

學校對我的未來有什麼影響 = What school got to do...
留下好印象 = Making a good impression : 履...
Turbeville, Pete
主動積極的工作態度 = Taking initiative on the job
Danielle, Vintschger
餐飲與旅遊 = Food & Hospitality
職場的商業倫理 = Business ethics on the job
Salstus, Karen
網球基礎入門與實戰技巧 = Tennis
羽毛球基礎入門與實戰技巧 = Badminton
認識流行性感冒 = Is it a cold or something ...
我的耳朵痛 = My ear hurts!
飲食、營養與健康 = Diet and the healthy child
認識嬰幼兒愛滋病 = The youngest victime : HI...
認識兒童疫苗接種 = Understanding childhood v...
奶嘴、窒息與曬傷 = Choking : a cautionary tale
養兒育女大不同 = The difference : raising s...
兒童注意力缺損過動症 = All about ADHD
嬰兒猝死症、認識鉛中毒 = SIDS and safe sleeping
瞭解有特殊需求的兒童 = Hildren with special needs
親子關係、兒童氣喘與視力 = Asthma : breathing easy
食物過敏、嬰兒腹絞痛 = When the baby won't sto...
齒列矯正、健康飲食 = Eating healthy in a hurry
哺育母乳的常識與技巧 = The basics of breastfeeding
兒童肥胖、鐮狀細胞貧血症 = Kids health works
嬰兒聽力受損與篩檢 = Sounds of silence
兒童為什麼吸吮姆指? = Thumbs up to thumb sucking
兒童急診、早產兒照顧 = The neediest newborns
認識兒童"哮吼" = Surviving croup : more th...
兒童智商能培養嗎? = Nature vs.nurture : does...
健康靠自己 : 正確的飲食和運動 = Food, health and ...
Schloat, Anson
衝破極限 : 壓力和健康 = Stressed to the limit...
如何進入你挑選的大學 = How to get into the col...
Cheri, Fritz
新鮮人,你的未來在哪裡? = Vocation, vocation, v...
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project earth
兩性交往 : 建立安全和健康的關係
世界藝術傑作欣賞 = Hermitage masterjpieces o...
透視性魅力 = Science of sex appeal
前進未來世界 = Next world
Kennedy, Bruce
史上100個最偉大的發現 = 100 greatest discoveries
Discovery Communications,inc
職場中有效的溝通技巧 = Communication skills fo...
你被開除了! = You're fired!
Chlebowski, Jon
企業的夢魘 = Business nightmares
畢 ((Bee, Richard) )
by: 畢 ((Bee, Richard) )
圓夢大師:義大利珠寶設計名家 = Masters of dreams
大師講堂系列:銷售與服務 = Sales and service mas...
商用英語 = The business of English
雞尾酒的故事與調酒技巧 = Cocktails
超級市場的秘密(中文版) = Supermarket secrets
糧食的未來(英文版) = Future of food
基因改造糧食之戰(英文版) = Jimmy's GM food fight
「熟食」使人類與眾不同嗎? = Did cooking make us ...
超市食品大工廠(英文版) = Food factory : supersized
學習如何說「不」並堅守原則 = How to say no and re...
楊格 ((Young, John G.))
吉米揭開食品背後的秘密(英文版) = Jimmy's food fact...
ADD注意力缺損過動症 : 每個老師都應該知道的事 = What eve...
Molinaro, David
圓夢大師:英國與南非珠寶設計名家 = Masters of dreams
圓夢大師:法國與瑞士珠寶設計名家 = Masters of dreams
生物學 = Biology
Nye, Bill
by: Nye, Bill
生命的起源與演化 = The origin and evolution ...
Nye, Bill
遺傳學 = Genetics
Nye, Bill
基因改造糧食之探討(中文版) = Jimmy's GM food fight
探索超市食物的奧秘(中文版) = Supermarket sleuth
全球糧食短缺的探討與展望(中文版) = Future of food
ADD注意力缺損過動症 : 每個父母都應該知道的事 = What Eve...
吉米揭開食品背後的秘密(英文版) = Jimmy's food fact...
健康戰爭從超市購物開始(英文版) = Supermarket sleuth
處理青少年約會暴力 : 超過界線 = Dealing with tee...
圓夢大師:美洲珠寶設計名家 = Masters of dreams
設計工藝科技 = Design and technology
第三世界農夫與未來世界糧食 = Ready steady trade
大型超市食品物流的秘密 = Supermarket secrets
亞馬遜(中文版) = Amazon : the truth behind...
豐田的故事(中文版) = Total recall : Toyota s...
Blair, Fiona
創業之夢(英文版) = High street dreams
瓶裝水的環境災難 = Bottled water : who needs it?
Heap, Tom
咖啡業的環保問題 = The coffee trail with Sim...
Reeve, Simon
征服毒物 = Posion
白衣天使:南丁格爾 = Florence Nightingale
Fraser, Laura
Breitenmoser, Kurt
by: Breitenmoser, Kurt
深入了解人格的真相 = The truth about personality
BBC Worldwide
記憶的本質 = Memory
Austin, Naomi
by: Austin, Naomi
Brady, Anna
by: Brady, Anna
另類療法 = Alternative therapies
British Broadcasting Corporation
by: British Broadcasting Corporation
另類醫學 = Alternative medicine
BBC Worldwide Limited
by: BBC Worldwide Limited
符合大自然的醫學 = Nature's medicines
希臘神話故事 = Greek mythology
Griffin, Lori
戰勝疼痛 = Pain
終結感染 = Pus
精神疾病之醫學剖析 = Inside my mind
BBC Worldwide
人類的記憶如何運作? = How does your memory work?
Gillings, Annabel
安慰劑實驗:我們的頭腦可以治癒我們的身體嗎? = The placebo...
「因精神病獲判無罪」之探討 = Louis Theroux : by r...
Theroux, Louis
身心平衡:情緒如何影響健康 = The mind/body connec...
Cochran, Peter
早衰與長壽:老化的秘密 = Don't grow old
Stockley, Nicola
如何防止男性自殺 = Horizon : stopping male s...
揭開食品背後的秘密(中文版).第一季 = Jimmy's food fa...
安斯沃思 ((Ainsworth, Matthew))
揭開食品背後的秘密(中文版).第二季 = Jimmy's food fa...
安斯沃思 ((Ainsworth, Matthew))
如何活的更長久? = How to live longer? : the...
Wyler, Catherine.
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