Financial liberalisation[electronic ...
Arestis, Philip.


  • Financial liberalisation[electronic resource] :past, present and future /
  • 纪录类型: 书目-语言数据,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414] null: 332.0415
    [NT 47271] Title/Author: Financial liberalisation : past, present and future // edited by Philip Arestis, Malcolm Sawyer.
    [NT 51406] other author: Arestis, Philip.
    出版者: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2016.
    面页册数: xvi, 374 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    标题: Capital market - Deregulation.
    标题: Financial institutions - Deregulation.
    标题: Economics.
    标题: Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics/Financial Economics.
    标题: International Economics.
    标题: Economic Policy.
    标题: Finance, general.
    ISBN: 9783319412191
    ISBN: 9783319412184
    [NT 15000228] null: 1. Financial Liberalisation, the Finance-Growth Nexus, Financial Crises and Policy Implications; Philip Arestis -- 2. Confronting Financialisation; Malcolm Sawyer -- 3. Financialisation and Financial Balance Sheets of Economic Sectors in the Euro Area; Jesus Ferreiro and Carmen Gomez -- 4. Achieving Financial Stability and Growth in Africa; Stephany Griffith-Jones -- 5. Capital Controls in a Time of Crisis; Ilene Grabel -- 6. Capital Controls and the Icelandic Banking Collapse: A Reassessment; John McCombie and Marta Spreafico -- 7. Stemming the Tide: Capital Account Regulations in Developing and Emerging Countries; Annina Kaltenbrunner -- 8. Financial Regulation and the Current Account; Sergi Lanau and Tomasz Wieladek.
    [NT 15000229] null: This book is the thirteenth volume in the International Papers in Political Economy (IPPE) series which explores the latest developments in political economy. A collection of eight papers, the book concentrates on the deregulation of domestic financial markets and discusses financial liberalisation in terms of its past performance, current progress and future developments. The chapters have been written by expert contributors in the field and focus on topics such as past records of financial liberalisation, future policies of regulation, and current account imbalances. Other papers examine capital account regulations in developing and emerging countries, and capital controls in the Eurozone after the 2007 financial crisis. This collection of papers invites readers to consider the impact of financial liberalisation both during and after the global economic crisis. Scholars and students with an interest in political economy, financialisation, and economic performance will find this collection stimulating and informative.
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