著作: | 280 作品に 281 出版物中に 281 言語 |
教育概論 = Pan-education theory : 廣義教育學的初步探索; peer exploration in broad sense of education
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認知情意技能教育目標分類及其在評量的應用 = Taxonomy of educational objectives in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains : applications in assessment
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線上遊戲、遊戲者自尊、網路成癮對校園霸凌之影響 = The influence of on - line games, player's self-esteem, and internet addiction on campus bullying
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同儕學習對國小學生閱讀能力影響之研究 = A research on the influence of peer learning on elementary school students' reading comprehension-taking plurk as an example : 以噗浪為例
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國民中小學優質化學校指標建構之研究 = The construction of indicators for good quality of elementary and middle schools
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國小教師個人因素及社會支持對創造力教學行為影響之研究 = The effect of individual factors and social support on creativity-teaching behaviors of elementary school teachers
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青少年的父母管教、自尊與愛情關係之研究 = The relations among parenting style, self-esteem, and romantic relationship in adolescence
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青少年親子關係、自尊與侵略行為之研究 = The relations among parent-child relationship, self-esteem, and aggression in adolescence
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青少年的父母管教、認同與情緒適應之研究 = The relations among parenting style, identity and emotional adjustment in adolescence
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青少年氣質、同儕關係與問題行為之研究 = The relations among temperament, peer relationship and problem behavior in adolescence
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國中學生父母依附、師生互動關係及學業成就之相關研究 = Relationship among parental attachment, teacher-student interaction, and academic achievement in junior high school students
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國中生考試作弊行為及其發生原因之探討 = A study on academic cheating behaviors and its causes in junior high school students
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國小教師性格長處對教學自我效能與工作滿意度之影響 = Effect of elementary school teachers' characrer strengths on teaching self-efficacy and job satisfaction
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完全中學教師背景變項、工作滿意度與學校氣氛對工作投入之影響 = The effect of six-year high school teachers' background, job satisfaction and school climate on job involvement
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國民小學兼任行政教師知覺校長領導行為、工作壓力與工作滿意度之相關研究 = A study of principal's leadership behavior and job stress, job satisfaction of teachers in charge of administrative tasks in elementary schools
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國民小學家長背景因素、教養方式與教育期望對家長參與之影響 = A study of parent background, parenting style and expectation on parental involvement among elementary school students
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國小教師背景變項、工作滿意度與教學自我效能對組織公民行為之影響 = The effect of elementary school teachers' background, job satisfaction and teaching self-efficacy on organizational citizenship behavior
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國中生網路使用行為、個人社會關係與網路交友態度之研究 = The study of internet usage behaviors, personal social relationships and attitudes toward internet friendship for junior high school students
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高職生依附風格、社會支持對分手因應之影響 = The influence of vocational high school students' attachment styles and social support on their coping of breakup
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國小高年級學童電腦網路使用行為、自我效能與人際關係之研究 = The research of the behavior of using internet, self-efficacy and interpersonal relationship among 5th and 6th grade students in elementary schools
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國小學童家庭閱讀環境、閱讀態度與閱讀行為之研究 = Family reading environment, reading attitudes and reading behaviors of students in elementary schools
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青少年寂寞感、社會支持與生活滿意度之研究 = The relations among loneliness, social support and life satisfaction in adolescence
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國中女生經期困擾、生活壓力及生活因應之探討 = The research of the relationship between menstrual distress, living stress and coping skills among junior high school females
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國小高年級學童父母教養風格、家務參與和自我概念之研究 = A study of parenting styles, housework participation and self-concept for the fifth and sixth graders
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学習者主体の日本語教育 = New pedagogies for learner agency : オーストラリアの実践研究; Japanese language education research and practice in Australia
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わかる!!日本語教師のための応用認知言語学 = An introduction to applied cognitive linguistics for language teachers
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國中生知覺教師魅力對其學習興趣之影響 = The effect of teachers' charisma on students' learning interest
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大學生網路購物價值觀、網路購物行為及相關因素之研究 = Online shopping values, Online shopping behaviors and related factors of college students
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國小學童家庭文化資本、閱讀動機與閱讀行為之研究 = Family culture capital, reading motivation and reading behaviors of elementary school students
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社交網站上應用程式使用對網站黏性之研究 = The effect of usage of social networking sites applications on sites stickiness : 以FACEBOOK為例; Using Facebook as an example
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「家庭暴力目睹兒防治課程」對國小五年級兒童家庭暴力知識與態度影響之研究 = The effects of children witnessed violence prebention program on domestic violence knowledge and attitude for the fifth graders
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國中學生父母嚴格管教、童年不當對待與人際關係之研究 = Harsh discipline, childhood maltreatment and interpersonal relationships of junior high students
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心智繪圖教學對國小一年級學童閱讀理解能力影響之行動研究 = Action reaearch on effects of mind mapping teaching for reading comprehension among first-graders
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推動品德教育課程之行動研究 = An action research of character education curriculum : 以國小二年級學童為對象; for the second graders
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高三學生社會支持、課業壓力與學業成就之研究 = The relations among social support, academic stress, and academic achivement of senior high school students
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青少年社會支持、自我效能與生活滿意度之研究 = The relations among social support, self-efficacy and life satisfaction in adolescence
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大學生完美主義、靈性成長與生命態度之研究 = Perfectionism, spiritual growth and life attitudes of college students
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時間管理、課業壓力與學業成就關係之研究 = Relationship of time management, academic stress, and academic achievement : 以台中市九年級國中生為例; for 9th grade students in taichung city
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師生互動對國中生不當行為之影響 = The teacher-student interaction as the trajectory of teenagers'Misbehaviors
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父母管教型態、自尊與學習成就之相關研究 = The relations among parenting style, self-esteem and academic achievement
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靜坐對學童情緒智力、注意力影響之研究 = The study of the impact of meditation on emotional intelligence and attention : 以國小六年級學生為例; An example of the sixth grade students
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青少年的父母管教、自我效能與生活滿意度之研究 = The relations among parenting style, self-efficacy and life satisfaction in adolescence
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青少年性別角色、身體意象與同儕關係之相關研究 = Sex role, body image and peer relationship of adolescents
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高中職教師自我效能、工作壓力與職業倦怠之研究 = Teacher self-efficacy, job stress and burnout among high school teachers
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國小高年級學生知覺教師轉型領導對班級氣氛與學習壓力之影響 = The effect of teachers' transformational leadership on classroom climate and learning stress among elementary higher grades students
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校長多元領導策略、教師集體效能與教師組織承諾之研究 = A study of principal multiframe leadership strategy and teacher collective efficacy on teacher organization commitment
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國民小學教師專業社群互動、自我導向學習與工作投入之研究 = The interaction in professional community, self-directed learning and job engagement of elementary teachers
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合作學習對國小三年級學生社會學習領域學習表現之研究 = The effects of cooperative learning on learning performance in the social studies class for the third graders
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國中學生健康習慣、睡眠品質與健康體適能之關係 = The relationship between junior high school students' health habits, sleep quality, and physical fitness
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青少年運動迷之人格特質、參與動機、涉入程度及相關因素之研究 = Personality, motivation, sports involvement and related factors of adolescents' sport fans
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讀者劇場對國小六年級學生英語朗讀流利度及學習態度之效益 = Effects of readers theater on English oral reading fluency and learning attitude for sixth grade students
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青少年依附、情緒調節與問題行為之研究 = The relations among attachment, emotion regulation and problem behavior in adolescence
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青少年情緒調節與問題行為之關係 = The relaitons between emotion regulation and problem behavior in adolescence
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兒童氣質、同儕關係與攻擊行為之研究 = The relations among child temperament, peer relations and aggressive behavior
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社交技巧方案對同儕關係與欺凌行為之研究 = The effect of social skill project on peer relationship and bullying behavior
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大学.大学院留学生のためのやさしい論理的思考トレーニング = Simple logical thinking training for international college/graduate students
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國中學生英文閱讀動機、閱讀策略與閱讀行為之研究 = Reading Motivation, Reading Strategy and Reading Behaviors for English of Junior High Students
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國小中年級數學課程結構的不確定性 = Uncertainty in Mathematics Curriculum Structures for the Third and Fourth Grades
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高中職學生英文閱讀態度、閱讀策略與英文學業成就之研究 = English Reading Attitudes, Reading Strategies and English Academic Achievement of Senior and Vocational High School Students
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國小學生的數學成就與課程結構的關聯 = Relation between Primary School Student's Mathematics Achievement and Curriculum Structure
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國中學生臉書的使用與影響 = The Usage and Effect of Facebook on Junior High Students : 人格特質、家庭文化資本與人際關係; Personality, Family Cultural Capital and Interpersonal Relations
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大學生刺激尋求、網路購物與衝動性購買行為之研究 = Sensation Seeking, Online Shopping and Impulsive Buying Behavior of University Students
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國中學生自然科學習動機、教師支持、學習投入與學業成就之研究 = Science Learning Motivation, Teacher Support, Learning Engagement and Academic Achievement of Junior High Students
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國中學生學習興趣、教師激勵風格、班級學習氣氛與學習投入之研究 = Learning Interest, Teacher Motivational Style, Classroom Learning Climate, and Learning Engagement of Junior High Students
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國中學生家庭社會資本與公民參與行為之相關研究 = Family Social Capital and Citizen Participation Behavior of Junior High School Students
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青少年知覺學校因素影響面子觀形成之研究 = Influence of Adolescent Perception of School Factors on Forming of Concept of face
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國小高年級學生同儕衝突、因應策略及生活適應之研究 = A Study of Peer Conflicts, Coping Strategies, and Life Adjustment for the 5th and 6th Graders in Chang : 以彰化縣為例; Hwa County
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多媒體融入英文補救教學之行動研究 = An Action Research of Multimedia on English Remedial Teaching for 6th Grade Underachievers at An Elementary School : 以國小六年級英文低成就學生為對象
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運用PBL教學模組提升國小學童環境行為之能力 = Using the Teaching Methods of PBL to Promote Environmental Behavior of Elementary School Students
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點亮星兒的天空 = Light Up The Sky of Autism : 一個社會資本觀點的研究; A Social Capital Perspective
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閱讀線上認證系統學習滿意度與學習成效之研究 = A Study of Online Reading Recognition System on Learning Satisfaction and Learning Achievement for Sixth Grade Students : 以國小六年級學生為例
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媒體性別意識型態內容分析之研究 = Media Content Analysis on Gender Ideology : 以蘋果日報動新聞為例; A Case Study of Apple Daily Online News
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探究教學對國中生學習態度與探究能力之影響 = Effects of Inquiry Teachering on Junior High School Students' Learning Attitude, and Inquiry Ability about Chemical Reaction : 以化學反應式為例
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國小學童文化資本與公民資質之研究 = Cultural Capital and Citizenship of Elementary School Students
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青少年運動攻擊與偏差行為之相關研究 = The Research of Sport Aggression and Deviant Behavior among Adolescents Deviation Behavior
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互動式電子白板教學對國小三年級學生英語學習焦慮與學習滿意度之研究 = A Quasi-Experiment of IWB English Teaching for 3rd Graders on Learning Anxiety and Learning Satisfaction
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MUSIC模式對國中生學習氣氛與學習信念之影響 = Effects of MUSIC Model on Junior High School Students' Learning Climate, and Learning Beliefs about Electricity and Magnetism : 以電與磁為例
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問題導向學習對國中生學習態度與問題解決能力之影響 = Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Junior High School Students' Learning Attitude, and Problem-Solving Skills about Geometric Figure : 以幾何圖形為例
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創意教學融入EFL課程對國中生英語學習之研究 = Creative English Teaching in EFL Class for Junior High School --- A study of 8th graders : 以八年級學生為例
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青少年人格特質、虛擬社群使用行為及人際關係之研究 = Personality, Virtual Community Using Behavior and Interpersonal Relations of Adolescents
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走進國中技藝教育學程學生生涯探索的世界 = Into the World of Career Exploration:the Case of Junior High School Tschnical Education
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國小六年級學童經濟認知與購物風格之相關研究 = A Study of Economic Cognition and Shopping Styles for Sixth Grade Students in Central Taiwan : 以中台灣為例
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一位半線小學教師的故事 = The Story of an Elementary School Teacher in Changhua City:The Response of School Education Reform after 1994 : 1994年後學校教育改革的回應
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幼兒園鄉土教學之行動研究 = An Action Research of Local Education for A Public Kindergarten in Lugang Town, Changhwa, Taiwan : 以鹿港鎮某幼兒園為例
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青少年偶像崇拜與周邊商品消費行為之研究 = The Idolatry and Its Related Consuming Behaviours of Adolescents
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國二國文實施多元教學評量之行動研究 = An Action Research of Multiple Assessment for An Eighth Grades Chinese Language Class
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弱勢學生利用自主學習進行科學競賽之行動研究 = An Action Research of the Ninth Grades Disadvantaged Students by Using the Self-Regulated Learning in Science Competition : 以國中三年級學生為例
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彰化縣國小躲避球隊選手偏差行為與運動攻擊之相關研究 = A Study of Delinquency and Athletic Aggression for Dodgeball Players of Primary Schools in Changhua County
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國小學童家庭社會資本與公民資質之相關研究 = A Study of Family Social Capital and Citizenship for Primary School Students
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國小學生父母管教、成就動機與學習行為之關係 = The Relationship among Parenting Styles, Achievement Mostivation, and Students' Learning Behaviors of Elementary School Students
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國中學生自戀特質與臉書使用之研究 = Narcissistic Traits and Facebook Usage of Junior High School Students
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網路與性 = Internet and Sex:Internet Use, Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitudes and Sex Behaviors of University Students : 大學生網路使用、性知識、性態度與性行為之研究
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國中學生臉書使用與班級及網路人際關係之研究 = Facebook Usage and the Interpersonal Relationships in the Classroom and Internet of Junior High School Students
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國小數學課程結構的不確定性之研究 = Uncertainty in Mathematics Currirulum Structures for Primary School Students
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國小高年級學生家庭社會資本與社會能力之相關研究 = The Relation between Family Social Capital and Social Competence for Fifth and Sixth Grade Students
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探討臺灣學生在PISA 2009學科素養表現上的影響因素 = Exploring the Factors Influencing Literacy Performances of Taiwanese Students in PISA 2009
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國小高年級學童霸凌行為者的法律素養之研究 = The Study of Bullies' Legal Competence of Fifth and Sixth Grade Elementary School Students
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運動介入對國中生健康體適能、自我效能、班級團隊凝聚力之實驗研究 = An Experiment of Exercise Intervention on Health Physical Fitness,Self-Efficacy and Class Cohesion for 9th Grade Students
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彰化縣國中技藝教育學程實施成效之研究 = A Study on the Effectiveness of Technical Education Programs for Junior High Schools in Chamghua County
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偶像崇拜對國小高年級學生價值觀與品格發展的研究 = The Study of Idolatry on Value and Character Development among the Fifth and Sixth Graders
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青少年的父母管教、依附與憂鬱之研究 = The Relations among Parenting Style, Attachment, and Depression in Adolescence
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教師支持、高中生學習投入 與數學成就之關係 = The Relationship among Teacher Support, Learning Engagement and Mathematics Achievement of Senior High Students
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青少年運動參與、社交技巧與同儕關係之研究 = The Relations among Sport Participation, Social Skill and Peer Relationship in Adolescence
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親子共讀與家庭閱讀環境對幼兒語言發展之影響 = The Effect of Parent-Child Reading and Home Reading Environment on the Language Development of Pre-school Children
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青少年的父母管教、創意與行為問題之研究 = The Relationship among Parenting Style, Creativity and Behavior Problem in Adolescence
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交互教學法融入國小四年級學童國語科課程教學之行動研究 = An Action Research of Integrating Reciprocal Teaching into Chinese Course for Fourth-Grade Students
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交互教學法對國中生自我效能與學業成就之影響 = Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Junior High School Student's Self-Efficacy, and Academic Achievement
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青少年男同志向同儕出櫃對其性認同形成及面對歧視之敘事研究 = The Narrative Research of Sexual Identity Development and Discrimination of Adolescent Gays When Coming out to Their Peers
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家庭社會資本對國小高年級學童健康素養之影響 = The Effects of Social Capital of Family on the Fifth and Sixth Graders' Health Literacy at Elementary School─Take Changhua County for Example : 以彰化縣為例
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非都會區國中英語教師對於EIL的認知與態度之個案研究 = The Perception and Attitudes toward English as an International Language:A Case Study of the English Teachers in a Rural Junior High School
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國小高年級學生班級自治活動與民主素養之研究 = Research on Class Self-governing Activities and Democracy Literacy of Fifth and Sixth Grade Students in Elementary School
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高職生的學習態度與學習策略之研究 = Learning Attitude and Learning Strategies among Vocational High School Students
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國中生壓力、社會支持與霸凌的研究 = A Study on Junior High Students' Stress, Social Support, and Bullying
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童軍服務員團務服務與生涯承諾關聯性之研究 = A Study of the Relationship between Scout Staff Group Affair Service and Career Commitment
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《金剛經》與《反杜林論》道德思想之比較 = A Comparative Study on Moral Thoughts Between Diamond Sutra and Anti-Duhring
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青少年的情緒智力、同儕關係與欺凌行為 = Emotional Intelligence, Peer Relationship and Bullying Behaviors of Adolescents
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國小教師親師溝通與衝突因應策略之研究 = Parent-Teacher Communication and Conflict Coping Strategies of Elementary School Teachers
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華德福式故事教學對國小低年級學童專注力影響之行動研究 = An Action Research of the Effect of Waldorf Storytelling on the Concentration of Lower Graders in an Elementary School
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父母期望、家庭支持和青少年幸福感相關之研究 = The Study of the Relationship among Parental Expectation, Family Support and Well-Being of Adolescent
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國小教師知識信念、教學風格與教師專業發展之研究 = A Study on the Relationship among Epistemological Beliefs, Teaching Styles and Teacher Professional Development of Elementary Teachers
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心智繪圖教學融入國小二年級學童童詩寫作之行動研究 = The Action Research of Integrating Mind Mapping Teaching into Poetry Writing for Second Graders
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影響台灣學生在PISA閱讀素養表現之關鍵因素 = Key Factors Influencing Taiwanese Students’ Reading Literacy Performances in PISA
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心智繪圖法融入國小五年級音樂教育之行動研究 = An Action Research of Integrating Mind Mapping into Music Teaching for the Fifth Graders
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國小高年級學童自尊、性別角色態度與身體意象之研究 = A Study of Self-esteem, Gender Role Attitude and Body Image of 5th and 6th Graders
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國中生父母管教方式、自我概念與購買線上遊戲點數行為之研究 = Parenting styles, Self-Concept, and On-line Game Purchasing Behaviors of Junior High School Students
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國小高年級學童臉書使用行為、同儕關係與自我認同之研究 = The Study of Facebook Usage Behaviors, Peer Relationships, and Self-Identity for 5th and 6th Graders in Dajia District, Taichung : 以台中市大甲區為例
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國中生的父母教養方式、同儕關係與自我概念之研究 = A Study of Parenting, Peer Relationship, and Self-concept for Junior High School Students in Longjing District, Taichung, Taiwan : 以臺中市龍井區國中為例
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影響國小六年級身心障礙學生家長對特殊教育滿意度之關鍵因素 = Key Factors Influencing Parent Satisfaction with Special Education Services for Sixth Grade Students─A Case Example of SNELS : 以SNELS為例
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國小高年級學童知覺教師教學風格、學習壓力及其因應策略之研究 = The Study of English Teaching Styles and 5th & 6th Graders' Learning Stress and Coping Strategies : 以英語領域為例
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國民小學智能障礙學生家庭支持服務現況及需求之研究 = A Study on Status Quo and Needs of Family Support Services for Elementary School Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
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彰化縣國民小學親師衝突原因及因應方式之研究 = The Study on Causes of Parent-teacher Conflicts and Coping Method on Elementary Schools in Chang-Hua County
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高中職學生公民身份成長中的社會資本之因素探討 = The Analysis of School Capital in the Citizenship Growing of High School Students
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園藝方案對六年級學生自然自我效能與學習成就之影響 = Effects of Gardening Program on Science Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Sixth Graders
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合作策略閱讀教學法對國小三年級學童閱讀理解能力與閱讀態度影響之研究 = A Study of the Collaborative Strategic Reading, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Attitude for the Third Grade Students
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國中代理教師工作壓力、社會支持與教學自我效能之研究 = The Study of Work Pressure, Social Support, and Teaching Self-efficacy for the Substitute Teachers of Junior High Schools
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彰化縣國小六年級學生的文化資本與健康素養之相關研究 = A Study on the Relation between Cultural Capital and Health Literacy among Sixth Grade Students in Changhua County
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大學生智慧型手機使用行為及相關因素之研究 = A Study on the Behavior of Using Smart Mobile Phone and Related Factors of University Students
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彰化縣國小教師正向自我知覺與教學態度之關聯 = Exploring the Relation between Teachers’ Positive Self-Perceptions and Attitudes toward Teaching at Primary Schools in Changhua County
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國中學生同儕衝突、學習滿意度與生活適應之相關研究 = The Relationship of Peer Conflict, Learning Satisfaction, and Life Adaptation of Junior High School Students
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青少年的父母管教、自尊與憂鬱之研究 = The Relations among Parenting Styles, Self-Esteem and Depression in Adolescence
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青少年的父母管教、完美主義與生活滿意度之研究 = The Relations among Parenting Styles, Perfectionism and Life Satisfaction in Adolescence
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青少年完美主義、拖延與壓力之研究 = The Relations among Perfectionism, Procrastination and Stress in Adolescence
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青少年完美主義、情緒調節與考試焦慮之研究 = The Relations among Perfectionism, Emotion Regulation and Test Anxiety in Adolescence
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青少年社會支持、自尊與攻擊之研究 = The Relations among Social Support, Self-Esteem and Aggression in Adolescence
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摘要策略教學對高職生國文自我效能與學習成效之研究 = The Effects of Summarization Strategy Instruction in Chinese Self-Efficacy and Learning Outcome of Vocational High School Students
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雲林縣國民小學教師專業發展、工作壓力與教學效能之相關研究 = A Study on the Relationship of Elementary School Teachers’ Professional Development, Work Stress and Teaching Effectiveness in Yunlin County
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國中生家長教養方式、臉書使用行為與生活適應之研究 = Parenting Style, Facebook Usage Behavior and Life Adaptation of Junior High School Students
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國中學生家長管教、自我概念 與學習態度之研究 = The Study of Parenting Style, Self-Concept, and Learning Attitude for Junior High School Students
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部件識字教學法應用於幼兒識字學習之行動研究 = An Action Research of Chinese Radical Recognition Instruction Applied to Word Recognition for Preschool Children
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提問策略教學對國小六年級學童在閱讀理解及閱讀提問表現之研究 = The Effects of Question-Posing Teaching Strategy on Reading Comprehension and Reading Question Performance for Sixth-Grade Students
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雲林縣國小高年級學童家庭文化資本與英語學習態度之關聯 = The Association between Family Cultural Capital and English Learning Attitude for Fifth and Sixth Grade Students in Yunlin County
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雲林縣國小高年級學生自我概念與公民態度之相關研究 = A Study on the Relation between Self-Concept and Citizen Attitudes for Fifth and Sixth Grade Students in Yunlin County
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國小六年級身心障礙學生家長之子女教育參與 = Parent Involvement in Education for Sixth Grade Students with Disabilities—A Case Example of SNELS : 以SNELS為例
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學齡前身心障礙兒童之家庭需求 = Family Needs of Preschool Children with Disabilities—A Case Example of SNELS : 以SNELS為例
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高中職實施學生評鑑教師教學效果之研究 = The Study of Student Ratings for Teaching Effectiveness in Senior and Vocational High School
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國中生人格特質、網路成癮與人際關係之研究 = The Study of Personality Traits, Internet Addiction and Interpersonal Relationship for Junior High School Students
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青少年的父母管教、自我調節學習策略與學業拖延之研究 = The Relations among Parenting Styles, Self-Regulation Learning Strategies and Academic Procrastination in Adolescence
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國中小學生月經知識、月經態度與月經關懷行為之研究 = The Study of Menstrual Knowledge, Attitude and Menstrual Caring Behavior in the Elementary and Junior High School Students
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青少年智慧型手機使用、成癮與睡眠品質之相關研究 = The Association among Smartphone Usage, Addiction and Sleep Quality in Adolescents
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青少年父母教養、同儕關係與偏差行為之研究 = Parenting Style, Peer Relationship, and Deviant Behaviors of Adolescents
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雲林縣國中生個人人格特質與校園受凌經驗之研究 = The Study of the Junior High School Students’Personality Traits and Bullied Experience in Yunlin County
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運用圖畫書賞析教學提升學童繪畫創造力表現之行動研究 = The Action Research of Appreciation Teaching on Picture Books to Enhance Drawing Creativity for the Second Graders : 以國小二年級為例
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雲林縣國小教師社會支持、工作投入與教學效能之研究 = A Study of Social Support, Job Involvement and Teaching Effectiveness for Elementary School Teachers in Yunlin County, Taiwan
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國中技藝教育學程學生家庭社經地位、職業自我概念與生涯自我效能之研究 = A Study on Social Economic Status, Vocational Self-concept, and Career Self-efficacy of Technical Arts Programs Students
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臺中市幼兒園教師人格特質與教學效能關係之研究 = A Study of Taichung City Kindergarten Teachers' Personality and Teaching Effectiveness
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臺中市公立國民小學級任教師工作壓力與心理健康之研究 = The Study on Job Pressure and Mental Health of the Elementary School Teachers in Taichung City
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苗栗縣國小中高年級學生運動參與與人際關係之研究 = The Study of Sports Participation and Interpersonal Relationship of Middle and High Grade Students of Elementary School in Miaoli County
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國小教師教學焦慮與工作滿意度之研究 = Teaching Anxiety and Job Satisfaction of Elementary Teachers
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