Romanticism - Great Britain.
著作: | 74 作品に 26 出版物中に 26 言語 |
Islam and early modern English literature[electronic resource] :the politics of romance from Spenser to Milton /
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The poetics of description[electronic resource] :imagined placesin European literature /
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Charles Lamb, Coleridge and Wordsworth[electronic resource] :reading friendship in the 1790s /
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Romantic migrations[electronic resource] :local, national, and transnational dispositions/
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Gothic romanticism[electronic resource] :architecture, politics,and literary form /
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The age of hypochondria[electronic resource] :interpreting Romantic health and illness /
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Romantic diasporas[electronic resource] :French âemigrâes, British convicts, and Jews /
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Romanticism and linguistic theory[electronic resource] :William Hazlitt, language and literature /
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British periodicals and Romantic identity[electronic resource] :the "literary lower empire" /
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Upstart talents[electronic resource] :rhetoric and the career of reason in English romantic discourse, 1790-1820 /
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Romanticism, enthusiasm, and regulation[electronic resource] :poetics and the policing of culture in the Romantic period /
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Romantic antiquity[electronic resource] :Rome in the British imagination, 1789-1832 /
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The domestication of genius[electronic resource] :biography and the romantic poet /
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The fantastic sublime[electronic resource] :romanticism and transcendence in nineteenth-century children's fantasy literature /
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Romanticism, revolution and language[electronic resource] :the fate of the word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot /
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Scotland and the fictions of geography[electronic resource] :North Britain 1760–1830 /
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The truth about romanticism[electronic resource] :pragmatism and idealism in Keats, Shelley, Coleridge /
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Multiplying worlds[electronic resource] :romanticism, modernity, and the emergence of virtual reality /
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British romanticism and the Catholic question[electronic resource] :religion, history, and national identity, 1778-1829 /
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Writing romanticism[electronic resource] :Charlotte Smith and William Wordsworth, 1784-1807 /
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Romantic interactions[electronic resource] :social being and theturns of literary action /
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Romantic narrative[electronic resource] :Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft /
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Romantic writing and the empire of signs[electronic resource] :periodical culture and post-Napoleonic authorship /
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Written on the water[electronic resource] :British romanticism and the maritime empire ofculture /
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Creating Romanticism[electronic resource] :case studies in the literature, science and medicine of the 1790s /
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The female romantics[electronic resource] :nineteenth-century women novelists and Byronism /
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Animality in British Romanticism[electronic resource] :the aesthetics of species /
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Romanticism and the human sciences :poetry, population, and the discourse of the species /
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