Educational Policy and Politics.
著作: | 219 作品に 219 出版物中に 219 言語 |
Higher education in Portugal 1974-2009[electronic resource] :a nation, a generation /
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Equity in discourse for mathematics education[electronic resource] :theories, practices, and policies /
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Education, community engagement and sustainable development[electronic resource] :negotiating environmental knowledge in Monteverde, Costa Rica /
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Second international handbook of lifelong learning.[electronic resource] /Part one
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Pedagogies for development[electronic resource] :the politics and practice of child-centred education in India /
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School leadership effects revisited[electronic resource] :review and meta-analysis of empirical studies /
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Valuing students with impairment[electronic resource] :international comparisons of practice in educational accountability /
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Young people's quality of life and construction of citizenship[electronic resource] /
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International students in the Asia Pacific[electronic resource] :mobility, risks and global optimism /
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The politicization of parenthood[electronic resource] :shifting private and public responsibilities in education and child rearing /
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Multidimensional ranking[electronic resource] :the design and development of U-Multirank /
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Teachers of english learners negotiating authoritarian policies[electronic resource] /
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Miracle of education[electronic resource] :the principles and practices of teaching and learning in Finnish Schools /
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Transitions and transformations in learning and education[electronic resource] /
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Schooling for sustainable development[electronic resource] :a focus on Australia, New Zealand, and the Oceanic Region /
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European higher education at the crossroads[electronic resource] :between the Bologna process and national reforms /
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Cancer caregiving in the United States[electronic resource] :research, practice, policy /
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Higher education[electronic resource] :handbook of theory and research.Volume 27 /
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Pediatric metabolic syndrome[electronic resource] :comprehensive clinical review and related health issues /
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School leadership in the context of standards-based reform[electronic resource] :international perspectives /
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Inclusion and psychological intervention in schools[electronic resource] :a critical autoethnography /
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Portraits of 21st century Chinese universities[electronic resource] :in the move to mass higher education /
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Rediscovering apprenticeship[electronic resource] :research findings of the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) /
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Lived spaces of infant-toddler education and care[electronic resource] :exploring diverse perspectives on theory, research and practice /
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Education for sustainable development and disaster risk reduction[electronic resource] /
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Global to local curriculum policy processes[electronic resource] :the enactment of the international baccalaureate in remote international schools /
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School size effects revisited[electronic resource] :a qualitative and quantitative review of the research evidence in primary and secondary education /
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English language education and assessment[electronic resource] :recent developments in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland /
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Controversies in education[electronic resource] :orthodoxy and heresy in policy and practice /
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Engaging with student voice in research, education and community[electronic resource] :beyond legitimation and guardianship /
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The changing governance of higher education and research[electronic resource] :multilevel perspectives /
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The Roskilde model[electronic resource] :problem-oriented learning and project work /
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English as a global language in China[electronic resource] :deconstructing the ideological discourses of English in language education /
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Policy and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex students[electronic resource] /
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Globalization, international education policy and local policy formation[electronic resource] :voices from the developing world /
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Unmasking school leadership[electronic resource] :a longitudinal life history of school leaders /
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Incentives and performance[electronic resource] :governance of research organizations /
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Higher education reforms in Romania[electronic resource] :between the Bologna Process and national challenges /
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Coping with demographic change[electronic resource] :a comparative view on education and local government in Germany and Poland /
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Global innovation of teaching and learning in higher education[electronic resource] :transgressing boundaries /
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Successful educational actions for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe[electronic resource] /
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Local Drivers for Improvement Capacity[electronic resource] :Six Types of School Organisations /
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Language attitudes and identities in multilingual China[electronic resource] :a linguistic ethnography /
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Corporal punishment in U.S. public schools[electronic resource] :legal precedents, current practices, and future policy /
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Cultural and linguistic minorities in the Russian Federation and the European Union[electronic resource] :comparative studies on equality and diversity /
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Facing trajectories from school to work[electronic resource] :towards a capability-friendly youth policy in Europe /
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Enabling university[electronic resource] :impairment, (dis)ability and social justice in higher education /
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Higher education[electronic resource] :handbook of theory and research.Volume 30 /
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University of the world[electronic resource] :a case for a world university system /
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Second international handbook on globalisation, education and policy research[electronic resource] /
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Responsible living[electronic resource] :concepts, education and future perspectives /
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Mass higher education development in East Asia[electronic resource] :strategy, quality, and challenges /
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Talent development in European higher education[electronic resource] :honors programs in the Benelux, Nordic and German-speaking countries /
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Assessing schools for generation R (responsibility)[electronic resource] :a guide to legislation and school policy in science education /
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Handbook of school mental health[electronic resource] :research, training, practice, and policy /
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Effectiveness of time investments in education[electronic resource] :insights from a review and meta-analysis /
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Literacy and langauage in East Asia[electronic resource] :shifting meanings, values and approaches /
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International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn[electronic resource] :TEDS-M results /
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International education hubs[electronic resource] :student, talent, knowledge-innovation models /
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Global teachers, Australian perspectives[electronic resource] :Goodbye Mr Chips, Hello Ms Banerjee /
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Preventive mental health at school[electronic resource] :evidence-based services for students /
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Knowledge as a driver of regional growth in the Russian Federation[electronic resource] /
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Reforming higher education[electronic resource] :public policy design and implementation /
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The forefront of international higher education[electronic resource] :a festschrift in honor of Philip G. Altbach /
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The Nordic education model[electronic resource] :'a school for all' encounters neo-liberal policy /
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Challenging the 'European Area of Lifelong Learning'[electronic resource] :a critical response /
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Educational policy innovations[electronic resource] :levelling up and sustaining educational achievement /
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The challenges of mental health caregiving[electronic resource] :Research - Practice - Policy /
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Multidisciplinary coordinated caregiving[electronic resource] :research, practice, policy /
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The future of the post-massified university at the crossroads[electronic resource] :restructuring systems and functions /
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The road to privatization of higher education in China[electronic resource] :a new cultural revolution? /
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Survival of the fittest[electronic resource] :the shifting contours of higher education in China and the United States /
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International handbook of educational leadership and social (in)justice.[electronic resource] /Volume 1
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Minority languages and multilingual education[electronic resource] :bridging the local and the global /
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Transitions to school - international research, policy and practice[electronic resource] /
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Mathematics & mathematics education[electronic resource] :searching for common ground /
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Multicultural science education[electronic resource] :preparing teachers for equity and social justice /
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Workplace learning in teacher education[electronic resource] :international practice and policy /
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Korean education in changing economic and demographic contexts[electronic resource] /
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Education reform[electronic resource] :the unwinding of intelligence and creativity /
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Teachers' perspectives on Finnish school education[electronic resource] :creating learning environments /
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Politics of anti-racism education[electronic resource] :in search of strategies for transformative learning /
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Dynamic ecologies[electronic resource] :a relational perspective on languages education in the Asia-Pacific Region /
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Software engineering education for a global e-service economy[electronic resource] :state of the art, trends and developments /
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Higher education[electronic resource] :handbook of theory and research.Volume 29 /
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University rankings[electronic resource] :implications for higher education in Taiwan /
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Using research evidence in education[electronic resource] :from the schoolhouse door to Capitol Hill /
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Promoting, assessing, recognizing and certifying lifelong learning[electronic resource] :international perspectives and practices /
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Assessing instructional leadership with the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale[electronic resource] /
Processes and pathways of family-school partnerships across development[electronic resource] /
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Global perspectives on recognising non-formal and informal learning[electronic resource] :why recognition matters /
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Pedagogies and curriculums to (re)imagine public education[electronic resource] :transnational tales of hope and resistance /
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Promoting positive youth development[electronic resource] :lessons from the 4-H study /
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Globalisation, ideology and politics of education reforms[electronic resource] /
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The European higher education area[electronic resource] :between critical reflections and future policies /
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Social justice instruction[electronic resource] :empowerment on the chalkboard /
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Learning from difference[electronic resource] :comparative accounts of multicultural education /
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Economics of higher education[electronic resource] :background, concepts, and applications /
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Student equity in Australian higher education[electronic resource] :twenty-five years of a fair chance for all /
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Ethical dilemmas in public policy[electronic resource] :the dynamics of social values in the East-West context of Hong Kong /
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Psychosocial skills and school systems in the 21st century[electronic resource] :theory, research, and practice /
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Education reform in the Obama era[electronic resource] :the second term and the 2016 election /
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Training for model citizenship[electronic resource] :an ethnography of civic education and state-making in Rwanda /
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Schools as protection?[electronic resource] :reinventing education in contexts of adversity /
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Higher education[electronic resource] :handbook of theory and research.Volume 31 /
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Social and political dimensions of mathematics education[electronic resource] :current thinking /
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Decolonizing education[electronic resource] :towards reconstructing a theory of citizenship education for postcolonial Africa /
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Youth 2.0[electronic resource] :social media and adolescence : connecting, sharing and empowering /
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Teaching education for sustainable development at university level[electronic resource] /
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Academic labour, unemployment and global higher education[electronic resource] :neoliberal policies of funding and management /
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School effectiveness and educational management[electronic resource] :towards a South-Eastern Europe research and public policy agenda /
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The power of identity and ideology in language learning[electronic resource] :designer immigrants learning English in Singapore /
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The troika of adult learners, lifelong learning, and mathematics[electronic resource] :learning from research, current paradoxes, tensions and promotional strategies /
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Reforming learning and teaching in Asia-Pacific universities[electronic resource] :influences of globalised processes in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia /
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The politicization of ethnicity as source of conflict[electronic resource] :the Nigerian situation /
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Educational leaders without borders[electronic resource] :rising to global challenges to educate all /
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Inter-university cooperation[electronic resource] :best practices from cooperation between the Sapienza University of Rome, Canadian and American Universities /
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University evolution, entrepreneurial activity and regional competitiveness[electronic resource] /
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Handbook of response to intervention[electronic resource] :the science and practice of multi-tiered systems of support /
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International handbook of psychological well-being in children and adolescents[electronic resource] :bridging the gaps between theory, research, and practice /
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Higher education, stratification, and workforce development[electronic resource] :competitive advantage in Europe, the US, and Canada /
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Mergers in higher education[electronic resource] :the experience from Northern Europe /
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Rethinking social studies teacher education in the twenty-first century[electronic resource] /
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Civic engagement pedagogy in the community college[electronic resource] :theory and practice /
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A decade of research on school principals[electronic resource] :cases from 24 countries /
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Educational effectiveness and ineffectiveness[electronic resource] :a critical review of the knowledge base /
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Internationalization of higher education[electronic resource] :the case of Hong Kong /
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Improving schools[electronic resource] :productive tensions between the local, the systemic and the global /
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Trends and challenges in science and higher education[electronic resource] :building capacity in Latin America /
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International perspectives on older adult education[electronic resource] :research, policies and practice /
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Becoming a world-class university[electronic resource] :the case of King Abdulaziz University /
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Changing female literacy practices in Algeria[electronic resource] :empirical study on cultural construction of gender and empowerment /
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Social responsibility education across Europe[electronic resource] :a comparative approach /
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The dynamics of opportunity in America[electronic resource] :evidence and perspectives /
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India[electronic resource] :preparation for the world of work : education system and school to work transition /
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National college entrance exam in China[electronic resource] :perspectives on education quality and equity /
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Quadrilingual education in Singapore[electronic resource] :pedagogical innovation in language education /
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The political economy of schooling in Cambodia[electronic resource] :issues of quality and equity /
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Global perspectives and key debates in sex and relationships education[electronic resource] :addressing issues of gender, sexuality, plurality and power /
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The new flagship university[electronic resource] :changing the paradigm from global ranking to national relevancy /
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Compulsory schooling in Australia[electronic resource] :perspectives from students, parents, and educators /
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The testing and learning revolution[electronic resource] :the future of assessment in education /
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Educating generation next[electronic resource] :young people, teachers and schooling in transition /
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Black men in the academy[electronic resource] :narratives of resiliency, achievement, and success /
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Quality and change in teacher education[electronic resource] :Western and Chinese perspectives /
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Global co-mentoring networks in higher education[electronic resource] :politics, policies, and practices /
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Policy, professionalization, privatization, and performance assessment[electronic resource] :affordances and constraints for teacher education programs /
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The science and technology labor force[electronic resource] :the value of doctorate holders and development of professional careers /
Universities, rankings, and the dynamics of global higher education[electronic resource] :perspectives from Asia, Europe, and North America /
The globalisation of intercultural education[electronic resource] :the politics of macro-micro integration /
The changing epistemic governance of European education[electronic resource] :the fabrication of the Homo Academicus Europeanus? /
Martin Luther King[electronic resource] :"Now is the time" - his dream to influence education today /
Everyday knowledge, education and sustainable futures[electronic resource] :transdisciplinary approaches in the Asia-Pacific Region /
Social capital and community well-being[electronic resource] :the serve here initiative /
The internationalization of higher education and business schools[electronic resource] :a critical review /
Student debt[electronic resource] :rhetoric and realities of higher education financing /
Experiences in liberal arts and science education from America, Europe, and Asia[electronic resource] :a dialogue across continents /
Learning standards and the assessment of quality in higher education[electronic resource] :contested Policy trajectories /
IEA international civic and citizenship education study 2016 assessment framework[electronic resource] /
Early childhood policies and systems in eight countries[electronic resource] :findings from IEA's early childhood education study /
Student evaluation in higher education[electronic resource] :reconceptualising the student voice /
Quest for world-class teacher education?[electronic resource] :a multiperspectival study on the Chinese model of policy implementation /
Adolescents, rapid social change, and the law[electronic resource] :the transforming nature of protection /
The Palgrave international handbook of alternative education[electronic resource] /
The politics, practices, and possibilities of migrant children schools in contemporary China[electronic resource] /
Wartime schooling and education policy in the Second World War[electronic resource] :Catholic education, memory and the government in occupied Belgium /
The political economy of higher education finance[electronic resource] :the politics of tuition fees and subsidies in OECD countries,1945-2015 /
School leadership, citizenship education and politics in China[electronic resource] :experiences from junior secondary schools in Shanghai /
Students' experiences and perspectives on secondary education[electronic resource] :institutions, transitions and policy /
Assembling and governing the higher education institution[electronic resource] :democracy, social justice and leadership in global higher education /
Policy borrowing and reform in education[electronic resource] :globalized processes and local contexts /
Education technology policies in the Middle East[electronic resource] :globalisation, neoliberalism and the knowledge economy /
Two decades of basic education in rural China[electronic resource] :transitions and challenges for development /
Learning, migration and intergenerational relations[electronic resource] :the Karen and the gift of education /
International research on education for sustainable development in early childhood[electronic resource] /
The Palgrave international handbook of education for citizenship and social justice[electronic resource] /