Records via probability theory[elect...
Ahsanullah, Mohammad.


  • Records via probability theory[electronic resource] /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414]: 519.5
    Title/Author: Records via probability theory/ by Mohammad Ahsanullah, Valery B. Nevzorov.
    Author: Ahsanullah, Mohammad.
    other author: Nevzorov, Valery B.
    Published: Paris : : Atlantis Press :, 2015.
    Description: xii, 255 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Order statistics.
    Subject: Ranking and selection (Statistics)
    Subject: Mathematical statistics.
    Subject: Statistics.
    Subject: Statistical Theory and Methods.
    Subject: Statistics for Business/Economics/Mathematical Finance/Insurance.
    Subject: Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences.
    Subject: Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes.
    Subject: Science, general.
    ISBN: 9789462391369 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 9789462391352 (paper)
    [NT 15000228]: Introduction -- Order Statistics -- Record Times -- Record Values -- Record Values of Some Well Known Distributions -- Records of Discrete Distributions -- Estimation of Parameters and Prediction of Records -- Characterizations of Distributions -- Asymptotic Distributions of Records -- Nonclassical Record Scheme.
    [NT 15000229]: A lot of statisticians, actuarial mathematicians, reliability engineers, meteorologists, hydrologists, economists. Business and sport analysts deal with records which play important roles in various fields of statistics and its application. This book enables a reader to check his/her level of understanding of the theory of record values. We give basic formulae which are more important in the theory and present a lot of examples which illustrate the theoretical statements. For a beginner in record statistics, as well as for graduate students the study of our book needs the basic knowledge of the subject. A more advanced reader can use our book to polish his/her knowledge. An upgraded list of bibliography which will help a reader to enrich his/her theoretical knowledge and widen the experience of dealing with ordered observations, is also given in the book.
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