Risk, risk management and regulation...
Pelzer, Peter.


  • Risk, risk management and regulation in the banking industry[electronic resource] :the risk to come /
  • 纪录类型: 书目-语言数据,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414] null: 332.10681
    [NT 47271] Title/Author: Risk, risk management and regulation in the banking industry : the risk to come // by Peter Pelzer.
    作者: Pelzer, Peter.
    出版者: London ; : Routledge,, 2013.
    面页册数: x, 219 p. : : ill.
    标题: Risk management.
    标题: Risk.
    标题: Financial risk.
    标题: Banks and banking - Risk management.
    标题: Banks and banking.
    ISBN: 9780203100721 (e-book : PDF)
    [NT 15000227] null: Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-214) and index.
    [NT 15000228] null: 1. What is to come? -- 2. Thinking about the im-possible risk in the financial industry -- 3. Risk : the sovereign exception -- 4. The displaced world of risk : risk management as alienated risk (perception?) -- 5. From "risk and responsibility" to the risk of responsibility -- 6. "Who's afraid of red, yellow and blue" : towards an aesthetics of risk -- 7. The risk to come : a different way of thinking risk -- 8. Risk and regulation disseminate : the pharmakon -- 9. Containing risk : towards a regulation to come -- 10. (This will not have been a) conclusion.
    电子资源: http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203100721
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