著作: | 41 作品に 15 出版物中に 15 言語 |
Governance, consumers and citizens[electronic resource] :agency and resistance in contemporary politics /
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Of states, rights, and social closure[electronic resource] :governing migration and citizenship /
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From migrant to citizen[electronic resource] :testing language, testing culture /
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Citizenship acquisition and national belonging[electronic resource] :migration, membership and the liberal democratic state /
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Gendered citizenships[electronic resource] :transnational perspectives on knowledge production, political activism, and culture /
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Citizenship, community, and the Church of England[electronic resource] :liberal Anglican theories of the state between the wars /
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The empowered self[electronic resource] :law and society in the age of individualism /
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Young people's quality of life and construction of citizenship[electronic resource] /
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Rethinking political obligation[electronic resource] :moral principles, communal ties, citizenship /
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Crafting citizenship[electronic resource] :negotiating tensions in a modern society /
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Security, citizenship and human rights[electronic resource] :shared values in uncertain times /
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Greening citizenship[electronic resource] :sustainable development, the state and ideology /
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The problem of political authority[electronic resource] :an examination of the right to coerce and the duty to obey /
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Beyond citizenship?[electronic resource] :feminism and the transformation of belonging /
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Citizenship and its exclusions[electronic resource] :a classical, constitutional, and critical race critique /
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The political role of corporate citizens[electronic resource] :an interdisciplinary approach /
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Naturalization policies, education and citizenship[electronic resource] :multicultural and multi-nation societies in international perspective /
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Equality, citizenship, and segregation[electronic resource] :a defense of separation /
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The right to have rights[electronic resource] :citizenship, humanity, and international law /
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Citizenship after the nation state :regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe /
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Liberal Rights and Responsibilities[electronic resource] :Essays on Citizenship and Sovereignty /
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Citizenship as a human right[electronic resource] :the fundamental right to a specific citizenship /
IEA international civic and citizenship education study 2016 assessment framework[electronic resource] /
Citizenship and immigration - borders, migration and political membership in a global age[electronic resource] /
Muslim citizenship in liberal democracies[electronic resource] :civic and political participation in the West /