Science - History.
著作: | 92 作品に 55 出版物中に 55 言語 |
The dialogue of civilizations in the birth of modern science[electronic resource] /
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The Britannica guide to the 100 most influential scientists[electronic resource] :the most important scientists from ancient Greece to the present day /
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An introduction to the law and economics of environmental policy[electronic resource] :issues in institutional design /
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Explaining unemployment[electronic resource] :econometric modelsfor the Netherlands /
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Messy data[electronic resource] :missing observations, outliers,and mixed-frequency data /
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Learning from international public management reform.[electronic resource].Part a
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New research on labor relations and the performance of university HR/IR programs[electronicresource] /
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Entrepreneurship and economic growth in the American economy[electronic resource] /
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Entrepreneurial inputs and outcomes[electronic resource] :new studies of entrepreneurshipin the United States /
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Advances in accounting education[electronic resource] :teaching and curriculum innovations. Vol. 2 /
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Advances in accounting education[electronic resource] :teaching and curriculum innovations. Vol. 3 /
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Advances in accounting education[electronic resource] :teaching and curriculum innovations. Vol. 4 /
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The next phase of business ethics[electronic resource] :integrating psychology and ethics/
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The long-term economics of climate change[electronic resource] :beyond a doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations /
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Asian financial crisis[electronic resource] :financial, structural and international dimensions /
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Explaining unemployment[electronic resource] :econometric modelsfor the Netherlands /
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Messy data[electronic resource] :missing observations, outliers,and mixed-frequency data /
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Entrepreneurship and economic growth in the American economy[electronic resource] /
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Advances in accounting education[electronic resource] :teaching and curriculum innovations. Vol. 2 /
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Advances in accounting education[electronic resource] :teaching and curriculum innovations /
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New research on labor relations and the performance of university HR/IR programs[electronic resource] /
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The long-term economics of climate change[electronic resource] :beyond a doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations /
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Entrepreneurial inputs and outcomes[electronic resource] :new studies of entrepreneurshipin the United States /
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Asian financial crisis[electronic resource] :financial, structural and international dimensions /
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The next phase of business ethics[electronic resource] :integrating psychology and ethics/
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Learning from international public management reform[electronic resource].Part a
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An introduction to the law and economics of environmental policy[electronic resource] :issues in institutional design /
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Advances in accounting education[electronic resource] :teaching and curriculum innovations /
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Weighing the world[electronic resource] :the Reverend John Michell of Thornhill /
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How James Watt invented the copier[electronic resource] :forgotten inventions of our great scientists /
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From the molecular world[electronic resource] :a nineteenth-century science fantasy /
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A master of science history[electronic resource] :essays in honor of Charles Coulston Gillispie /
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Grand theories and everyday beliefs[electronic resource] :science, philosophy, and their histories /
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Styles of knowing[electronic resource] :a new history of sciencefrom ancient times to thepresent /
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The art of science[electronic resource] :from perspective drawing to quantum randomness /
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The Institution of Science and the Science of Institutions[electronic resource] :the legacy of Joseph Ben-David /
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Social networks in the history of innovation and invention[electronic resource] /
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History of artificial cold, scientific, technological and cultural issues[electronic resource] /
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Explanation in the special sciences[electronic resource] :the case of biology and history /
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The tree of knowledge[electronic resource] :the bright and the dark sides of science /
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The stars of Galileo Galilei and the universal knowledge of Athanasius Kircher[electronic resource] /
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Intelligible design[electronic resource] :a realistic approach to the philosophy and history of science /
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Promoting the planck club[electronic resource] :how defiant youth, irreverent researchers and liberated universities can foster prosperity indefinitely /
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Relocating the history of science[electronic resource] :essays in honor of Kostas Gavroglu /
A bridge between conceptual frameworks[electronic resource] :sciences, society and technology studies /
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No wonder you wonder![electronic resource] :great inventions and scientific mysteries /
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