Risk management.

Works: 223 works in 127 publications in 127 languages
Classics in risk management. by: (Language materials, printed)
Hedge funds[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Measuring risk aversion[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Credit risk management[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Derivatives and internal models / by: (Language materials, printed)
Risk and financial catastrophe / by: (Language materials, printed)
Portfolio risk analysis[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Insurance management[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
The AMA handbook of financial risk management by: (Language materials, printed)
Olympic risks[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Event risk management and safety / by: (Language materials, printed)
Risk-based investment management in practice / by: (Language materials, printed)
Liquidity risk :managing funding and asset risk / by: (Language materials, printed)
Handbook of market risk[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Principles of risk management and insurance / by: (Language materials, printed)
Agile risk management[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Risk, value and default[electronic resource] / by: (Language materials, printed)
Managing portfolio credit risk in banks / by: (Language materials, printed)
Principles of risk management and insurance / by: (Language materials, printed)
Project management :the managerial process / by: (Language materials, printed)