Christian Theology.
著作: | 18 作品に 17 出版物中に 17 言語 |
Ethos, bioethics, and sexual ethics in work and reception of the anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686)[electronic resource] :circulation of love /
Tolkien's theology of beauty[electronic resource] :majesty, splendor, and transcendence in Middle-earth /
Praying and campaigning with environmental Christians[electronic resource] :green religion and the climate movement /
Wittgenstein and interreligious disagreement[electronic resource] :a philosophical and theological perspective /
Tillich and the abyss[electronic resource] :foundations, feminism, and theology of praxis /
The problem of political foundations in Carl Schmitt and Emmanuel Levinas[electronic resource] /
William Temple and church unity[electronic resource] :the politics and practice of ecumenical theology /
A Pentecostal political theology for American renewal[electronic resource] :spirit of the kingdoms, citizens of the cities /
New directions for Catholic social and political research[electronic resource] :humanity vs. hyper-modernity /
Mapping the differentiated consensus of the joint declaration[electronic resource] /