Project-based learning for academica...
Chapman, Anne.


  • Project-based learning for academically-able students[electronic resource] :Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 371.36
    書名/作者: Project-based learning for academically-able students : Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore // by Joseph C.L. Tan, Anne Chapman.
    作者: Tan, Joseph C.L.
    其他作者: Chapman, Anne.
    出版者: Rotterdam : : SensePublishers :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: vi, 154 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Gifted children - Education (Secondary) - Singapore.
    標題: Independent study - Singapore.
    標題: Project method in teaching - Singapore.
    標題: Education.
    標題: Education, general.
    ISBN: 9789463007320
    ISBN: 9789463007306
    ISBN: 9789463007313
    內容註: Overview of the Issues -- Introduction -- Background and Context -- Key Concepts -- Aim and Research Questions -- Research Design and Research Methods -- Overview of the Findings -- Significance of the Study -- Conclusion -- Background and Context -- Introduction -- Context of Current Educational Movement in the International Arena -- Educational Reforms in Asia -- The Singapore Education Journey -- The Case Study School -- Conclusion -- Literature Review -- Introduction -- The Concept of Project-Based Learning -- A Social Constructivist Framework for Project-Based Learning -- Information Technology in Project Work -- Project Work in the International Context -- Conclusion -- Methodology -- Introduction -- Theoretical Framework -- Research Strategy and Design -- Data Collection and Data Analysis -- Ensuring Trustworthiness -- Ethical Issues and Considerations -- Conclusion -- Case Studies -- Introduction -- Background of Case Study School, Student Groups and Project Work Programmes -- Case Study Findings -- Conclusion -- Findings and Discussion -- Introduction -- Proposition 1 -- Proposition 2 -- Proposition 3 -- Proposition 4 -- Proposition 5 -- Proposition 6 -- Proposition 7 -- Conclusion -- Summary and Conclusion -- Introduction -- Overview of the Study -- Findings -- Recommendations -- Implications for Further Research -- Conclusion -- References -- Index.
    摘要、提要註: This book explores the dynamic approach to student-centred learning known as project-based learning, or project work. It addresses both the concepts and practical application of project-based learning to enhance teaching and learning. It describes empirical case study research into the impact of research-based project work on independent learning for academically-able secondary school students at Hwa Chong Institution, a premier independent school in Singapore. The research investigated how students dealt with an innovative project-based learning curriculum built on a social constructivist approach designed to foster independent learning attitudes. The students had to research and initiate their own projects, and see through the entire process with guidance from their teacher mentors. The case study findings give rich insights into student perspectives and experiences as they engage in projects and respond to real-life challenges and problems. A new theory of project-based learning is presented in the form of theoretical propositions. The research has implications for the professional development of teachers as project work mentors to help prepare their students to be 'future-proof' in dealing with 21st century study, work and social challenges with confidence. The book highlights compelling reasons for schools to include some form of research-based project work within their curricula, thereby allowing students to engage in collaborative, authentic research.