Number Theory.
著作: | 88 作品に 88 出版物中に 88 言語 |
Rational number theory in the 20th century[electronic resource] :from PNT to FLT /
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Contributions in analytic and algebraic number theory[electronic resource] :festschrift for S. J. Patterson /
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Number theory, analysis and geometry[electronic resource] :in memory of Serge Lang /
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Representation theory, complex analysis, and integral geometry[electronic resource] /
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Intersections of Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors and CM cycles[electronic resource] /
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Hilbert modular forms with coefficients in intersection homology and quadratic base change[electronic resource] /
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Representation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups[electronic resource] /
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Problems from the discrete to the continuous[electronic resource] :probability, number theory, graph theory, and combinatorics /
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Conformal field theory, automorphic forms and related topics[electronic resource] :CFT, Heidelberg, September 19-23, 2011 /
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Introductory notes on valuation rings and function fields in one variable[electronic resource] /
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Mathematics in the 21st Century[electronic resource] :6th World Conference, Lahore, March 2013 /
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Jacobi forms, finite quadratic modules and Weil representations over number fields[electronic resource] /
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The whole truth about whole numbers[electronic resource] :an elementary introduction to number theory /
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Topics in algebra and analysis[electronic resource] :preparing for the Mathematical Olympiad /
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Nevanlinna Theory in Several Complex Variables and Diophantine Approximation[electronic resource] /
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Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse[electronic resource] :the correspondence, 1923-1958 /
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Computations with modular forms[electronic resource] :proceedings of a summer school and conference, Heidelberg, August/September 2011 /
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Analytic number theory, approximation theory, and special functions[electronic resource] :in honor of Hari M. Srivastava /
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The quadratic reciprocity law[electronic resource] :a collection of classical proofs /
Calabi-Yau varieties[electronic resource] :arithmetic, geometry and physics : lecture notes on concentrated graduate courses /
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Introduction to cryptography[electronic resource] :principles and applications /
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Computing the continuous discretely[electronic resource] :integer-point enumeration in polyhedra /
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Advances in the theory of numbers[electronic resource] :proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association /
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Logic, mathematics, and computer science[electronic resource] :modern foundations with practical applications /
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Algebraic design theory and Hadamard matrices[electronic resource] :ADTHM, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, July 2014 /
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Women in Numbers Europe[electronic resource] :research directions in number theory /
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Analytic number theory[electronic resource] :in honor of Helmut Maier's 60th birthday /
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Representations of reductive groups[electronic resource] :in honor of the 60th birthday of David A. Vogan, Jr. /
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Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces[electronic resource] :higher rank spaces, positive definite matrix space and generalizations /
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Computational analysis[electronic resource] :AMAT, Ankara, May 2015 selected contributions /
The congruences of a finite lattice[electronic resource] :a "Proof-by-Picture" approach /
Pi[electronic resource] :the next generation : a sourcebook on the recent history of Pi and its computation /
Multiplicative ideal theory and factorization theory[electronic resource] :commutative and non-commutative perspectives /
Modern mathematical methods and high performance computing in science and technology[electronic resource] :M3HPCST, Ghaziabad, India, December 2015 /
Directions in number theory[electronic resource] :proceedings of the 2014 WIN3 Workshop /
Arthur's invariant trace formula and comparison of inner forms[electronic resource] /
From arithmetic to zeta-functions[electronic resource] :number theory in memory of Wolfgang Schwarz /
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Mod-[Phi] convergence[electronic resource] :normality zones and precise deviations /
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Lie theory and its applications in physics[electronic resource] :Varna, Bulgaria, June 2015 /
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