• There is no soundtrack[electronic resource] :rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 709.0407
    書名/作者: There is no soundtrack : rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract // Ming-Yuen S. Ma.
    其他題名: Rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract
    作者: Ma, Ming-Yuen S.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (280 p.)
    標題: Art and music.
    標題: Art and society.
    標題: Art, Modern - 20th century.
    標題: Art, Modern - 21st century.
    標題: Arts.
    標題: Audio-visual materials.
    標題: Music and technology.
    標題: New media art.
    ISBN: 1526142139
    ISBN: 9781526142122
    ISBN: 9781526142139
    摘要、提要註: There is no soundtrack is a study of how sound and image produce meaning in contemporary experimental media art by artists ranging from Chantal Akerman to Nam June Paik to Tanya Tagaq. It contextualises these works and artists through key ideas in sound studies: voice, noise, listening, the soundscape and more. The book argues that experimental media art produces radical and new audio-visual relationships challenging the visually dominated discourses in art, media and the human sciences. In addition to directly addressing what Jonathan Sterne calls 'visual hegemony', it also explores the lack of diversity within sound studies by focusing on practitioners from transnational and diverse backgrounds. As such, it contributes to a growing interdisciplinary scholarship, building new, more complex and reverberating frameworks to collectively sonify the study of culture.
    電子資源: https://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/search/MUPB0001242.html