Globalization - Social aspects.
著作: | 51 作品に 19 出版物中に 19 言語 |
Global migration, social change and cultural transformation[electronic resource] /
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Protest and organization in the alternative globalization era[electronic resource] :NGOs,social movements, and political parties /
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After 2015[electronic resource] :international development policy at a crossroads /
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Anthropology and the new cosmopolitanism[electronic resource] :rooted, feminist and vernacular perspectives /
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A game as old as empire[electronic resource] :the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption /
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Gender and the local-global nexus[electronic resource] :theory, research, and action /
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Globalization, changing demographics, and educational challenges in East Asia[electronic resource] /
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Globalisation, public opinion and the state[electronic resource] :western Europe and east and southeast Asia /
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The fabric of cultures[electronic resource] :fashion, identity, and globalization /
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Protest and organization in the alternative globalization era[electronic resource] :NGOs, social movements, and political parties /
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The global grapevine[electronic resource] :why rumors of terrorism, immigration, and trade matter /
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Global perspectives on insurance today[electronic resource] :a look at national interest versus globalization /
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Regimes of social cohesion[electronic resource] :societies and the crisis of globalization /
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Beyond globalization[electronic resource] :making new worlds in media, art, and social practices /
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Global memoryscapes[electronic resource] :contesting remembrancein a transnational age /
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Globalization and social transformation in the Asia-Pacific :the Australian and Malayasian experience /
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Global city challenges[electronic resource] :debating a concept, improving the practice /
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From Global Poverty to Global Equality[electronic resource] :A Philosophical Exploration /
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Understanding the dynamics of global inequality[electronic resource] :social exclusion, power shift, and structural changes /
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Communicating, networking, interacting[electronic resource] :the International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU /
The global nexus[electronic resource] :political economies, connectivity, and the social sciences /
Handbook of research on Institutional, economic, and social impacts of globalization and liberalization[electronic resource] /
Adoption, usage, and global impact of broadband technologies[electronic resource] :diffusion, practice, and policy /
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The political psychology of globalization[electronic resource] :Muslims in the west /
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Global assemblages[electronic resource] :technology, politics, and ethics as anthropological problems /
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Global marriage[electronic resource] :cross-border marriage and marriage migration in global context /
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Memory in a global age[electronic resource] :discourses, practices and trajectories /
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