Measurement Science and Instrumentation.
著作: | 129 作品に 128 出版物中に 128 言語 |
The Rudolf Mossbauer story[electronic resource] :his scientific work and its impact on science and history /
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Measurement uncertainties[electronic resource] :physical parameters and calibration of instruments /
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Spin squeezing and non-linear atom interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates[electronic resource] /
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Exploring macroscopic quantum mechanics in optomechanical devices[electronic resource] /
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Applied photometry, radiometry, and measurements of optical losses[electronic resource] /
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Measuring technology and mechatronics automation in electrical engineering[electronic resource] /
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Bouguer gravity regional and residual separation[electronic resource] :application to geology and environment /
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Informational limits in optical polarimetry and vectorial imaging[electronic resource] /
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A neural network approach to fluid quantity measurement in dynamic environments[electronic resource] /
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Dynamic studies through control of relaxation in NMR spectroscopy[electronic resource] /
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Laboratory micro-x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy[electronic resource] :instrumentation and applications /
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Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry of electrons from heavy flavor decays in polarized p + p collisions at [square root symbol]s = 200 GeV[electronic resource] /
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Characterisation of ferroelectric bulk materials and thin films[electronic resource] /
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Ground-based aerosol optical depth measurement using sunphotometers[electronic resource] /
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Universe of scales[electronic resource] :from nanotechnology to cosmology : symposium in honor of Minoru M. Freund /
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Robust control for grid voltage stability[electronic resource] :high penetration of renewable energy : interfacing conventional and renewable power generation resources /
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Structural studies of liquids and glasses using aerodynamic levitation[electronic resource] /
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Spacecraft TT&C and information transmission theory and technologies[electronic resource] /
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Theoretical foundations of synchrotron and storage ring RF systems[electronic resource] /
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The road to discovery[electronic resource] :detector alignment, electron identification, particle misidentification, WW physics, and the discovery of the Higgs Boson /
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High-resolution spin-resolved photoemission spectrometer and the Rashba effect in bismuth thin films[electronic resource] /
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Advances in gamma ray resonant scattering and absorption[electronic resource] :long-lived isomeric nuclear states /
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Initial results from the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS)[electronic resource] /
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Laser measurement technology[electronic resource] :fundamentals and applications /
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Nanotechnologies in the conservation of cultural heritage[electronic resource] :a compendium of materials and techniques /
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Plug in electric vehicles in smart grids[electronic resource] :integration techniques /
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Plug in electric vehicles in smart grids[electronic resource] :energy management /
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Plug in electric vehicles in smart grids[electronic resource] :charging strategies /
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Progress in scale modeling.[electronic resource] :selections from the International Symposia on Scale Modeling, ISSM VI (2009) and ISSM VII (2013) /Volume II
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Doubt-free uncertainty in measurement[electronic resource] :an introduction for engineers and students /
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High-resolution extreme ultraviolet microscopy[electronic resource] :imaging of artificial and biological specimens with laser-driven ultrafast XUV sources /
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Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation systems[electronic resource] :industrial application issues /
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Advancements of medical electronics[electronic resource] :proceedings of the First International Conference, ICAME 2015 /
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Search for the Higgs boson in the vector boson fusion channel at the ATLAS detector[electronic resource] /
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Precision interferometry in a new shape[electronic resource] :higher-order Laguerre-Gauss modes for gravitational wave detection /
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Theoretical concepts of x-ray nanoscale analysis[electronic resource] :theory and applications /
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Historical evolution toward achieving ultrahigh vacuum in JEOL electron microscopes[electronic resource] /
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Time-dependent CP violation measurements[electronic resource] :analyses of neutral B meson to double-charm decays at the Japanese Belle Experiment /
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Top quark pair production[electronic resource] :precision measurements of the top quark pair production cross section in the single lepton channel with the ATLAS Experiment /
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Background processes in the electrostatic spectrometers of the KATRIN Experiment[electronic resource] /
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Nonlinear analysis of gas-water/oil-water two-phase flow in complex networks[electronic resource] /
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Jet quenching in relativistic heavy ion collisions at the LHC[electronic resource] /
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Heavy neutral particle decays to tau pairs[electronic resource] :detected with CMS in proton collisions at [squareroot symbol]s = 7TeV /
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Large scale renewable power generation[electronic resource] :advances in technologies for generation, transmission and storage /
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Free-electron lasers in the ultraviolet and x-ray regime[electronic resource] :physical principles, experimental results, technical realization /
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Experiments and numerical simulations of turbulent combustion of diluted sprays[electronic resource] :TCS 3: Third International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion /
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Recent advances in automation, robotics and measuring techniques[electronic resource] /
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Advanced interferometers and the search for gravitational waves[electronic resource] :lectures from the first VESF School on Advanced Detectors for Gravitational Waves /
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Everything you wanted to know about data analysis and fitting but were afraid to ask[electronic resource] /
Wearable electronics sensors[electronic resource] :for safe and healthy living /
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Optical coherence tomography[electronic resource] :technology and applications /
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The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer Mission (LADEE)[electronic resource] /
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The floating strip micromegas detector[electronic resource] :versatile particle detectors for high-rate applications /
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Spin correlations in tt[bar] events from pp collisions[electronic resource] :measured at [square root]s = 7 TeV in the lepton+jets final state with the ATLAS detector /
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QCD radiation in top-antitop and Z+jets final states[electronic resource] :precision measurements at ATLAS /
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Direct measurement of the hyperfine structure interval of positronium using high power millimeter wave technology[electronic resource] /
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Bench scale calorimetry in chemical reaction kinetics[electronic resource] :an alternative approach to liquid phase reaction kinetics /
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Production yield of muon-induced neutrons in lead[electronic resource] :measured at the Modane Underground Laboratory /
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The rise and fall of the fifth force[electronic resource] :discovery, pursuit, and justification in modern physics /
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New technologies in electromagnetic non-destructive testing[electronic resource] /
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Synchrotron light sources and free-electron lasers[electronic resource] :accelerator physics, instrumentation and science applications /
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Statistical methods for data analysis in particle physics[electronic resource] /
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General theory of light propagation and imaging through the atmosphere[electronic resource] /
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Study of double parton scattering using four-jet scenarios[electronic resource] :in proton-proton collisions at sqrt s = 7 TeV with the CMS Experiment at the LHC /
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Small-angle scattering from confined and interfacial fluids[electronic resource] :applications to energy storage and environmental science /
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Pulse voltammetry in physical electrochemistry and electroanalysis[electronic resource] :theory and applications /
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Handbook of modern sensors[electronic resource] :physics, designs, and applications /
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Measurements of the X c and X b quarkonium states in pp collisions with the ATLAS experiment[electronic resource] /
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Search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino[electronic resource] :based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at [square root s] = 8 TeV /
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Search for scalar top quarks and Higgsino-like neutralinos[electronic resource] :SUSY hunting with a "soft" lepton at the LHC /
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Measurement of neutrino interactions and three flavor neutrino oscillations in the T2K experiment[electronic resource] /
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Probing cosmic dark matter and dark energy with weak gravitational lensing statistics[electronic resource] /
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Mechatronics[electronic resource] :ideas, challenges, solutions and applications /
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Coordinate metrology[electronic resource] :accuracy of systems and measurements /
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Network radar countermeasure systems[electronic resource] :integrating radar and radar countermeasures /
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Surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy[electronic resource] :bioanalytical, biomolecular and medical applications /
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Theoretical and experimental studies on novel high-gain seeded free-electron laser schemes[electronic resource] /
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X-ray studies of the central engine in active galactic nuclei with Suzaku[electronic resource] /
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Challenges in automation, robotics and measurement techniques[electronic resource] :proceedings of AUTOMATION-2016, March 2-4, 2016, Warsaw, Poland /
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Search for the Pentaquark [theta]+ via the [pi]p --> KX Reaction at J-PARC[electronic resource] /
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