Organizational change
著作: | 56 作品に 49 出版物中に 49 言語 |
The challenge of organizational change:how companies experience in and leaders guide it
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The smarter organization:how to build a business that learns and adapts to marketplace needs
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Organization development:behavioral science interventions for organization improvement
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Managing chaos and complexity in government:a new paradigm for managing change,innovation and organizational renewal
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The minding organization:bring the future to the present and turn creative ideas into business solutions
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Fish! sticks:a remarkable way to adapt to changing times and keep your work fresh
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Organization development:behavioral science interventions for organization improvement
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Managing innovation : integrating technological,market and organizational change
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The power of impossible thinking : tranform the business of your life and the life of your business
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Diagnosing and changing organizational culture : based on the competing values framework
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Innovation leaders : how senior executives stimulate, steer and sustain innovation
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Designing your organization : using the star model to solve 5 critical design challenges
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Narratives of organisational change and learning : making sense of testing times
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The learning advantageblending technology, strategy, and learning to create lasting results
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HR to the rescue[electronic resource] :case studies of HR solutions to business challenges /
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Managing reform in universities[electronic resource] :the dynamics of culture, identity and organisational change /
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