Educational tests and measurements.
著作: | 41 作品に 22 出版物中に 22 言語 |
Academic skills problems[electronic resource] :direct assessment and intervention /
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Unlocking assessment[electronic resource] :understanding for reflection and application /
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PISA 2009 assessment framework[electronic resource] :key competencies in reading, mathematics and science.
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Assessment as learning :using classroom assessment to maximize student learning /
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From testing to productive student learning[electronic resource] :implementing formative assessment in Confucian-heritage settings /
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Implementing cross-culture pedagogies[electronic resource] :cooperative learning at Confucian heritage cultures /
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Using formative assessment to drive mathematics instruction in grades preK-2[electronic resource] /
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Teaching and learning in lower secondary schools in the era of PISA and TIMSS[electronic resource] /
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Next generation assessment[electronic resource] :moving beyond the bubble test to support 21st century learning /
Using students' assessment mistakes and learning deficits to enhance motivation and learning /
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Educational measurement for applied researchers[electronic resource] :theory into practice /
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Testing ESL sociopragmatics[electronic resource] :development and validation of a web-based test battery /
Formative assessment leadership[electronic resource] :identify, plan, apply, assess, refine /
Teacher-made assessments[electronic resource] :how to connect curriculum, instruction, and student learning /
20 formative assessment strategies that work[electronic resource] :a guide across content and grade levels /