EDUCATION / General.
著作: | 17 作品に 1 出版物中に 1 言語 |
Rethinking multicultural education for the next generation :the new empathy and social justice /
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Adult learning and la recherche f�eminine[electronic resource] :reading resilience and H�el�ene Cixous /
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Feminist popular education in transnational debates[electronic resource] :building pedagogies of possibility /
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Culture, education, and community[electronic resource] :expressions of the postcolonial imagination /
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Comparative early childhood education services[electronic resource] :international perspectives /
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A critical pedagogy of embodied education[electronic resource] :learning to become an activist /
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University governance and reform[electronic resource] :policy, fads, and experience in international perspective /
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The engaged campus[electronic resource] :certificates, minors and majors as the new community engagement /
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Higher education regionalization in Asia Pacific[electronic resource] :implications for governance, citizenship and university transformation /
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Educational policy in an international context[electronic resource] :political culture and its effects /
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Resistance to Learning :overcoming the desire-not-to-know in classroom teaching /
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Reforming a school system, reviving a city :the promise of say yes to education in Syracuse /
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