

伏打電池 = Introduction to voltaic cells
熱化學變化 = Introduction to thermochemic...
動態平衡 = Dynamic equilibrium
可逆反應與勒沙特烈原理 = Opposing reactions and...
平衡系統的可逆反應 = Opposing reactions in eq...
氣候挑戰 = Climate challenge
…で: 宇勗企業有限公司
世界主題之旅 = Explore
World Wide Entertainment
…で: World Wide Entertainment
科‧技‧領‧先(II) = Tech‧Head
電壓與伏打電池 = Voltage and voltaic cells
比熱與熱計量 = Specific heat capacity and ...
化學平衡系統 = Introduction to chemical eq...
初級電池、二級電池及燃料電池 = Primary cells, seco...
初級電池 = Primary voltaic cells
科‧技‧領‧先(I) = Tech‧Head
斜坡上的老歌手 = Kacalisiyan:singers from t...
世界新天目 = Fire in heart
美的意識 = The sense of beauty
Brega, Massimo
阿布達比羅浮宮 = Louvre Abu Dhabi : 沙漠中的藝術殿堂
Perez, Elisabeth
高第的巴塞隆納 = Gaudi's Barcelona
Elms, Robert
仿生獸:藝術與夢想 = Strandbeest
Forger, Cinta
卡債風暴 = The card game
金融危機 = Financial crisis
Kirk, Michael
…で: Kirk, Michael
職場科技.I = Tech tools:technology in th...
職場科技.II = Tech tools:technology in t...
看不見的危機 = What's really in own : 生活用品真相
Bagust, Petra
公司的力量 = The power of corporations
…で: 中國
網路新型態創業 = Innovation lab
網路行銷新思維 = Mark it
數位化行銷 = Mark it
創新實驗室 = Innovation lab
金磚之國 = Brics
世紀新英雄:社會企業家 = The new heroes
Grove, Bob
金錢.權力.華爾街 = Money, power and Wall Street
球,開啟新世界的想像 = Bounce: how the ball ta...
食物大變革 = The great food revolution
世界名廚 = Kings of the kitchen
沒有陌生人的世界 = New world without strangers
餐盤上的魚 = The fish on my plate
Docherty, Neil
鳥瞰印度 = India
Anand, Amit
…で: Anand, Amit
美食與美酒 = Masters of food and wine
新型態共享經濟 = The new collaborative economy
Golding, Henry
少肉.蔬食.救地球 = A world without meat
廣告創意與藝術 : Art & copy
Pray, Doug
橄欖樹:女神的恩賜 = Olive tree : the gift of...
廣告創意工廠 = AD factory
鳥瞰中國 = China from above
趣談熱狗文化 = A hot dog program
森林保衛戰 = Above all else
Fiege, John
味噌 = Miso hungry : the effortless Ja...
Anderson, Craig
美食的誕生 = Food odyssey
全球廚房 = The global kitchen
綠色經濟 = Green economy
跟著潛水達人去探索 = Seas & oceans
互動式行銷 = Interactive marketing
我們信任Google?!:網路安全隱憂 = In google we trust
Everett, Dave
全球廚房.II = The global kitchen
城市農圃 = Growing cities
生態危機臨界點 = The tipping points of ecol...
Carlton, Andrew
六號房女士 : 音樂拯救生命 = The lady in number ...
克拉克 ((Clarke, Malcolm))
社群行銷 = Social media marketing
娛樂與網路 = Entertainment and internet
美食背後的真相 = What's really in our food
Fletcher, Yvette
氣候變遷臨界點 = The tipping points of clim...
Carlton, Andrew.
大地讚歌 = Grand earth
生物橋樑 = Wild connection
探究陸地之謎 = Voyage of the continents
低碳國度 = Carbon Nation
Byck, Peter
…で: Byck, Peter
伊娜仙特 : 拉丁少女美國築夢 = Inocente
尼克斯 ((Nix, Andrea))
雞肉惹的禍 = The trouble with chicken
達利劇院美術館:瘋狂達利的奇想世想 = Dali, La darrera...
Pujol, David
時尚美學 = Era & trend
飲食覺醒:吃對食物,吃出健康! = In defense of food
Pollan, Michael (1955-)
下一個亞洲奇蹟 = The next Asian miracle
永續亞馬遜 = Amazonia eterna
Franca, Belisario
…で: Franca, Belisario
比特幣 = Bitcoin
川.味 = Legendary taste of Sichuan. 第一季
生命之鹽 = The salt of life
Reparaz, Anne de
…で: Reparaz, Anne de
川.味 = Legendary taste of Sichuan. 第二季
糖,最甜蜜的敵人 = Sugar, oh so sweet poison...
Réparaz, Anne de
時尚老佛爺:卡爾.拉格斐 = Karl Lagerfeld:an int...
Pannen, Stefan
性別行銷:價格有性別之分嗎? = Does price have gen...
Roperch, Camille.
風險認知與管理 = The truth about risk
Lang, Robert
腸道:我們的第二個大腦 = The gut, our second brain
Denjean, Cécile
全民基本收入的理想與現實 = Free lunch society : ...
Tod, Christian
快速時尚:平價時尚的真相 = Alex James slowing do...
Akers, Ben
純素主義更好更健康嗎? = Good better vegan?
星巴克的營銷傳奇 = Starbucks sans filtre
Bovon, Gilles
為未來的職場做好準備 : Future proof
Hichens, Clay
AI未來的希望和恐慌 = The AI race
Filali, Fanou
二十四節氣與養生 = 24 solar terms
牛奶的事實與迷思 = Milk-facts, figures and b...
Oelsner, Winfried
極端城市 = Extreme cities
Rosanis, David
…で: Rosanis, David
成功的轉機 = The big turnaround
Koon, Quah Mui
智慧城市2.0 = Smart cities 2.0
Sim, Jay
我們在這裡生活 : Chúng tôi sinh sống ở đây
數位非洲:創新改變思維 = Digital Africa:innovat...
Haasen, Bettina
21世紀海上絲綢之路 = 21st-century maritime S...
被忽略的社會底層 = Don't make us invisible
Lee, Tracy Marie
湖南:阿凡達的另一個世界 = Hunan:the other world...
Thiriat, Laurence
演算法如何建構我們的世界 = Algorithms:how they r...
Lee, Tracy Marie
全球自由行指南 = The Independent travellers...
食品詐欺 = Food fraud:an drganised crime?
空中看俄羅斯 = Russia from above
Hofer, Petra
巴拿馬文件:世紀大洩密 = Panama papers:the hold...
Bringer, Benoit
金錢與藝術 : Money art
Brega, Massimo
…で: Brega, Massimo
比特幣科技的應用與前瞻 = Magic money:the Bitcoi...
Delmastro, Tim
…で: 蔡侑勳
亞馬遜帝國:征服全世界 = In Amazon we trust
Carr-Brown, David
…で: 莊昇霖
設計+故事 = Design + story
Ocampo, Keesa
…で: Ocampo, Keesa
布偶大師~吉姆.亨森 = In their own words:Jim ...
Dalaklis, Chuck
解碼金字塔 = Decoding the Great Pyramid
Fowlie, Tom
空間創造:翻轉建築界的五位女建築師 = Making space:5 w...
Guilfoyle, Ultan
古巴繽紛樂 = Alumbrones
Donnelly, Bruce
…で: Donnelly, Bruce
岩畫藝術探秘 = On the rocks
Bouvret, Jean-Luc
…で: Bouvret, Jean-Luc
網路的資安隱憂 = Truth about cyber security
Xiangyu, Say
時間竊賊 = Time thieves
Dannoritzer, Cosima
…で: Dannoritzer, Cosima
誰吃了你的養老金? : The pension gamble
Gaviria, Marcela
建築慢慢 = The mindful architects