Teacher assessment and the assessmen...
Abedi, Jamal.


  • Teacher assessment and the assessment of students with diverse learning needs /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 370.72
    書名/作者: Teacher assessment and the assessment of students with diverse learning needs // Jamal Abedi, editor, Christian Faltis, editor.
    其他作者: Abedi, Jamal.
    出版者: Washington, DC : : American Educational Research Association ;, 2015.
    面頁冊數: xiv, 416 p. : : ill. ;; 23 cm.
    標題: Education - Research.
    標題: Educational tests and measurements.
    標題: Teachers - Training of
    標題: Teachers - Rating of.
    標題: English language - Study and teaching
    標題: Children with disabilities - Education.
    標題: Children with disabilities - Ability testing.
    ISBN: 9781473926714 (pbk.) :
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references.
    內容註: Introduction : teacher assessment of students with diverse learning needs / Jamal Abedi and Christian Faltis -- 1. Knowing what teachers know / Drew H. Gitomer and Rovert C. Zisk -- 2. Assessment of teachers from a social psychological perspective / Ayesha Madni [and others] -- 3. Developing teachers' knowledge and skills at the intersection of English language learners and language assessment / Kip Tellez and Eduardo Mosqueda -- 4. Transformation in K-12 English language proficiency assessment : changing contexts, changing constructs / Timothy Boals [and others] -- 5. Psychomentric challenges in assessing English language learners and students with disabilities / Suzanne Lane and Brian Leventhal -- 6. Promoting validity in the assessment of English learners / Stephen G. Sireci and Molly Faulkner-Bond -- 7. Assessment of English language learners in the era of new academic content standards / Alison L. Bailey and Patricia E. Carroll -- 8. Adaptations and access to assessment of common core content / Ryan J. Kettler -- 9. Advancing accessibility and accommodations in content assessments for students with disabilities and English learners / Martha L. Thurlow and Rebecca J. Kopriva -- 10. The changing nature of educational assessment / Randy Elliot Bennett.
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