College teaching.
著作: | 23 作品に 15 出版物中に 15 言語 |
Academic work and life[electronic resource] :what it is to be anacademic, and how this ischanging /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Inclusion and diversity[electronic resource] :meeting the needs of all students /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Analysing teaching-learning interactions in higher education[electronic resource] :accounting for structure and agency /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Learning theory and classroom practice in the lifelong learning sector[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Creativity in the classroom :case studies in using the arts in teaching and learning in higher education /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Teaching research processes[electronic resource] :the faculty role in the development of skilled student researchers /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Teaching, learning, and research in higher education[electronic resource] :a critical approach /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Doing research to improve teaching and learning :a guide for college and university faculty /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Teaching reflective learning in higher education[electronic resource] :a systematic approach using pedagogic patterns /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Teaching and research in contemporary higher education[electronic resource] :systems, activities and rewards /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Innovative practices in teaching information sciences and technology[electronic resource] :experience reports and reflections /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Teaching and learning in higher education :disciplinary approaches to educational enquiry /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Learning from each other[electronic resource] :refining the practice of teaching inhigher education /
Doing research to improve teaching and learning[electronic resource] :a guide for college and university faculty /
Enhancing learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum in higher education[electronic resource] :theory, cases, practices /
Handbook of research on applying universal design for learning across disciplines[electronic resource] :concepts, case studies and practical implementation /
How to be an effective teacher in higher education[electronic resources] :answer to lecturers' questions /
The first year at university[electronic resources] :teaching students in transition /