Statistics for Business/Economics/Mathematical Finance/Insurance.
著作: | 125 作品に 124 出版物中に 124 言語 |
Parametric statistical change point analysis[electronic resource] :with applications to genetics, medicine, and finance /
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Excel 2010 for educational and psychological statistics[electronic resource] :a guide to solving practical problems /
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Empirical modelling in regional science[electronic resource] :towards a global time-space-structural analysis /
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Business statistics for competitive advantage with Excel 2010[electronic resource] :basics, model building, and cases /
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Stochastic optimal control and the U.S. financial debt crisis[electronic resource] /
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Fundamentals of queuing systems[electronic resource] :statistical methods for analyzing queuing models /
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Advanced statistical methods for the analysis of large data-sets[electronic resource] /
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Business statistics for competitive advantage with Excel 2007[electronic resource] :basics, model building, and cases /
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Defining the spatial scale in modern regional analysis[electronic resource] :new challenges from data at local level /
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Probability and statistical models[electronic resource] :foundations for problems in reliability and financial mathematics /
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An introduction to Bartlett correction and bias reduction[electronic resource] /
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Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance[electronic resource] /
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A concise guide to market research[electronic resource] :the process, data, and methods using IBM SPSS statistics /
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Applied data-centric social sciences[electronic resource] :concepts, data, computation, and theory /
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Financial econometrics and empirical market microstructure[electronic resource] /
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Mathematical methods and models in economic planning, management and budgeting[electronic resource] /
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Excel 2013 for business statistics[electronic resource] :a guide to solving practical business problems /
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A time series approach to option pricing[electronic resource] :models, methods and empirical performances /
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Study guide for statistics for business and financial economics[electronic resource] :a supplement to the textbook by Cheng-Few Lee, John C. Lee and Alice C. Lee /
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Levy matters IV[electronic resource] :estimation for discretely observed Levy processes /
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Risk-pooling essentials[electronic resource] :reducing demand and lead time uncertainty /
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Quantitative energy finance[electronic resource] :modeling, pricing, and hedging in energy and commodity markets /
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Recent advances in estimating nonlinear models[electronic resource] :with applications in economics and finance /
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Spatial econometrics[electronic resource] :from cross-sectional data to spatial panels /
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Bank management and control[electronic resource] :strategy, capital and risk management /
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Exploratory data analysis in business and economics[electronic resource] :an introduction using SPSS, Stata, and Excel /
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Basics of modern mathematical statistics[electronic resource] :exercises and solutions /
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Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions[electronic resource] :With Applications to Finance /
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Bayesian statistics from methods to models and applications[electronic resource] :research from BAYSM 2014 /
Heavy-tailed distributions and robustness in economics and finance[electronic resource] /
Theory and practice of risk assessment[electronic resource] :ICRA 5, Tomar, Portugal, 2013 /
Benefit transfer of environmental and resource values[electronic resource] :a guide for researchers and practitioners /
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Marshall-Olkin distributions[electronic resource] :advances in theory and applications, Bologna, Italy, October 2013 /
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Actuarial sciences and quantitative finance[electronic resource] :ICASQF, Bogota, Colombia, June 2014 /
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Service industry databook[electronic resource] :understanding and analyzing sector specific data across 15 nations /
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Portfolio analytics[electronic resource] :an introduction to return and risk measurement /
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Model-free prediction and regression[electronic resource] :a transformation-based approach to inference /
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Introduction to insurance mathematics[electronic resource] :technical and financial features of risk transfers /
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Introduction to statistics[electronic resource] :using interactive MM*Stat elements /
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Indexation and causation of financial markets[electronic resource] :nonstationary time series analysis method /
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Report on the development of household finance in rural China (2014)[electronic resource] /
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Statistical methods and applications in insurance and finance[electronic resource] :CIMPA School, Marrakech and El Kelaa M'gouna, Morocco, April 2013 /
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Multivariate time series with linear state space structure[electronic resource] /
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Time series analysis and forecasting[electronic resource] :selected contributions from the ITISE Conference /
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Rethinking risk in national security[electronic resource] :lessons of the financial crisis for risk management /
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Quantitative modeling of operational risk in finance and banking using possibility theory[electronic resource] /
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Stochastic processes and calculus[electronic resource] :an elementary introduction with applications /
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The distribution of Income and wealth[electronic resource] :parametric modeling with the κ-generalized family /
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Open data in Southeast Asia[electronic resource] :towards economic prosperity, government transparency, and citizen participation in the ASEAN /
Seasonal adjustment methods and real time trend-cycle estimation[electronic resource] /
Advanced business analytics[electronic resource] :essentials for developing a competitive advantage /
Revenue management in manufacturing[electronic resource] :state of the art, application and profit impact in the process industry /
Stochastic models with power-law tails[electronic resource] :the equation X = AX + B /
Handbook of ratings[electronic resource] :approaches to ratings in the economy, sports, and society /
Students' experiences and perspectives on secondary education[electronic resource] :institutions, transitions and policy /
A course in mathematical statistics and large sample theory[electronic resource] /
Business statistics for competitive advantage with Excel 2016[electronic resource] :basics, model building, simulation and cases /
Excel 2016 for business statistics[electronic resource] :a guide to solving practical problems /
Options and derivatives programming in C++[electronic resource] :algorithms and programming techniques for the financial industry /
The pillars of the Italian economy[electronic resource] :manufacturing, food & wine, tourism /
Essentials of Excel, Excel VBA, SAS and Minitab for statistical and financial analyses[electronic resource] /
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Engineering mathematics I[electronic resource] :electromagnetics, fluid Mechanics, material physics and financial engineering /
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Quantitative analysis and IBM SPSS statistics[electronic resource] :a guide for business and finance /
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The manual of strategic economic decision making[electronic resource] :using Bayesian belief networks to solve complex problems /
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Recent advances in robust statistics[electronic resource] :theory and applications /
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Advances in time series methods and applications[electronic resource] :the A. Ian Mcleod festschrift /
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Innovations in derivatives markets[electronic resource] :fixed income modeling, valuation adjustments, risk management, and regulation /
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Introduction to statistics and data analysis[electronic resource] :with exercises, solutions and applications in R /
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Engineering mathematics II[electronic resource] :algebraic, stochastic and analysis structures for networks, data classification and optimization /
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