著作: | 83 作品に 83 出版物中に 83 言語 |
Advanced surgical facial rejuvenation[electronic resource] :art and clinical practice /
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Cochlear mechanics[electronic resource] :introduction to a time domain analysis of the nonlinear cochlea /
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The Yale swallow protocol[electronic resource] :an evidence-based approach to decision making /
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Cutaneous flaps in head and neck reconstruction[electronic resource] :from anatomy to surgery /
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Cerebral angiography[electronic resource] :normal anatomy and vascular pathology /
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Stem cells in aesthetic procedures[electronic resource] :art, science, and clinical techniques /
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Acoustics, information, and communication[electronic resource] :memorial volume in honor of Manfred R. Schroeder /
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Robotic surgery of the head and neck[electronic resource] :a comprehensive guide /
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Neurointervention in the medical specialties[electronic resource] :a comprehensive guide /
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Manual of head and neck reconstruction using regional and free flaps[electronic resource] /
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Disorders of the neonatal airway[electronic resource] :fundamentals for practice /
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Tympanic membrane retraction pocket[electronic resource] :overview and advances in diagnosis and management /
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ENT Board Prep[electronic resource] :high yield review for the Otolaryngology In-service and Board Exams /
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Pediatric head and neck tumors[electronic resource] :A-Z guide to presentation and multimodality management /
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Regional nerve blocks in anesthesia and pain therapy[electronic resource] :traditional and ultrasound-guided techniques /
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Practical medical and surgical management of chronic rhinosinusitis[electronic resource] /
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Nocturnal non-invasive ventilation[electronic resource] :theory, evidence, and clinical practice /
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Clinician's guide to breastfeeding[electronic resource] :evidenced-based evaluation and management /
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Treatise on acoustics[electronic resource] :the first comprehensive English translation of E.F.F. Chladni's Traite d'Acoustique /
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Physiology, psychoacoustics and cognition in normal and impaired hearing[electronic resource] /
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Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease[electronic resource] /
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Fish hearing and bioacoustics[electronic resource] :an anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay /
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Pediatric tricky topics.[electronic resource] :a practically painless review /Volume 2
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Temporomandibular joint total joint replacement - TMJ TJR[electronic resource] :a comprehensive reference for researchers, materials scientists, and surgeons /
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Infectious diseases in pediatric otolaryngology[electronic resource] :a practical guide /
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Biomedical optics in otorhinolaryngology[electronic resource] :head and neck surgery /
Cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx[electronic resource] :evidence-based decision making /
Translational research in audiology, neurotology, and the hearing sciences[electronic resource] /