著作: | 1217 作品に 1203 出版物中に 1203 言語 |
策略遊戲 = The strategy game : an interactive business game where uou make or break the company
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未來贏家 = Managing the future : 掌握2000年十大經營趨勢; 10 driving forces of change for the '90s
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中華民國創新/興業管理研討會論文集 = Proceedings of the innovation & entrepreneurship management national conference
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組織遊戲 = The organization game : an interactive business game where you make or break the company
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企業版圖 = Management Masterclass : A practical guide to the new realities of management
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科技創業聖經 = Finding fertile ground : 如何找到下一個微軟; Identifying extraordinary opportunities for new ventures
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策略地圖 = Strategy Maps : 串聯組織策略從形成到徹底實施的動態管理工具; Converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes
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MSCI全球產業股價指數之領先落後關係研究 = On the lead-lag relationship among the MSCI global major industry indices
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教官領導行為、服務品質與學生滿意度關係之研究 = A study of the relation between drillmaster leadership behavior and service quality to student satisfaction
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教學服務品質與親師溝通對學習自我效能影響之研究 = Teaching service quality and parent-teacher communication on learning self-efficacy
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以計畫行為理論探討影響家長購買決策之因素 = The impact factors of parents' purchasing decision based on planned behavior theory-a case of children attending oral presentation program : 以兒童參加口語表達班為例
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以科技接受模式探討學校網路行銷之研究 = The school internet marketing in technology acceptance model - a case study of an elementary school : 以某國小為例
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以顧客認知價值與拍賣網站品質觀點探討線上拍賣網站購買意願之研究 = A study of the buying behavior of online auction:perspectives of the perceived value and auction website quality
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知覺組織支持與職場友誼關係之研究 = The relationship between perceived organizational support and workplace friendship:the moderating effects of achievement motivation : 以成就動機為干擾變數
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薪資保密、信任與心理契約關係之研究 = The relationship among pay secrecy, trust and psychological contracts
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外籍勞工文化智商對工作投入影響之研究 = A study of the influence of foreign workers' cultural intelligence on job involvement:the mediating effects of cross-cultural adjustment : 以跨文化適應為中介變項
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名人涉入、知覺價值與旅遊意願關係之研究 = The relationship among celebrity involvement,perceived value and travel intention
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散裝海運運費與主要原物料價格之互動關係研究 = On the relationship between dry bulk freight rates and major raw material prices
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油價與天然橡膠價格對股價之影響 = The impacts of oil price and natural rubber price on stock prices:evidence from Taiwan the companies : 以台灣輪胎公司為例
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原油價格與替代性能源之關聯性研究 = The study of the relationship between crude oil prices and alternative energies
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利率、股價與費率之關聯性 = On the relationship among interest rate, stock price, and exchange rate:evidence from South Korea and Taiwan : 以南韓與台灣為例
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服務品質、市場導向與關係品質對行銷績效影響之研究 = Effects of service quality, market orientation and relationship quality on marketing performance:in cases of the SMEs in Taiwan : 以中小企業為例
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消費者知覺品質、體驗行銷與產品涉入對忠誠度影響之研究 = Impacts of consumer perceived quality, experience marketing and product involvement on consumer loyalty - take internet purchasing as example : 以網路購物為例
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拼布業的贈品促銷對購買意願影響之研究 = The influence of the premium promotion of the patchwork industry on purchasing intention
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青少年價值觀與產品屬性對購買意願影響之研究 = A study of the effects of adolescents' value and products attributes on purchase intention : 以潮流服飾為例; The case of in-style clothing
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應用品質機能展開建構電子商店服務品質之研究 = Application of the QFD in designing E-store service quality
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服務創新對服務品質與顧客滿意度關係影響之研究 = The effects of service innovation on service quality and customer satisfaction - a case study of chain stores in Taiwan : 以連鎖超商為例
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中華郵政服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = A study on service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty of the chunghwa post corporation-a case in the changhwa county : 以彰化縣郵局為例
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員工教育訓練與員工滿意度對工作績效之關係研究 = A study of the relations between employee's training, satisfaction and job performance
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探討新住民子女教育問題與學校教育的關係 = Issue of relationship between the problem of learning and education for new resident children
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市場導向、涉入程度與學習自我效能之研究 = Market orientation, involvement and self-efficacy : 以攜手計劃為例; An example of after school alternative program
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零售商涉入程度對新產品發展之影響 = The study of retailer involvement on new product development-a case of instant noodle industry : 以速食麵產業為例
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女性內衣市場區隔之研究 = A study on the market segmentation of lingerie consumers in central Taiwan : 以中部地區女性消費者為例
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台中市社區老人大學銀髮族休閒參與、休閒滿意度與生活品質關係之研究 = A study of seniors leisure participation, leisure satisfaction and quality of life in Taichung City University for the elderly
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連鎖咖啡公司之關鍵成功因素對夥伴影響之研究 = A study on the key success factors influence on the partnership in coffee chain store franchisee's perspective : 加盟主的觀點
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消費者特性、產品特性及通路型態對品牌忠誠度影響之研究 = The impact of customer characteristics, product characteristics and channel patterns on brand loyalty-the case of women's underwear : 以女性內衣為例
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知覺價格、知覺品質及知覺風險對線上購買意願之研究 = A study of perceived price, perceived quality and perceived risk on-line purchase intention-the case of women's underwear : 以女性內衣為例
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國小教師專業發展評鑑對教師工作態度之影響 = The effects of teacher profession development evaluation at elementary schools on the teachers' teaching attitude
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文化創意產業園區關鍵成功因素之研究 = A study of the key success factors in cultural creation industry zone
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網路社群關係、傳播行為與網路合購意願之研究 = The research on community relationship and the communicative bejavior for internet group-buying - as an example of food : 以食品為例
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公立國民中小學學校形象及學習環境因素對家長選擇權影響之研究 = A study of the influence of the image of public primary and secondary schools and learning environmental factors on parents' choice
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餐飲業顧客經驗與服務藍圖 = Customer experience and service blueprint in restaurant service : a study of analytic induction method : 一個分析歸納方法之研究
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企業內組織溝通、溝通媒介與員工組織公民行為關係之研究 = A research on the relationships between organization communication, communication media and employee organizational citizenship behavior
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股價、房價與放款利率之關聯性研究 = The relationship among stock prices, housing prices, and loan rates : evidence from U.S. and Taiwan : 以美國及台灣為例
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彰化縣國民小學家長參與校務與學校效能關係之研究 = The relationship between parents' participation in school affairs and school efficiency of elementary schools in changhua county
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利他行為、顧客價值與顧客往來意願關係之研究 = A study of relationship among altruism, customer value and likelihood of non-switching
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全球債卷組合基金與全球不動產基金之投資組合績效評估之研究 = Templeton global bond fund and real estate mutual funds for investment combination performance estimating
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組織理論與管理 = Organization theory and management : 個案.衡量與產業應用; cases, measurements, and industrial applications
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策略管理 = Strategic management : 建立企業永續競爭力; building sustainable competitive advantages
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組織理論與管理 = Organization theory and management : 基礎與應用; fundamentals and applications
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廠商參與商展之動機、執行過程與績效之影響 = The relationship among motivation, execution, and performance of a company exhibition
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運用修正平滑移動平均法預測專案工期之研究 = Applying revised sliding moving average approach to improve project duration forecasting
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法人股東持股與企業財務危機關聯性之研究 = A study of corporate stockholder shareholding and financial distress : Evidence from Taiwan
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導入動機與執行ERP對經營績效之探討 = The relationship among ERP's motivation, execution, and performance
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個人價值觀、情感會計與購買意圖關聯性之探討 = The relationship among personal value emotional accounting and purchase intent : 以奢侈品為例; Empirical evidence from luxury goods
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新產品上市之品牌策略 = The brand strategy for new product launch : 以台灣農產品進入大陸市場為例; A case study of Taiwan's agricultural products in China
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技術商品化關鍵因素之研究 = A study on critical factors to technology commercialization : 以環保節能汽車為例; A case of Eco CAR
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關鍵鏈緩衝區大小影響專案管理績效之研究 = The effect of buffer size of critical chain on project performance
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運用平衡計分卡導入專案管理績效之評估 = Using balanced scorecard approach to project management performance
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研究發展支出對公司價值之影響 = The impact of recearch and development expenditure on firm value : 以美國生技製藥上市公司為例; Evdence from U.S. biopharmaceutical listed companies
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金融風暴前後機構法人持股策略之比較 = Institutional holding strategies:a comparison from pre-and post-financial crisis
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區域創新系統、產業群聚與文化創意產業發展之研究 = A study of regional innovation system, industrial cluster and the development of cultural creative industry
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控制股東對企業社會責任之影響 = The impact of controlling shareholder on corporate social responsibility
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經濟開放程度與鋼鐵價格之關聯性研究 = On the relationship between economic openness and steel price
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影響品牌延伸關鍵因素之實證研究 = An empirical study of critical factors affecting brand extension
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平衡行為模式之建構研究 = Construction the balance behavior model : 以國際賑災為例; A case of international disaster relief
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競合理論應用於品牌與通路關係之研究 = A case study on relationship of between brand and channel by Co-opetition theory
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小學教師使用電子教科書忠誠度之研究 = A study on the loyalty of using e-textbook for teachers of elementary school : 以彰化縣為例; Take Zhanghua county as the examples
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系統思考應用於公司競爭策略之研究 = Application of systems thinking to competitive strategy : 以維力食品公司為例; A case study of WeiLih
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長期投資與舉債對公司價值之影響 = The impact of Long-Term investment and debt on firm value : 以台灣水泥上市公司例; Evidence from Taiwan gement companies listed on Taiwan stock exchange
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群體凝聚力對組織公民行為影響之研究 = The impact of group cohesiveness on organizational citizenship behaviors : 以組織認同為中介變數; organizational identification as mediator variable
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服務創新、服務品質與顧客滿意度關聯性之研究 = The relationships among service innovation, service quality, and customer satisfaction : 以澎湖觀光產業為例; A case study of tourism industries in Penghu
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研發國際化對組織創造力影響 = R&D intermationalization and organizational creativity : 產業週期速率與鄰近性的調和角色; The moderating role of industry clockspeed and proximity
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運用韋伯分析評估不同專案工期預測方法準確度 = Applying Weibull analysis to estimate accuracy of different project duration forecasting methods
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文化創意產業國際化關鍵成功因素之探討 = The key success factors of internationalization of cultural creative industry : 以電影產業為例; A case analysis of movie industry
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服務品質、關係品質與公司績效之關係研究 = The relationship among service quality, relationship quality, and company performance : 以彰化文理補習班為例; A case of cram schools in changhua city
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便利商店行銷策略與顧客滿意度關係之研究 = The relationship between the marketing strategy of convenience stores and customer satisfaction
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以系統思考觀點探討億光公司之成長動態 = The growth dynamic of everlight company : A systems thinking perspective
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台灣股票市場法人與散戶價量動態關係之研究 = The dynamic relation between return and institutional and individual trades
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網路匿名行為模式下,產品鑑賞期與網路消費者倫理關係之研究 = Under internet anonymous behavior, the research of the relationship between product appreciation and online consumer ethics
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國民小學品質管理實務與學校行政效能關係之研究 = A study on the relationship between quality management practices and administractive effectiveness : 以彰化縣為例; In the elementary schools in Changhua
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研發國際化對組織創造力影響:總部技術接收與子公司技術領導力的調和角色 = R&D internationalization and organizational creativity : the moderating role of adaptation of HQ technology and technical leadership
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員工偏差行為之跨層次分析 = A multilevel investigation of factors influencing employee deviance : 以跨國企業員工為例; Evidence from employees of multinational enterprises
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臺中市國民小學行政服務品質與口碑對顧客滿意度之研究 = A study on the relationship among administrative service quality, word of mouth and customers satisfaction of elementary schools in Taichung city
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口碑與促銷方式對消費者購買行為之研究 = The study of the impact of word-of-mouth and promotion type on consumer purchase behavior research : 以化妝保養品為例; A case study of cosmetic and skin care products
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居民與遊客對觀光城鎮意象差異之研究 = A Study on Image Difference of Tourisn Town between Residents and Visitors : 以鹿港為例; A Case of LuKang
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地震的災害知覺對日本旅遊之旅遊動機與重遊意願之研究 = A Study of Earthquake's Disaster Perception on Travel Motivation and Revisiting Willingness of Tours to Japan
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教師專業學習社群互動對個人 = The Influence of the Interaction of Teacher's Professional Learning Communities on Person : 工作契合度之影響以工作壓力為干擾變數; Job Fit using Work Stress As a Moderating Variable
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善因行銷、心靈會計對非營利組織募款成效之研究 = A Study of Non-profit Organization Fund-Raising Performance Influenced by Cause-Related Marketing and Mental Accounting
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便利商店服務創新、顧客價值與顧客忠誠度關聯性研究 = A Study of the Relationships among the Service Innovation of Convenient Loyalty : 以臺中市7-11為例; A Case Study of 7-11 in Taichung
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指數股票型基金(ETF)、期貨、選擇權與台灣摩根指數之關聯性研究 = A Study of the Relationship among Exchange Traded Fund(ETF), the Futures, the Options and Taiwan of the MSCI
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員工職場友誼與員工社會化關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationship between Employee Workplace Friendship and Employee Socialization
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服務補救、認知公平對顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = A Study of Service Recovery, Perceived Justice and Customer Loyalty
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彰化縣中小學教師使用線上題庫之決定因素研究 = An Empirical Study of K-12 Teacher's Determinants toward the Online Question Bank in Changhua County
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股利迎合與股利變動的資訊內涵 = Dividend catering and the information content of dividend changes
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旅客服務品質感受、消費體驗與忠誠度之研究 = A Study on Travelers' Service Quality Perception Consuming Experience and Loyalty : 以清水服務區為例; Using Qing-Shui Service Area as an Example
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個人─組織契合度與個人─工作契合度對工作努力的影響 = The Impacts of Person-Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit on Work Effort : 以性別為干擾; The Moderating Effect of Gender
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工作家庭衝突對個人工作契合度影響之研究 = The Effect of Work-Family Conflict to Person-Job Fit : 以社會支持為干擾變項; The Moderating Effect of Social Support
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企業社會責任對購買意願影響之研究 = The Relationship between CSR and Purchase Intenion : 以行銷溝通工具為干擾變數; The Moderate Effect by Marketing Communication Tool
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促銷方式、參考群體、購買情況對購買意願之關聯性研究~ = A Study of Purchase Intention from Promo- tion、Reference Group、Purchasing Situation : 以現調茶飲為例; In Case of Bubble Tea
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雲端服務在顧客關係管理之應用 = The Application of cloud Service in CRM : 以台灣綠色產品為例; The Cases Study of Green Productd in Taiwan
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TS16949及ISO50001標準對汽車零組件業競爭力及品牌形象之影響 = The Contributions of TS16949 and ISO50001 Standard for Competitireness and Brand Image of Auto Parts Industrial
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外資從眾因素之探討 = The Determinants of Foreign Institutional Herding : 基本面與技術面之分析; Evidences from Fundamental and Technical Analyses
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品牌形象對顧客滿意度與忠誠度影響之研究 = The Impact of Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty : 以85度C為例; A Case Study of 85℃ Cafe
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部落格口碑、品牌形象對購買意願之影響 = A Study on the Influence of Blog Word-of-Mouth and Brand Image on Purchase Intention : 以某知名美妝部落格為例; A Well-Knoen Cosmetic Blog Case
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董事會特色與企業社會績效之關連性 = A Study of Association between Board Structure and Corporate Social Performance
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產品履歷與雲端服務對新產品管理績效之影響研究 = The Effect Traceability System and Cloud Services on New Product Management Performance : 以農產品為例; An Example of Agricultural Products
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集團企業國際化、多角化對新設事業決策之影響 = Internationalization, Diversification of Business Group and the Decision of New Venture Creation
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供應鏈整合的驅動力、整合障礙、整合程度及績效關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Supply Chain Integration Drivers, Barriers, Integration Degrees and Performance
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平衡計分卡之規劃與設計 = The Design and Planning of Balanced Scorecard : 以二水鄉農會為例; A Case Study of Ershui Township Farmers
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以系統思考探討低成本航空公司之經營模式 = A Study on the Business Model of Low Cost Carrier : A Systems Thinking Perspective
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集團企業多角化與國際化對持續投資的影響 = Business Group Intemationalization, Diversification and the Sequential Investment in Subsidiaries
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集團企業合資子公司之持續投資 = Business Group Internationalization, Diversification and the Sequential Investment in Joint Venture Subsidiaries : 國際化與多角化的影響
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供應鏈整合與績效之相關研究 = A Study on Supply Chain Integration and Performance : 以環境不確定性為干擾效果; The Moderating Effect of Environment Uncertainty
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C公司人力資源管理實務之個案研究 = A Case Study on Human Resource Management Practices : C Company As An Example
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情緒勞務、工作壓力與工作倦怠間關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Emotional Labor, Job Stress and Burnout : 以彰化縣基層戶政人員為例; An Example of Household Registration Officers in Changhua County
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壽險業新進業務員定著率與教育訓練之關係 = The Relationship between Retention Ratio and Training:Evidence from New Agents of "T" Life Insuance Corporation : 以T人壽為例
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品牌來源國形象、品牌形象及購買意願關係之研究 = A study of the relationships among brand country-of-origin image,brand image and purchase intention
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以系統思考觀點探討汽車經銷商經營模式之研究 = A Study on the Business Model of Dealer within Automotive Industry: A Systems Thinking Perspective
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綠色產品網路服務品質、產品知識、知覺價值與電子口碑關聯性之實證研究 = An Empirical Study of the Relationships among e-Service Quality, Product Knowledge, Perceived Value and eWOM on Green Products
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影響國民小學家長持續使用班級網頁因素之探討 = A Study of Factors Influencing Elementary School Parents' Continuous Usage Class Websites
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鎳價對台灣不銹鋼公司股價之影響度研究 = The effect for the Nickel price on the stock prices for stainless steel companies in Taiwan
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棉花價格對臺灣紡織公司股價之影響度研究 = The Impact of the Cotton Price on the Stock Prices for Textile Companies in Taiwan
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基金費用訂定之影響因素相關分析 = The Determinants of Setting Fund Expenses-Evidence from Equity Fund : 以股票型基金為例
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影響國內股票型基金週轉率因素之研究 = A Study of the Effects of Turnover Ratio in Domestic Equity Funds
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台灣50ETF與一般股票型共同基金之績效比較 = The Performance Comparison between Taiwan 50 ETF and Common Stock Funds
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體驗行銷與消費者偏好對購買意圖之影響 = The Influence of Experiential Marketing and Consumer Preferences on Purchase Intention-A Case Study of Taichung City Department Stores : 以台中市百貨公司為例
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國內股票型基金績效持續性之探討 = Performance Persistence Analysis of Domestic Equity Mutual Funds
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組織文化、組織變革、工作滿意度與組織承諾關聯性之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Organizational Culture, Organizational Change, Job Satisfaction and Organiza-tional Commitment
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組織公平、工作耗竭、工作滿意度與組織承諾關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Organizational Justice, Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
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組織公平、信任、工作滿意度與組織公民行為關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Organizational Justice, Trust, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
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內部行銷、工作投入、工作滿意度與工作績效關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Internal Marketing, Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance
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整合Kano模式與品質機能展開法探討連鎖書店服務品質之研究 = Integrating the Kano Model into QFD for Service Quality of the Chain Bookstores
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品牌知名度、知覺價格與知覺價值對購買意願的影響 = Measuring The Effect of Brand Awareness, Price Perception and Value Perception on Buying Intention-An Empirical Study on Foreign Travel : 以國外旅遊為例
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整合Kano模式與品質機能展開於美語補習班服務品質之研究 = Integration of Kano Model into QFD in the Study for Service Quality of Afterschool English Program
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整合Kano模式與品質機能展開法探討個性咖啡店服務品質之研究 = Integrating the Kano Model into QFD for Service Quality of Individual Coffee Shops
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綠色產品形象對知覺價值與購買意願之影響 = The Effects of Green Product Image on Perceived Value and Purchase Intention
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運用改良動態平滑移動平均法於專案工期預測之研究 = Forecasting Project Duration by Using Dynamic Sliding Moving Average Approach
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運用模糊層級分析法探討國小教師專業能力之研究 = Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Investigate Professional Ability of Elementary Teachers
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以系統思考觀點探討台灣大車隊之經營模式 = The Study on Business Model of Taiwan Taxi Company: A Systems Thinking Perspective
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整合Kano與QFD以提升桃園國際機場之服務品質 = Integrating the Kano Model into QFD for Improving Service Quality of TaiwanTaoyuan International Airport
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專案經理家長式領導與組織文化對專案績效影響之研究 = A Study on the Effect of Project Manager's Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Culture on the Project Performance
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運用六標準差手法改善學生學習成效之研究 = A Study on Improvement of Students’Learning Effectiveness by Six Sigma Approach
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運用知覺圖探討四物飲品品牌定位及競爭策略 = Applying Perceptual Map to Brand Positioning and Competitive Strategy Development in Four Agent Drink
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探討道德強度與內外控能力對道德決策過程之影響 = The Probe into The Effects of Moral Intensity and Locus of Control on Ethical Decision-Making-Take Campus Bullying for Example : 以校園霸凌為例
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應用品質機能展開改善攜手計劃課後扶助之服務品質 = Applying Quality Function Deployment to Improve the Service Quality of After School Alternative Program
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有機商店服務品質與顧客滿意度之研究 = A Study on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Organic Stores - A Case Study of Leezen Organic Store in Taichung City : 以台中市里仁有機商店為例
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民眾對警察機關服務品質之研究 = A Study on Residents’ Perception of Service Quality for Police Station – with Sihu Precinct of Changhua County Police Bureau as an Example : 以彰化縣警察局溪湖分局為例
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運用「防制校園霸凌法治教育」動畫實施反霸凌統整教學之行動研究 = An Action Research on The Implementation of Anti-Bullying Integrated Teaching─Using Animation for Sixth Graders : 以國小六年級為例
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游泳教學產業經營策略之個案研究 = A Case Study of Business Strategies in Swimming Teaching Industry:Take Ren Ren Itoman Swimming School in Taichung City for Example : 以台中人人伊藤萬游泳學校為例
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國民小學級任教師班級經營策略與教學效能之研究 = A Research on Classroom Management Strategies and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Teachers
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線上遊戲公司經營策略之個案研究 = A Study on Business Strategy of Online Game Company : 以紅心辣椒娛樂科技公司為例; A Case Study of Cayenne Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.
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國小教師知覺組織支持、組織承諾與職業倦怠關係之研究 = The Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment Related to Their Burnout Situation
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國小教師職務分配、工作滿意度與退休態度之關係研究 = A Study on Relationships among Position Assignment Work Satisfaction and Retirement Attitude of the Elementary School Teachers
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情緒勞務、服務環境、知覺服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Emotional Labor, Servicescapes, Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
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產品屬性、態度、愉悅與顧客滿意度之關係研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Product Attributes, Attitude, Pleasure and Customer Satisfaction
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外部知識移轉過程 = External Knowledge Transfer Processes─An Empirical Study on the Roles of Cooperative Relationship and Absorptive Capacity : 「合作關係」與「吸收潛力」角色之研究
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比較不同利益區隔消費者對療傷系玩具之需求 = A Comparison of Different Requirements of Healing Toys from Different Benefit Segments: a Refined Kano's Model Perspective : 精化Kano模式觀點
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越南公司經銷商關係管理對銷售之影響 = The Impact of Distributor Relationship Management on Company's Sales in Vietnam
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品牌形象對知覺價值與認同度之影響 = The Effects of Brand Image on Perceived Value and Identity:A Case of the Specialized School : 以特色學校為例
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建立農會理念識別之研究 = A Study on Development Mind Identification of Famer's Association─A Case Study on Erhshui Branch : 以二水農會為例
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環保標章認知、知覺價值與購買意願之研究 = The Perception of Eco-labal, Perceived Value and Purchase Intention
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服務創新、滿意度與品牌認同關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Service Innovation, Satisfaction and Brand Identity
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消費者特性與網路購物使用環境對再購意願之影響以保養品為例 = The Impact of Consumer Characteristics and Internet Shopping's Environment to Repurchase Intention-A Case of Skin Care Products
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品牌形象與品牌延伸績效間之關係的研究 = A Study of The Relationship between Brand Image and Brand Extensions Performance-Using Brand Love as A Moderating Variable : 以品牌愛戀為干擾變項
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流行服飾業品牌形象對購買意願之影響 = Fashion Industry Brand Image and Purchase Intention - The Moderating Role of Consumer Involvement : 探討消費者涉入之干擾效果
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兩岸網路購物因素之研究 = A Study of Online Shopping Factors on Tourism Industy – Comparing the Consumers of Taiwan with Mainland China. : 以旅遊業為例
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電視購物消費者對3C產品購買意願之研究 = A Study of Purchase Intentions on TV Shopping for 3C Products – Comparing the Consumers of Taiwan with Mainland China. : 以台灣地區及大陸地區消費者為例
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人力資源管理實務之個案研究 = A Case Study on Human Resource Management Practice of P Company : 以P公司為例
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道德強度在網路交易情境上與道德哲學對道德決策之影響 = The Effect of Moral Intensity on Moral Decision Makingin Online Transactions Contexts and Moral Philosophy
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台灣股票報酬之預測 = Application of The-sum-of-the-parts Method to Forecast Taiwan Stock Market Returns : 應用分部預測法
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一位旅日職棒球員運動生涯之研究 = A Resaerch of a Taiwanese Professional Baseball Player's Career Development in Japan
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整合型數位行銷通路與直銷通路對消費者購買意願之影響 = Integrated Digital Marketing Channels and Direct Selling for Consumer Purchase Intention of Biotech Products : 以健康食品為例
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技術生命週期與技術投資策略之關鍵影響因素 = Key Influencing Factors on Technology Life Cycle and Technology Investment Strategy ─ A Case Study of Antenna Design Company : 以天線設計廠A公司為例之研究
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應用Kano模式評估國小電子教科書品質之研究 = Applying Kano's Model to Evaluate the Elementary E-textbook Quality
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綠色消費趨勢下商業經營模式之研究 = A Study of Business Model under Green Consumings Trend─A Case in Organic Food Industry : 以有機食品業為例
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獨立董事特性與盈餘管理之關聯性研究 = Characteristics of Independent Directors and Earnings Management
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服務品質、滿意度與顧客忠誠度相關性之研究 = Service Quality, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of the SPA Hotel : 溫泉飯店為例
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以系統思考觀點探討產品擴張之成長動態 = The Growth Dynamic of Product Expansion in W Restaurant Group:A Systems Thinking Perspective : 以王品集團為例
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品質管理服務、組織創新與經營績效關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Quality Management Practices, Organizational Innpvation and Business Performance
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郵政支局經營績效研究 = The Study of Operating Performance of Postal Branch Offices─Applying DEA Method : 資料包絡分析應用
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我國不動產投資信託(REITs)、營建業類股與風險因子之關聯性研究 = A Study of the Relationship among the Real Estate Investment Trust(REITs), the Construction Industry Stocks and Risk Factors in Taiwan
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探討道德強度與道德哲學對道德決策過程之影響 = The Probe into the Effects of Moral Intensity and Moral Philosophy on Ethical Decision-Making─Take Corporal Punishment for Example : 以體罰為例
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運用資料包絡分析法評估新竹市立國民中學之經營效率 = The Assessment of Management Efficiency for the Public Junior High Schools of Hsinchu City by Applying the Data Envelopment Analysis Method
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苗栗縣國小女性教師的生活型態與品牌形象對運動鞋購買意願之研究 = Lifestyle and Brand Image on Sports Footwares Purchase Intention Among Female Elementary Teachers in Miaoli Country
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不當行為與工作價值觀關係之研究 = The Relationship between Workplace Misbehavior and Work Values
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運用DEA評估台灣中高交通可及性之國家森林遊樂區經營績效 = An Application of DEA to Evaluate the Operating Performance of National Forest Recreation Areas in the Medium and High Accessible Transport
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金融服務業產品知識、顧客滿意度與再購意願之研究 = The Relationships Among Products Knowledge, Customer Satisfaction and Reporchase Intention in Financial Service Industry : 以共同基金為例
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消費者購買品牌服飾意願之影響因素研究 = The Influencing Factor of Consumer's Purchase Intentions to Buy Branded Clothing
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農產品通路與生產者收益之研究 = Agro Product Distribution Channel and Its Grower's Return-A Case of Puli Nantou's Water Bamboo : 以南投埔里地區筊白筍為例
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家長選擇才藝補習班之關鍵因素研究 = The Key Factors That Affect Student Parents' Choice of After School Enrichment Class
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不當行為與工作敬業關係之研究 = The Relationship between Workplace Misbehavior and Work Engagement
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醫美服務人員外表吸引力與價格敏感度關係之研究 = The Study for the Relationship between Physical Attractiveness of Cosmetics Employee and Comsumer's Price Sensitivity
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台中市國小學童學校運動社團參與動機與學習滿意度之研究 = A Study on Student's Participating Motivation and Learning Satisfaction of Elementary School Sport Clubs in Taichung
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博物館志工參與動機、激勵措施與工作投入之研究 = Museum Volunteer's Participation Motivation, Motivation Perception and Job Involvement─A Case of Taipei Astronomical Museum : 以臺北市立天文科學教育館為例
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休閒農場遊憩體驗、滿意度與重遊意願之研究 = Recreation Experience, Satisfaction and Revisit Intention at Leisure Farms-A Case of Yuehmei Pegasus Ranch : 以台中月眉天馬牧場為例
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觀光工廠體驗行銷、擁擠知覺與顧客滿意度之研究 = The Relationship among Experiential Marketing, Perceived Crowding, and Customer Satisfaction for Tourism Factory
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影響消費者購買手搖茶飲因素之研究 = Factors Effecting Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Handshake Beverage
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探索教育引導員培訓課程對大專學生生活效能影響之研究 = A Study on the Influence of Adventure Education Facilitator Training Course on Life Effectiveness of College Students
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股權結構與獨立董事設置之關聯性實證研究 = An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Ownership Structure and Independent Director Appointment
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公司特性對獨立董事設置之影響 = The Impact of Corporate Characteristics on Independent Director Appointment
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美國實施QE3前後,利率對黃金價格變動、通貨膨脹率及失業率之動態分析 = Before and After the USA implementing QE3, a Dynamic Analysis of the Interest Rate on Gold Price Changes, Inflation Rate, and Unemployment Rate
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整合Kano模式與品質機能展開法於國民小學行政服務品質之研究 = Integrating Kano Model and QFD into Administration Service Quality in Elementary School
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自由行旅客對旅遊服務網站滿意度之研究 = A Study of Satisfaction on Travel Service Websites for Independent Travelers-Using Product Involvement as Moderating Variables : 以產品涉入為干擾因素
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菸品銷售通路商與製造商依存關係之研究 = The Dependency Relationship Between Tobacco Manufacturer and It's Distributor
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下午茶點心屬性與消費者購買意願之研究 = The Study on the Attributes of Afternoon Tea Snakes on Comsumers' Purchase Intention
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零食添加口味知覺對國小學童購買意願之研究 = The Study of Snacks' Flavor Perception on Elementary School Student's Purchase Intention
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產品功能、價格與消費者購買意願之研究 = The Study of Product Functionality and Price on Consumers' Purchase Intention─Soymilk Maker as an Example : 以豆漿機為例
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顧客品牌回應與企業社會責任對品牌關係品質之影響 = The Influence of Brand Responses and Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Relationship: A Study on Mineral Water Market in Taiwan : 以台灣礦泉水市場為例
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概念構圖教學對提升國小學生國語科閱讀成效之研究 = Using Concept Mapping for enhancing the effectiveness of elementary school students' study of language arts reading
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網頁設計、互動、服務補救、顧客滿意度與行為意圖關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Website Design, Interaction, Service Recovery, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention
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奢侈稅實施前後影響房地產成交價風險因子之實證分析 = Before and After Luxury Tax, An Empirical Analysis on Risk Factors of the Price for the Real Estate─The Case of the Five Municipalities in Taiwan : 以五都為例
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知覺公平、知覺風險、信任與忠誠度關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Perceived Fairness, Perceived Risk, Trust and Loyalty
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發展國小教師雲端科技教學知識量表之研究 = Development of a Cloud-based Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale for Primary School Teachers
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工作滿意度、組織承諾與組織公民行為關係之研究 = A Study of the Relatipnships among Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
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人格特質、工作滿意度與工作績效關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance
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汽車外型設計對消費者購買意願之研究 = A Study of Automotive Exterior Design on Consumer Purchase Intention
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父母教養態度對青少年消費行為影響之研究 = Parents Attitude Toward Teenagers Consumption Behavior Analysis-A Case Study of Cell Phone : 以手機為例
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透過IPA模式改善大學科系服務品質之研究 = Applying Importance─Performance Analysis to Improve Service Quality of a Department of Universuty
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實價登錄實施前後影響法拍屋成交價風險因子之實證分析 = Before and After Real Value Registry, An Empirical Analysis on Risk Factors of the Price for Foreclosures─The Case of Northern Taiwan : 以北部地區為例
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透過IPA模式改善私立小學之學校形象 = Applying Importance-Performance Analysis to Improve School Image of Private Elementary School
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服務品質、知覺價值、顧客滿意度與行為意圖關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Service Quality, Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention
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亞洲國家獨立董事設置的比較 = A Comparison of Independent Director Appointment between Malaysia and Taiwan : 以馬來西亞和台灣為例
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職家衝突對工作績效影響之研究 = The Impact of Work-Family Conflict on Work Performance─Coping Strategies as Moderators : 以因應策略為干擾變項
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精實思維運用於宿舍服務管理之研究 = A Study on the Application of Lean Thinking in Dormitory Service Management
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審計委員會相關特性對資訊揭露水準之影響 = The Effect of Audit Committee Related Characteristics on Information Disclosure Levels
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品牌關係與企業社會責任對品牌忠誠度之影響 = The Influence of Brand Relationship and Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty: A Study on Credit Card Market in Taiwan : 以台灣信用卡市場為例
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特色學校認證之個案研究 = A Case Study of School Feature Certification-An Example of X Elementary School in Changhua County : 以彰化縣X小學為例
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特種貨物及勞務稅對台灣五都房價之影響 = The Effect of Specially Selected Good and Services Tax Act's on Housing Prices in Taiwan the Five Metropolises
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企業財務危機與流動性之關聯性研究 = A Study on the Relationship between Corporate Financial Distress and Liquidity
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領導者與部屬交換關係品質對職家衝突之影響 = The Impact of Leader-Member Exchange Quality on Work-Family Conflict: The Mediating Effects of Workload and Job Autonomy : 分別以工作負荷量、工作自主性為中介
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彈性工作安排對職家衝突之影響 = The Impact of Flexible Work Arrangements on Work-Family Conflict—Family Responsibility as a Moderator : 以家庭責任為干擾變項
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課後托育服務機構服務創新與顧客滿意度之相關研究 = The Relationship Between Service Innovation and Customer Satisfaction of After School Care Service -A Case of Chao-Inn Elementary School : 以潮音國小為例
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品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之關係研究 = The Relationship between Brand Image and Customer Brand Loyalty -The Case Study of Smartphone Users in Taiwan : 以台灣智慧型手機使用者為例
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個人與組織契合度、職場友誼與工作敬業 = Person-Organization Fit, Workplace Friendship and Work Engagement: A Study of Substitute Teachers : 代理代課教師之探討
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包裝透明化與產品銷售關係之研究 = The Relationship between Transparent Packages and Sales Performance
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全面品質管理實務對創新績效與品質績效關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships on Total Quality Management Practices to Innovation Performance and Quality Performance
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服務品質、顧客滿意度對再購意願之研究 = A Study of the Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention - Take Winerys in Erlin, Taiwan for Example : 以二林台灣酒窖為例
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鶯歌陶瓷產業企業社會責任之研究 = A Study on the Corporate Social Responsibility of Yingge Ceramics Industry
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服務品質、體驗行銷與消費者購買意願關係之研究 = The Relationships among Service Quality, Experience Marketing and Purchase Intention-A Case of XYX Bicycle Corporation : 以XYX自行車為例
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台灣太陽能光電品牌發展研究 = Taiwan's Solar Photovoltaic BrandDevelopment Research: A Case of AUO : 以友達為例
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臺中文化創意產業園區之公私協力夥伴關係探討 = Public-private Partnerships Cooperation in Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park
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郵幣社經營模式之個案研究 = A Case Study on Business Model of the Stamp and Coin Store: Insights from an Empirical Study of the C Stamp and Coin Store : 以C郵幣社為例
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網路服飾店網路忠誠度影響因素之研究 = A Study of Factors Affecting on the E-Loyalty of Online Clothing Shop-Using College Students as an Example : 以大學生為例
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經理人持股比率、董事會結構與併購決策之關聯性 = The Relationship between Executive Ownership, Board Structure, and Merger & Acquisition Decisions
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董事會結構與股利政策之關聯性 = A Study on the Relationship between Board Composition and Dividend Policy
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企業社會責任公司是否受到機構投資人的支持 = Do Institutional Investors Support the Companies Performing Corporate Social Responsibility?
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品牌形象、知覺風險、信任與購買意願關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Brand Image, Perceived Risk, Trust and Purchase Intention
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供應鏈協同合作、核心能力、競爭優勢與組織績效關係之研究 = A Study of the Relationships among Supply Chain Collaboration, Core Competence, Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance
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人格特質、工作價值觀、工作壓力與工作績效之相關研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Personality Traits, Work Values, Job Stress and Job Performance
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激勵保健因子、工作投入與教學效能關係之研究 = The Study of the Relationships among Motivation-Hygiene Factor, Job Involvement and Teaching Effectiveness
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核心代理問題、機構法人與資訊揭露之關聯性 = Central Agency problem, Institutional Investor and Information Disclosure
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應用SIPA模式分析國內休閒農場之服務品質 = An Application of SIPA Model to Analyze the Service Quality of Leisure Farms in Taiwan
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遊客滿意度之旅遊服務品質與顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = The Relationships among Tourist Satisfaction, Tourism Service Quality and Tourists Loyalty-A Case of Five Stars Hotel in Vietnam : 以越南五星級飯店為例
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整合Kano與QFD於機場服務品質的研究 = Integrating the Kano Model into QFD in the Study of Airport- Service Quality
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運用平滑移動平均法改善預測專案工期準確性之研究 = Improving Project Duration Forecasting Accuracy of Earned Schedule :Sliding Moving Average Approach
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國小學童師生關係、同儕關係與幸福感之研究 = The Relations among Teacher-Student Relationship, Peer Relationship and Well-Being for Elementary School Students
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運用IPA改善第三方支付服務之服務品質 = Using IPA Model to Improve the Service Quality of Third-Party Payment Service Companies
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公司治理對公司經營績效之影響 = The Influence of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance –The Moderating Effect of the Characteristics of Independent Directors : 以獨立董監事特性為調節效果
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台灣上市櫃公司高階經理人薪酬影響因素之研究 = The Determinants of CEO Compensation of Taiwan Listed and OTC Companies
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國小教師人格特質、幸福感與教學創新接受度之相關研究 = A Correlation Study on Elementary School Teachers’ Personality Traits, Well-Being and Teachers’ Innovativeness
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家族企業對董事會結構與公司績效之關聯性的調節效果 = The Relation between Board Structure and Firm Performance-The Moderating Effect of Family Firm
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獨立董監事特性對盈餘品質的影響 = The Effects of Independent Director and Supervisor Characteristics on Earnings Quality-The Moderating Effect of Family Business : 以家族企業為調節效果
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老屋餐廳意象、顧客知覺價值與顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationship among Old House Restaurant Image, Customer Perceived Value and Customer Loyalty-Evidence from Tainan City : 以台南市為例
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企業社會責任、企業聲譽對顧客的品牌忠誠度之影響 = A Study on the Relationship Among Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation and Brand Loyalty:Evidence from Fast-Food Industry : 以速食業為例
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公司治理對資訊透明度之影響 = The Influence of Corporate Governance on Information Transparency –The Moderating Effect of the Characteristics of Independent Directors : 以獨立董監事特性為調節效果
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資訊透明度與公司經營績效之關係 = The Relationship between Information Transparency and Operating Performance of the Company
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運用SIPA模式改善大型量販店商店形象之研究 = An Application of SIPA Model to Improve Store Image of Hypermarkets: An Examinaiton of Costco in Taoyuan : 以桃園縣COSTCO為例
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公司治理、企業聲譽與公司績效之關聯性研究 = A Study on the Relationship among Corporate Governance, Reputation and Firm Performance
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品牌知名度、品牌形象及購買意願關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Brand Awareness, Brand Image and Purchase Intention
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商店形象、服務品質、知覺風險 與購買意願關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Store Image, Service Quality, Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention
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工作壓力、工作倦怠、工作滿意度與組織承諾關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships amongJob Stress, Burnout, Job Satisfactionand Organizational Commitment
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產品創新、產品知識、態度與購買意圖關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Product Innovation, Product Knowledge, Attitude and Purchase Intention
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服務品質、商店形象、顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = The Relationships among Service Quality, Store Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty-A Case Study of Steppingstone Bookstore : 以墊腳石圖書文化廣場為例
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賦權、情緒耗竭、工作滿意度及組織承諾關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Empowement, Emotional Exhaustion, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
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企業社會責任對消費者購買意願之影響 = Assessing the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Purchase Intention : A Case Study of Taiwan Consumers to Purchase 3C Products : 以台灣消費者購買3C產品為例
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台灣表面塗裝產業之競爭力分析 = The Competitive Analysis of Taiwan Surface Coating Industry-A Case of Chi-Xing Technology Co.,Ltd. : 以錡興為例
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消費者文化產品涉入與購買意願關係之研究 = The Relationships between Cultural Products Involvement of Consumer and Purchase Intention-Conformity Behavior as a Moderator : 以從眾行為為干擾變數
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共同基金經理人選股是否在乎公司治理? = Do Mutual Fund Managers Care Corporate Governance Mechanisms of Stock Firms?
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以層級分析法探討企業財務之決策-以新創化妝品公司為例 = Using analytical hierarchical process to evaluate the cosmetic firm's financial decision-making
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義勇消防人員管理研究 = A Study of Voluntary Firemen Management-A Case of Fire Department’s Second Crop in New Taipei City : 以新北市政府消防局第二大隊為例
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角色壓力、工作滿意度與離職傾向關係之研究 = A Study on the Relationships among Role Stress, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
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探討7-11與全家在廣告與促銷之差異 = The Difference between Seven-Elenen and Familymart’s Advertisement and Promotion Methods
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節慶活動行銷策略之研究 = Marketing Strategies of Festival Activities- A Case of Glutinous Rice Festival in Puyan- Township of Changhua County : 以埔鹽鄉糯米文化節活動為例
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民宿業者之關鍵成功因素探討 = Explore the Key Success Factors of B&B A Case Study in Nantou Chingjing Area : 以南投清境地區為例
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新北市新莊區大型賣場災害搶救與避難逃生之研究探討 = Large Stores Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City Disaster Rescue and Evacuation Investigate the Escape of Study
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傳統洗衣店與自助洗衣店競爭力之探討 = Competitive Analysis of Traditional Laundry Business and Self-Service Laundry Business
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探討消防倫理與專業訓練對救災能力之影響 = The Effect of Fire Science Ethics and Professional Training
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傳統雜糧商行之行銷組合策略對購買意願之相關研究影響 = The Study of Relationship Between The Marketing Portfolio Strategies and Purchase Intention of Traditional Grains Stores
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捷運站搶救精進作為與防災對策 = A Study on Strengthening the Disaster Prevention and Rescue of MRT station-A Case of Touqian Zhuang Station : 以新莊區頭前庄捷運站為例
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服務品質與產品組合對顧客知覺價值與再購意願影響之研究 = The Effects of Service Quality and Product Portfolio to Customer Perceived value and Repurchasing Intention-A Case of Postpartum Care : 以產後護理機構為例
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工作壓力與工作滿意度及工作績效之關係研究 = An Investigation on How Working Pressure Impact Working Satisfaction and Job Performance on Fire Fighters - New Taipei City : 以新北市消防人員為例
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遊憩動機與環境契合度對環境態度之影響 = A Study of the Recreation Motivation, Recreationist-Environment Fit and Environmental Attitudes:Evidence from Wu-jiou-tung Mountain : 以五酒桶山登山者為例
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研發支出與廣告支出對品牌價值之影響 = The Impact of R&D Expenditure and Advertisement Expenditure on Brand Value
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影響消費者安裝火災預警設備意願之因素研究 = Factors Affecting Consumers’Intention to Install Fire Alarm Equipment
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緊急救護資源使用之研究 = A Study of Emergency Medical Services- Touqian Fire Department in New Taipei City as The Example : 以新北市頭前消防分隊為例
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中彰投居民購買台中市房地產消費行為之探討 = The Consumer Behavior of Taichung Zhanghua Nantou Residents Buying Taichung City Real Estate
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台灣文化創意產業平台建構之研究 = The Platform Construction of Culture Creative Industry in Taiwan
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房屋仲介業服務創新之個案研究 = A Case Study of The Real Estate Company in Chang Hwa on Service Innovation : 以彰化市某房仲為例
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119緊急救護工作外包及監管機制建立之研究 = 119 Emergency Ambulance Outsourcing and Requlatory Mechanisms
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外資是否偏好公司治理較佳的公司? = Do Foreign Institutional Investors Care Corporate Governance Mechanisms of Stocks Firms?
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主題遊樂園體驗行銷與行為意圖關係之研究─以小人國為例 = A Study of the Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Behavioral Intention- A Case Study of Window on China Theme Park
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運用QFD開發校園數位行動學習系統之研究 = A Study on Applying Quality Function Deployment to Develop Campus Mobile Learning System
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國民小學推動金融基礎教育關鍵成功因素之研究 = A Study of the Key Success Factors of Promoting Financial Education in Elementary Schools
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非語言溝通情感模式之探討 = The Study for Nonverbal Communication Emotion Model - The Case of LINE Stickers : 以LINE貼圖為例
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消費者使用行動商務意願之研究 = Consumers’ Intention to Use M-commerce in Tourism Industry : 以觀光產業為例
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線上與離線服務屬性對顧客滿意度影響線上智慧型手機購買個案 = The Effect of Online to Offline Service Attributes on Customer Satisfaction a Case of Online Purchasing Smartphone
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中國經營之神 = The Chinese master of management:the secret of the great Chinese businessman:a study on Hu Xue-yan's management strategy : 胡雪巖成功的秘笈
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教你寫出神企劃 = Yes planning : 三星.首爾大學都在用的企劃力培養法; how to get your clients to be "yes" men
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邁向成功的策略 = Strategy leads to success:a practical guide for a winning business strategy : 企業致勝策略實務指引
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5年營收2倍成長 = Create a business plan that will double your sales in five years : 這樣的經營計劃如何做?
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給你一個公司, 你能賺錢嗎? = Management every is thing : 賺錢 投資政策 團隊人才 創新 信任; 管理, 就是管理!; can your company make money someone has to make decisions
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策略管理 = Strategic management : 建立企業永續競爭力; building sustainable competitive advantages
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管理學 = Management : 建立知識經濟時代的競爭優勢; creating competitive advantage in the knowledge economy era
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上市公司董事的身份和公司的表現 = Identity of directors and firm performance in publicly listed corporations
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上一堂EMBA戲劇課 = Innovation, drama and management : 學會創意領導.展現團隊合作, 一窺全球頂尖商學院培育優秀領導人的方法
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到設計師大腦找商機 = Design thinking : 設計思考X經營智慧X一流創意, 日本當紅設計師與頂尖企業Q&A, 從研發到實踐, 打造大受歡迎的商品
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