著作: | 69 作品に 53 出版物中に 53 言語 |
Scripts and literacy:reading and learning to read alphabets,syllabaries and characters
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Handbook of language and literacy[electronic resource] :development and disorders /
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Heavenly readings[electronic resource] :liturgical literacy in a multilingual context /
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Dancing with words[electronic resource] :signing for hearing children's literacy /
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The secret of natural readers[electronic resource] :how preschool children learn to read /
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Designing socially just learning communities[electronic resource] :critical literacy education across the lifespan /
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Heavy![electronic resource] :the surprising reasons America is the land of the free - and the home of the fat /
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Groundwork in the theory of argumentation[electronic resource] :selected papers of J. Anthony Blair /
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Education for self-transformation[electronic resource] :essay form as an educational practice /
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Transformative approaches to new technologies and student diversity in futures oriented classrooms[electronic resource] :future proofing education /
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Reading practices, postcolonial literature, and cultural mediation in the classroom[electronic resource] /
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Topical themes in argumentation theory[electronic resource] :twenty exploratory studies /
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Language policy for the multilingual classroom[electronic resource] :pedagogy of the possible /
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Perspectives on teaching and learning English literacy in China[electronic resource] /
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Using informative assessments towards effective literacy practices[electronic resource] /
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Literacy as involvement[electronic resource] :the acts of writers, readers, and texts /
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Making literacy real[electronic resource] :theories and practices for learning and teaching /
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Everyday youth literacies[electronic resource] :critical perspectives for new times /
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New media and learning in the 21st century[electronic resource] :a socio-cultural perspective /
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Gender and literacy[electronic resource] :a handbook for educators and parents /
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The Yuanpei Program in Peking University[electronic resource] :a case study of curriculum innovation /
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Literacy and langauage in East Asia[electronic resource] :shifting meanings, values and approaches /
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Lexical availability in English and Spanish as a second language[electronic resource] /
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Writing and publishing science research papers in English[electronic resource] :a global perspective /
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Reading development and difficulties in monolingual and bilingual Chinese children[electronic resource] /
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Adaptivity as a transformative disposition[electronic resource] :for learning in the 21st century /
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Reasonableness and effectiveness in argumentative discourse[electronic resource] :fifty contributions to the development of pragma-dialectics /
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Reflections on theoretical issues in argumentation theory[electronic resource] /
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Critical literacy practice[electronic resource] :applications of critical theory in diverse settings /
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From small places[electronic resource] :toward the realization of literacy as a human right /
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Learner-centered teaching activities for environmental and sustainability studies[electronic resource] /
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Decolonizing education[electronic resource] :towards reconstructing a theory of citizenship education for postcolonial Africa /
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Second language writing in elementary classrooms[electronic resource] :instructional issues, content-area writing and teacher education /
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Prelinguistic and minimally verbal communicators on the autism spectrum[electronic resource] /
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Reading fluency[electronic resource] :current insights from neurocognitive research and intervention studies /
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Learning and teaching with technology in the knowledge society[electronic resource] :new literacy, collaboration and digital content /
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Transition and transgression[electronic resource] :English young adult fiction in post-apartheid South Africa /
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Generation Z[electronic resource] :zombies, popular culture and educating youth /
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Critical literacies[electronic resource] :global and multicultural perspectives /
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Changing female literacy practices in Algeria[electronic resource] :empirical study on cultural construction of gender and empowerment /
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Quadrilingual education in Singapore[electronic resource] :pedagogical innovation in language education /
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Psychometric framework for modeling parental involvement and reading literacy[electronic resource] /
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Teaching, affirming, and recognizing trans and gender creative youth[electronic resource] :a queer literacy framework /
Interventions in learning disabilities[electronic resource] :a handbook on systematic training programs for individuals with learning disabilities /
Narrative skills of dual language learners[electronic resource] :acquisition and peer-assisted support in early childhood education and care /
Reading rehabilitation for individuals with low vision[electronic resource] :research and practice in the czech republic /
English as medium of instruction in Japanese higher education[electronic resource] :presumption, mirage or bluff? /
Decolonizing rhetoric and composition studies[electronic resource] :new Latinx keywords for theory and pedagogy /
Multilingual literacies, identities and ideologies[electronic resource] :exploring chain migration from Pakistan to the UK /