干擾變數
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領導風格、工作特性與組織公民行為關係之研究 = A Research of the Influence of Leadership Style and Job Characteristics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
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工作擴大化、工作動機與工作滿意度關係之研究 = A Study on Job Enlargement, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction-Case Study of the Elementary School Teachers : 以國民小學教師為例
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志工的工作價值觀、心理契約、自我效能與持續承諾關係之研究 = A Study of Relationships among Volunteers’ Work Value, Psychological Contract, Self-Efficacy and Continuance Commitment
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商品價格、網路口碑及消費者的信任程度對購物方式選擇的影響 = The Influence of Product Price, Online Word - of - Mouth and Consumer Trust on Shopping Mode Selection
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國民中學導師情緒勞務與工作滿意之研究 = A Study on Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction of Junior High School Homeroom Teachers in Taichung City : 以臺中市國民中學為例
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以混合模式探討影響台中市國小教師網路購物意圖之研究 = A Hybrid Model for Exploring Taichung City Elementary School Teachers' Shopping Intention Through Internet
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領導者對團體創新行為與創造過程的影響 = The Impact of the Leader on Group Innovative Behavior and Creative Process: take the Performing Arts Association as an Example : 以表演藝術團體為例
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不當督導對工作壓力與工作倦怠感影響之研究 = Abusive Supervision in Workplace, Looking at the Results of Employee Job Stressand Burnout
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佔公司便宜之預測 = Predicting the Taking Advantage of Company : 知覺風險、道德義務與計畫行為理論之整合模式; Integrating Perceived Risk and Moral Obligation with the Theory of Planned Behavior
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危機反應策略與溝通效果之研究 = A Study of Crisis Response Strategies and Communication Effects : 以校園霸凌事件為例; An Example of School Bullying
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桃園縣國小教師專業發展評鑑與教學效能之研究 = A Study on Professional Development Evaluation and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Teacher in Taoyuan County
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魅力領導、情緒智力與組織公民行為關係之研究 = A Study of Relationships among Charismatic Leadership,Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
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桃園縣國小教師班級經營策略與教學效能關聯性研究 = A Study on the Relationship between Classroom Management Strategies and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary Schools Teachers in Taoyuan County
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員工的容貌與逢迎對主管評價員工的影響 = The Effects of Staff's Appearance and Ingratiationon on Staff's Evaluation : 年齡與性別組合的干擾效果; Age and Gender Combination as Moderating Variables
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危機溝通策略組合之研究 = A Study of Crisis Communication Combination Strategies : 以學生死亡事件為例; A Case of the Death of A Student
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幽默、工作玩興與工作創新關聯性之研究 = A Study on the Relationship among Humor, Work Playfulnessand Work Innovation
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知覺價值對顧客忠誠 = Perceived Value on Customer Loyalty : 關係品質之中介效果; The Mediation Effect of Relationship Quality
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顧客知覺價值、關係品質與顧客忠誠之研究 = A Study on the Relationhip among Customer Perceived Value, Relationhip Quality, and Customer Loyalty
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美國職棒大聯盟球隊戰績對球員交易之影響 = A Research on the Effect of Teams' Winning Record to the Players' Transaction for Major League Baseball
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「王牌後援投手」對球隊之績效分析 = Analysis on Effect to The Team by An "Ace Reliver" : 以美國職棒大聯盟紐約洋基隊馬里安諾•李維拉為例; Taking Major League Baseball New York Yankees's Mariano Rivera as An Example
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非政府組織賑災模式之建構 = Constructing the NGO Disaster Relief Model : 關於慈濟基金會的個案研究; A Case of Tzu Chi Foundation
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桃園縣國小志工工作價值觀與工作投入關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationship between Work Values and Job Involvement of Elementary School Volunteers in Taoyuan Area
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國小教師生活壓力與身心健康之相關研究 = A Study on the Relationship among Life Stress and Physical and Mental Helath of the Elementary Teachers-An example of Taoyuan County : 以桃園縣為例
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志工參與動機與工作滿足之研究 = A Study on the Participation Motivation and Job Satisfaction-An Example of Tzuchi Volunteers in Taoyuan County : 以桃園縣慈濟志工為例
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護理之家照顧服務員工作成就感影響因素探討 = The Influencing Factors of the Sense of Job Achievement for Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes
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我的未來在哪裡?大學生畢業退縮影響因素之研究 = What is My Future?Related Factor of College Students Graduation Withdrawal Research
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校長均衡領導與學校組織文化相關之研究 = The Study of Principal's Balanced Leadership and School's Organizational Culture─An Example of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County : 以桃園縣國民小學為例
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領導授權對服務滿意與任務績效影響 = The Influence of Leadership Empowerment on Service Satisfaction and on Task Performance:The Mediation Effect of Self-Efficacy and Adaptability : 自我效能與適應性之中介效果
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桃園縣國小英語教師工作壓力與教學效能關係之研究 = A Study on Relationship between Work Stress and Teaching Efficacy of the Elementary School English Teachers in Taoyuan County
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桃園縣國小教師工作壓力與情緒管理關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships between Jobs Stress and Emotional Management of the Elementary School Teachers in Taoyuan County
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學校行政人員準備度對教師服務滿意與績效 = The Influence of Employee Readiness on Service Satisfaction and Performance:The Mediation Effect of Self-Efficacy and Adaptability : 自我效能與適應性之中介效果
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特色國小行銷策略之研究 = Marketing Strategies of Characteristic Elementary Schools –An Example in Taoyuan County : 以桃園縣為例
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外國品牌服飾在台上市新聞框架分析UNIQLO與ZARA之比較研究 = News Frames of Public Offering of Foreign Brand in Taiwan Market-Comparative Study of Uniqlo and Zara
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旺中併購中嘉案魂框架分析 = The News Frames of Want Broadband Media's Acquisiting China Network Systems Broadband
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學生跳樓事件危機溝通之研究 = A Study of Crisis Communication Of Student Jumping from the Building
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從信任角色探討程序、分配、人際公平 = Understanding the Interaction among Procedural, Distributive and Interpersonal Justice:The Role of Trust
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溫暖行為與自我效能對應徵者偽造意圖與偽造行為關係之干擾效果研究 = The Moderating Effects of Warm Behavior and Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Applicant Faking Intention and Faking Behavior
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政府政策危機溝通與媒體效能 = Policy Crisis Communication of Government and Media Effectiveness
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專業性、服務品質、知覺價值與關係品質之相關性研究 = The Relationships among Expertise, Service Quality, Perceived Value and Relationship Quality ─ Using Pharmacy as an Example : 以藥局為例
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職場友誼、組織公民行為及工作績效之研究 = The Effect of Workplace Friendship and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Job Performance:A Case Study of Taichung City Government : 以臺中市政府公務人員為例
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朝向團隊與組織前瞻性 = Proactivity Directed Toward the Team and Organization:The Role of Leadership, Commitment and Openness to Change : 領導、承諾與開放性變革之角色
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轉型領導對員工績效發展 = Transformational Leadership on the Development of Employee Performance:The Mediating Role of Commitment and Openness to Change : 承諾與開放性變革之中介效果
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領導對工作角色績效之影響 = The Impact of Leadership on Work Role Performance:The Mediating Effect of Support and Openness to Change : 支持與開放性變革之中介效果
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轉型領導與工作角色績效 = Transformational Leadership and Work Role Performance:The Mediating Effect of Support and Openness to Change : 支持與開放性變革之中介效果
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朝向團隊與組織之前瞻性 = Proactivity Directed Toward the Team and Organization:The Role of Leadership, Support and Role-breadth Self-efficacy : 領導、支持與角色拓展自我效能之角色
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轉型領導與員工正向行為 = Transformational Leadership on Employee Positive Behavior:The Mediating Effect of Commitment and Role-breadth Self-efficacy : 承諾與角色拓展自我效能之中介效果
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轉型領導與員工正向行為 = Transformational Leadership on Employee Positive Behavior:The Mediating Effect of Support and Role-breadth Self-efficacy : 支持與角色拓展自我效能之中介效果
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品牌認同、服務補救與忠誠度關係之研究 = A Study om the Relationship among Brand Identification, Service Recovery and Loyalty
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消費者有機食品認知、利他主義與購買意願關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships of Organic Food Cognition, Altruism and Purchase Intention
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幸福感對個人特質與員工協助方案需求的關係影響 = Well-being Impacts on the Relationship between Personal Traits and Employee Assistance Programs
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職場偏差行為對個人特質與員工協助方案需求的關係影響 = Workplace Deviant Behavior Impacts on the Relationship between Personal Traits and Employee Assistance Programs
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真誠領導、社會幸福感與建言行為之關係探討 = An Examination of the Relationships among Authentic Leaderships, Social Well-Being, and Voice Behavior
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日本自助旅行重遊意願之研究 = A Study of Revisiting Intention in Independent Travel─A Case of Japan
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退撫制度認知程度對理財認知與理財規劃之相關研究 = A Study on the Relationship between Cognition of Retirement and Survivor Payment System and Financial Perception and Financial Planning
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退撫制度認知程度對退休態度之相關研究 = A Study on the Relationship between Cognition of Retirement and Survivor Payment System and Retirement Attitude
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服務創新、信任與消費意願關係之探討 = The Study of Relationships among Service Innovation, Test and Purchase Intention
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家長式領導、群體效力與建言行為之關係探討 = Exploring the Relationships among Paternalistic Leadership, Group Potency and Voice Behavior
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國小教師教學風格與教學效能之研究 = A Study on Teaching Styles and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Teachers─An Example in Miaoli County : 以苗栗縣為例
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國小教師情緒智力與職場靈性相關之研究 = A Study of Reationship between Emotional Intelligence and Spirituality at Workplace of Elementary School Teachers─An Example in Miaoli County : 以苗栗縣為例
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國小教師參與線上學習意圖之探討 = A Study on the Behavior Intention of On-line Learning of Elementary School Teachers
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國小學童才藝學習參與對人際關係的影響 = The Effects of Learning Achievements on Interpersonal Relationship for Elementary School Students
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國小教師兼任行政職務行為意圖之研究 = The Behavior Intention for Elementary School Teachers Who Join in Administrative Work
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國小學童人際關係與生氣表達之研究 = A Study of Interpersonal Relationship and Anger Expression of Students in Elementary School
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課後照顧機構的行銷組合、服務品質與家長滿意度之研究 = A Study on the Marketing Mix, Service Quality and Parent's Satisfaction of After-School Care Institutions─An Example in Hsinchu County : 以新竹縣為例
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國小教師工作投入與幸福感相關之研究 = The Research on the Relationship between Job Involvement and Well-being of the Teachers in Elementary School─An Example in Miaoli County : 以苗栗縣為例
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國民小學教師對師生衝突原因及因應策略之研究 = A Research on the Causes and Coping Stratrgies of Teacher-Students Conflict in Elementary Schools─An Example in Miaoli County : 以苗栗縣為例
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國小教師領導風格與學童人際關係之研究 = A Study of Teacher's Leadership Style and Primary Students' Interpersonal Relationships
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國民小學學校創新經營與學校效能之研究 = A Study on Innovative Management and School Effectiveness of Elementary Schools─An Example in Miaoli County : 以苗栗縣為例
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國小導師人格特質與工作壓力之相關研究 = A Study of Connection between Personality Traits and Job Stress of elementary School Teachers in Hsinchu County : 以新竹縣國小導師為例
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苗栗縣國民小學學校組織氣氛與學校效能關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships Between School Organizational Climate and School Effectiveness of Elementary Schools in Miao-Li County
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從訓練遷移理論探討受訓者特質對性別主流化認知之影響 = Exploring the Effects of Trainee Characteristics on Gender Mainstreaming Cognition Based on Training Transfer Theory
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危機組織情緒與受害者反應對傳播效果之研究 = A Study on the Communication Effects of Crisis Organization's Emotions and Victim's Follow-up Responses
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應用科技接受模型探討研究生選擇指導教授之研究 = A Study of Graduate Student Choosing Advisor by using Technology Acceptance Model
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蘋果售後歧視事件危機溝通之研究 = A Crisis Communication Study of Apple Discriminating Customers Event
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家長式領導、服務氣候、倫理氣候與服務績效之關係探討 = An Investigation of the Relationships among Paternalistic Leadership, Service Climate, Ethical Climate, and Service Performance
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苗栗縣國小教師工作投入、職家衝突和教學效能關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Job Involvement, Work-Family Conflict and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary Teachers in Miaoli County
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真誠領導、服務氣候、倫理氣候與服務績效之關係探討 = An Investigation of the Relationships among Authentic Leadership, Service Climate, Ethical Climate and Service Performance
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消費者對毒澱粉上游廠商危機知覺之貫時性研究 = A Study on Consumers’Crisis Perceptions of Upstream Manufacturers of Tainted Starch
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領導行為對熟練性績效與前瞻性績效之情感性承諾適配 = Matching Affective Commitment to Leadership on the Performance of Task Proficiency and Proactivity
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領導行為對工作角色績效之影響 = Leadership on Work Role Performance: The Moderating Effect of Team Members’ Satisfaction with Leader : 團隊成員對領導者滿意度之調節效果
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領導行為對工作角色績效 = Leadership on Work Role Performance:The Moderating Effect of Positive Mood : 正向心情之調節效果
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領導行為與工作角色績效 = Leader Behaviors and Work Role Performance:The Moderating Effect of Team Support : 團隊支持的調節作用
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媒體報導與危機知覺之貫時性研究-以毒澱粉事件之下游廠商為例 = A Panel Study of Media Coverage and Crisis Perception -An Example of Tainted Starch Downstream Manufacturers
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產品知識、行銷通路、知覺風險對購買意願之影響 = Effects of Product Knowledge, Marketing Channel, and Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention-An Example of Cosmetic Products : 以保養品為例
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國小師生衝突成因與因應策略之研究 = A Study of the Relation on the Causes and Coping Strategies of Teacher-Student Conflict in Elementary Schools-An Example of Taoyuan County : 以桃園縣為例
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國小一年級促進閱讀能力活動成效分析之研究 = Effectiveness Analysis of Reading Skills Improving Programs for the First Graders
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品牌故事、品牌形象、自我概念一致性對購買意願影響之研究 = The Effects of Brand Story, Brand Image, and Self-Congruity on Purchasing Intenion
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品牌故事、品牌形象、品牌認同與品牌依附關係之研究 = A Study of Relationships among Brand Story, Brand Image, Brand Identification and Brand Attachment
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心理賦權、主管部屬交換關係對工作績效之影響 = Psychological Empowerment and Leader-Member Exchange on Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Trust : 信任之中介角色
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在性別主流化下探討授權領導對服務滿意與任務績效之影響 = The Influence of Empowerment Leadership on Service Satisfaction and Task Performance from the Gender Mainstreaming Perspective
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授權領導對服務滿意與任務績效之研究 = A Study of Empowering Leardership on Service Satisfaction and Task Performance:The Mediation Effect of Adaptability : 適應性之中介效果
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轉型領導、個人主管適配對工作成果之影響 = The Impact of both Transformational Leadership and Person-Supervisor Fit on Work Outcomes:The Mediating Role of Trust : 信任的中介角色
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主管與部屬交換關係與工作成果 = Leader-Member Exchange and Work Outcomes:The Mediating Role of Trust : 信任之中介角色
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信任重要嗎?心理賦權、個人與主管適配對員工工作成果之影響 = Is Trust Important?The Effects of both Psychological Empowerment and Person-Supervisor Fit on Employee Work Outcomes
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知識分享對學校智慧資本影響之研究 = The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on the School Intellectual Capital
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國小校長道德領導對教師品格教學影響之研究 = The Impact of Principals' Moral Leadership on Teachers' Moral Teaching in Elementary School
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知覺薪資滿意度與衝動性購買行為間的關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationship between Perceived Salary Satisfaction and Impulse Buying Behavior—Advertising Endorser Type as the Moderator : 以廣告代言人類型為干擾變數
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知覺工作保障與幸福感間關係之研究 = A Study on Relationship between Perceived Job Security and Well-being-the Moderating Effects of Workload : 兼論工作負荷之干擾效果
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品牌故事、品牌態度與品牌忠誠度關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Brand Stories, Brand Attitudes, and Brand Loyalty
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廣告代言人可信度與價格敏感度之關係兼論正向愛情態度之干擾 = Relationship between Credibility of the Endorsers and Sensitivity of the Price- Moderate Effects of Positive Attitude of Love
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主管幽默風格與員工幸福感之關係兼論情緒智力之干擾效果 = Relationship of Humorous Style and Well-being of Employees-Moderate Effects of Emotional Intelligence
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社會資本、財務支配力與離職傾向之關係 = Relationship Among Social Capital, Financial Domination and Turnover Intention-Moderate Effects of Organizational Culture : 兼論組織文化之干擾效果
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新竹縣國小教師工作壓力、心理資本與工作倦怠關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationship among Job Stress, Psychological Capital and JobBurnout of Elementary School Teachers in Hsinchu County
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品牌故事、品牌態度、知覺價值對購買意願影響之研究 = The Effects of Brand Story, Brand Attitude, and Perceived Value on Purchasing Intention
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職家衝突、社會支持與幸福感關係之探討 = The Relationships of Work-family Conflict, Social Support and Well-being
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教師承諾科技融入教學之個人因素研究 = A Study of Teacher’s Personal Factors toward Commitment on Technology Integrated Teaching: Motivation of TPACK Development as Mediator : 以科技學科教學知識發展動機為中介
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知覺價值、生活型態與購買意願之關係研究 = The Relationships of Perceived Value, Lifestyle and Purchase Intention
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來源國形象、本國中心主義與知覺風險對消費者購買意願之探討 = The Effect of Country-of-Origin Image and Ethnocentrism on Perceived Risk-Using for Consumer Purchase Intention Reviewed
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國民小學教師知覺內部公共關係與學校效能之研究 = A Study of Teachers’ Perception between School Internal Relationships and School Effectiveness of Elementary School -An Example of Taoyuan City : 以桃園市為例
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桃園市國民小學學校網站公關內容分析 = The Content Analysis of Internet Public Relations at Elementary School Websites in Taoyuan City
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不當督導對工作績效之影響 = The Impacts of Abusive Supervision on Job Performance—Job Stress as an Mediating Factor : 以工作壓力為中介變數
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口碑行銷、消費動機、可信度對購買意願影響之研究 = A Study of the Effects of Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Consumer Motivation, and Credibility on Purchase Intention
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組織彈性與組織績效之間的演化 = The Evolution between the Organizational Flexibility and Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Construction Enterprise : 營造商的個案研究
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