• Re-imagining life on the outside[electronic resource] :finding purpose, passion, and meaning in the next stage of life /
  • 纪录类型: 书目-电子资源 : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414] null: 262
    [NT 47271] Title/Author: Re-imagining life on the outside : finding purpose, passion, and meaning in the next stage of life // Ronald L. Krannich.
    [NT 51403] remainder title: Finding purpose, passion, and meaning in the next stage of life
    作者: Krannich, Ronald L.,
    面页册数: 1 online resource (65 p.)
    标题: Prisoners - Deinstitutionalization.
    标题: Ex-convicts.
    标题: Self-actualization (Psychology)
    标题: Spiritual life.
    ISBN: 9781570233661
    ISBN: 9781570233777
    [NT 15000228] null: Re-imagining life on the outside: finding purpose, passion, and meaning in the next stage of life -- Contents -- Purpose and Meaning in Life -- Time to Re-Imagine Your Life -- Are You Happy?: Discover Your Happiness I.Q. -- Are You Grateful?: Identify Your Gratitude I.Q. -- Are You Mindful?: Improve Your Mind, Body, and Life -- How's Your Attitude Working - Asset or Liability? -- Does Your Anger Control You?: Know Your Anger Management I.Q. -- Know Your Values -- Discover Your Passions -- Identify Your Motivated Abilities and Skills (MAS): The Real Truth About You -- Develop and Articulate Your Goals -- What's Your Purpose in Life? -- Re-Imagining & Re-Entry Resources.
    [NT 15000229] null: Helps individuals develop a new mindset for living a life based on purpose. Covers everything from assessing one's happiness, gratitude, and attitude to identifying key values, skills, and abilities for developing an objective -- the key to self-transformation. Includes self tests and exercises. Ideal book for ex-offenders preparing for re-entry.
    电子资源: https://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/search/NBNB0005515.html
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