Early childhood education.
著作: | 55 作品に 25 出版物中に 25 言語 |
An introduction to early childhood[electronic resource] :a multidisciplinary approach /
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Leadership and management in the early years[electronic resource] :from principles to practice /
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Social contexts of early education, and reconceptualizing play (II)[electronic resource] /
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Practical transformations and transformational practices[electronic resource] :globalization, postmodernism, and early childhood education /
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A history of children's play and play environments[electronic resource] :toward a contemporary child-saving movement /
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Key issues in early years education[electronic resource] :a guide for students and practitioners /
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Learning to belong[electronic resource] :exploring young children's participation at the start of school /
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Movement and experimentation in young children's learning[electronic resource] :Deleuze and Guattari in early childhood education /
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Vygotsky in action in the early years[electronic resource] :the 'key to learning' curriculum /
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Early childhood grows up[electronic resource] :towards a critical ecology of the profession /
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Exploring the connection between children's literature and music[electronic resource] /
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A mandate for playful learning in preschool[electronic resource] :presenting the evidence /
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The thinking child[electronic resource] :brain-based learning for the early years foundation stage /
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Whose childhood is it?[electronic resource] :the roles of children, adults, and policy makers /
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Positive and trusting relationships with children in early years settings[electronic resource] /
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The early childhood educator professional development grant[electronic resource] :research and practice /
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Lived spaces of infant-toddler education and care[electronic resource] :exploring diverse perspectives on theory, research and practice /
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World class initiatives and practices in early education[electronic resource] :moving forward in a global age /
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International research on education for sustainable development in early childhood[electronic resource] /
Motivation themes: Achievement, affiliation, and power in "Sesame Street" from 1969-2013.
An ABC of early childhood education[electronic resource] :a guide to some of the key issues /
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International perspectives on early years workfore development[electronic resource] /
Early years placements[electronic resource] :a critical guide to outstanding work-based learning /
Between teaching and caring in the preschool :talk, interaction, and the preschool teacher identity /
Multilingualism in the early years[electronic resource] :extending the limits of our world /
Developing play for the under 3s[electronic resource] :the treasure basket and heuristic play /
International perspectives on modern developments in early childhood education[electronic resource] /
Working with the under-threes[electronic resource] :responding to children's needs /
Physical education initiatives for early childhood learners[electronic resource] /
Early childhood education and the student empowerment program[electronic resource] /
Influencing early childhood education[electronic resources] :key figures, philosophies and ideas /
Making sense of theory & practice in early childhood[electronic resources] :the power of ideas /
Moving on to key stage 1[electronic resources] :improving transition from the early years foundation stage /