著作: | 747 作品に 747 出版物中に 747 言語 |
整體資訊系統價值評估架構建立之研究=a comprehensive framework for evaluation of the value of information systems
模糊理論應用於公共服務業整體服務品質量測之研究=an application of fuzzy sets theory on evaluating the overall serivice qu
輔助模糊邏輯控制/決策資訊系統之建構=the implementation of aided fuzzy logic control/decision information system
並行式物體導向式程式設計中的非同步號令傳送及物體遷移=asynchronous meassage passing and object migration in concurrent oi
多層次快取記憶體架構效能分析與設計之研究=a study of multi-level cache hierarchies performance analysis and design
高畫質電視及其相關研究子計畫一:利用邊視投影輪廓建構物體(i)=generating objects from their silhousettes in side views
功能整合式軟體整合系統之研究=the investigation into the software integration system based on functional integration app
單張影像之三維物體識別與定位的快速演算法則=polyhedra recognition and localization with fast library search from a monocu
硬體模擬系統之設計及相關vlsi/cad技術之研究:子計畫三-硬體模擬系統之晶片設計(i)=hardware component design of the hardware
科學運算在高效能計算系統之應用=scientific computations on high performance distributed computing systems
硬體模擬系統之設計及相關vlsi/cad技術之研究:子計畫六-硬體模擬系統之分割軟體設計(i)=partitoneer desogn of the hardqare emu
以單一攝影積及聚焦技術作無線遙控自動車之自動導航=an automatic navigation scheme for a wireless controlled alv by using a
以c++程式語言開發模擬與單元控制軟體共同之類別庫=develop a class library for both simulation and cell-control software th
物件導向模組估與模擬環境之建立=construction of an object-oriented modeling and simalation environment