著作: | 194 作品に 93 出版物中に 93 言語 |
Radical democracy and the Internet[electronic resource] :interrogating theory and practice /
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Participatory democracy, science and technology[electronic resource] :an exploration in the philosophy of science /
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The making of democrats[electronic resource] :elections and party development in postwar Bosnia, El Salvador, and Mozambique /
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Participation and democracy in the twenty-first century city[electronic resource] /
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Democracy's deep roots[electronic resource] :why the nation state remains legitimate /
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How power corrupts[electronic resource] :cognition and democracyin organisations /
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The frontiers of democracy[electronic resource] :the right to vote and its limits /
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Politics most unusual[electronic resource] :violence, sovereignty and democracy in the 'war on terror' /
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Why not Parties in Russia? :[electronic resource].Democracy, Federalism, and the State.
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Democracy Derailed in Russia :[electronic resource].The Failure of Open Politics.
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Free Market Democracy and the Chilean and Mexican Countryside.[electronic resource].
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The riddle of all constitutions[electronic resource] :international law, democracy, and the critique of ideology /
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The eyes of the people[electronic resource] :democracy in an age of spectatorship /
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The climate change challenge and the failure of democracy[electronic resource] /
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The press and the decline of democracy[electronic resource] :the democratic socialist response in public policy /
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Poverty, participation, and democracy[electronic resource] :a global perspective /
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Constituting democracy[electronic resource] :law, globalism and South Africa's political reconstruction /
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Collective preferences in democratic politics[electronic resource] :opinion surveys and the will of the people /
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Controlling governments[electronic resource] :voters, institutions, and accountability /
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The deepening darkness[electronic resource] :patriarchy, resistance, and democracy's future /
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Democracy and the politics of the extraordinary[electronic resource] :Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt /
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The rich world and the impoverishment of education[electronic resource] :diminishing democracy, equity and workers' rights /
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Defining democracy[electronic resource] :voting procedures in decision-making, elections and governance /
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Reimagining democracy[electronic resource] :on the political project of Adriano Olivetti /
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Semi-presidentialism[electronic resource] :sub-types and democratic performance /
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Accountability and democracy[electronic resource] :the pitfalls and promise of popular control /
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Linking citizens and parties[electronic resource] :how electoral systems matter for political representation /
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Democracy, agency, and the state[electronic resource] :theory with comparative intent /
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The Korean state and social policy[electronic resource] :how South Korea lifted itself from poverty and dictatorship to affluence and democracy /
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The will of the many[electronic resource] :how the alterglobalisation movement is changing the face of democracy /
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How democracy works[electronic resource] :political representation and policy congruence in modern societies : essays in honour of Jacques Thomassen /
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Legitimacy beyond the state?[electronic resource] :re-examining the democratic credentials of transnational actors /
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Political communication in postmodern democracy[electronic resource] :challenging the primacy of politics /
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How power changes hands[electronic resource] :transition and succession in government /
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The time of popular sovereignty[electronic resource] :process and the democratic state /
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The public and its problems[electronic resource] :an essay in political inquiry /
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The political web[electronic resource] :media, participation and alternative democracy /
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Understanding liberal democracy[electronic resource] :essays in political philosophy /
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Representative bureaucracy in action :country profiles from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia /
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Economic Autonomy and Democracy :[electronic resource].Hybrid Regimes in Russia and Kyrgyzstan.
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Aversive Democracy :[electronic resource].Inheritance and Originality in the Democratic Tradition.
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Mandates and Democracy :[electronic resource].Neoliberalism by Surprise in Latin America.
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When political parties die[electronic resource] :a cross-national analysis of disalignment and realignment /
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Dialectical democracy through Christian thought :individualism, relationalism, and American politics /
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Assessing dynamics of democratisation :transformative politics, new institutions, and the case of Indonesia /
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Constituent perceptions of political representation :how citizens evaluate their representatives /
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Making China strong :the role of nationalism in Chinese thinking on democracy and human rights /
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Democracy, identity and foreign policy in Turkey :hegemony through transformation /
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Democratic participation in armed conflict :military involvement in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq /
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Policy-driven democratization :geometrical perspectives on transparency, accountability, and corruption /
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Comparing mass media in established democracies[electronic resource] :patterns of media performance /
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Democracy bytes[electronic resource] :new media, new politics and generational change /
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Referendums around the world[electronic resource] :the continued growth of direct democracy /
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Organizing Democratic Choice[electronic resource] :Party Representation Over Time /
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The Democratic Foundations of Policy Diffusion[electronic resource] :How Health, Family, and Employment Laws Spread Across Countries /
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Framing democracy[electronic resource] :a behavioral approach to democratic theory /
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Modernizing democracy[electronic resource] :associations and associating in the 21st Century /
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The influence of the type of dominant party on democracy[electronic resource] :a comparison between South Africa and Malaysia /
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The internet and democracy in global perspective[electronic resource] :voters, candidates, parties, and social movements /
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Managing democracies in turbulent times[electronic resource] :trust, performance, and governance in modern states /
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Electronic democracy in Europe[electronic resource] :prospects and challenges of e-publics, e-participation and e-voting /
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Political parties, parliaments and legislative speechmaking[electronic resource] /
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Democratizing constitutional law[electronic resource] :perspectives on legal theory and the legitimacy of constitutionalism /
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Political disagreement :the survival of diverse opinions within communication networks /
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A unified theory of party competition :a cross-national analysis integrating spatial and behavioral factors /
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Immigration as a democratic challenge :citizenship and inclusion in Germany and the United States /
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Political constitutionalism :a republican defence of the constitutionality of democracy /
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Australian political economy of violence and non-violence[electronic resource] /
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South Africa's political crisis[electronic resource] :unfinished liberation and fractured class struggles /
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Student voice[electronic resource] :a companion to Democracy and Its Discontents /
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Attention deficit democracy[electronic resource] :the paradox of civic engagement /
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Christodemocracy and the alternative democratic theory of America's Christian Right[electronic resource] /
Democratic counterinsurgents[electronic resource] :how democracies can prevail in irregular warfare /
Comparative politics[electronic resource] :principles of democracy and democratization /
Generational gap in Japanese politics[electronic resource] :a longitudinal study of political attitudes and behaviour /
Marketing leadership in government[electronic resource] :communicating responsiveness, leadership and credibility /
Governmental forms and economic development[electronic resource] :from medieval to modern times /
Humour in political activism[electronic resource] :creative nonviolent resistance /
Globalization and democracy in Southeast Asia[electronic resource] :challenges, responses and alternative futures /
Global perspectives on US democratization efforts[electronic resource] :from the outside in /
Between politics and antipolitics[electronic resource] :thinking about politics after 9/11 /
Modes of politicization in the Irish civil service[electronic resource] :ministers and the politico-administrative relationship in Ireland /
Text mining for qualitative data analysis in the social sciences[electronic resource] :a study on democratic discourse in Germany /
Assembling and governing the higher education institution[electronic resource] :democracy, social justice and leadership in global higher education /
Cyberactivism and citizen journalism in Egypt[electronic resource] :digital dissidence and political change /
Radical left parties in government[electronic resource] :the cases of SYRIZA and AKEL /
Political leadership and Charisma[electronic resource] :Nehru, Ben-Gurion, and other 20th century political leaders : intellectual odyssey I /
Rousseau's rejuvenation of political philosophy[electronic resource] :a new introduction /
Why the UK voted for Brexit[electronic resource] :David Cameron's great miscalculation /
Democratic South Africa's foreign policy[electronic resource] :voting behaviour in the United Nations /
Paradigms and public sector reform[electronic resource] :public administration of Bhutan /
Popular sovereignty and constituent power in Latin America[electronic resource] :democracy from below /
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Social movements and the state in India[electronic resource] :deepening democracy? /
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Regime dynamics in EU's eastern neighbourhood[electronic resource] :EU democracy promotion, international influences, and domestic contexts /
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Defending human rights and democracy in the era of globalization[electronic resource] /
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Electing peace[electronic resource] :from civil conflict to political participation /
Human rights, constitutional law, and belonging the right to equal belonging in democratic society[electronic resource] /