Structural Geology.
著作: | 34 作品に 34 出版物中に 34 言語 |
Deep crustal structure of the Son-Narmada-Tapti Lineament, Central India[electronic resource] /
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Characteristics of Chinese petroleum geology[electronic resource] :geological features and exploration cases of stratigraphic, foreland and deep formation traps /
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Understanding an orogenic belt[electronic resource] :structural evolution of the Himalaya /
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Geomathematics[electronic resource] :theoretical foundations, applications and future developments /
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Quantitative plate tectonics[electronic resource] :physics of the Earth -- Plate Kinematics -- Geodynamics /
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Geology of the Nepal Himalaya[electronic resource] :regional perspective of the classic collided orogen /
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Neogene micropaleontology and stratigraphy of Argentina[electronic resource] :the Chaco-Paranense Basin and the Península de Valdes /
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Rheological and seismic properties of solid-melt systems[electronic resource] :a mechanical spectroscopy study /
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A petrographic atlas of ophiolite[electronic resource] :an example from the eastern India-Asia collision zone /
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The analysis of diffuse triple junction zones in plate tectonics and the pirate model of Western Caribbean tectonics[electronic resource] /
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Late Cenozoic climate change in Asia[electronic resource] :Loess, Monsoon and monsoon-arid environment evolution /
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Tectonic inheritance in continental rifts and passive margins[electronic resource] /
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3D, 4D and predictive modelling of major mineral belts in Europe[electronic resource] /
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Quantitative parameterization and 3D-run-out modelling of rockfalls at steep limestone cliffs in the Bavarian Alps[electronic resource] /
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Active volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean[electronic resource] :Piton de la Fournaise and Karthala /
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Main tectonic events and metallogeny of the North China Craton[electronic resource] /