Rehabilitation techniques for sports...
Prentice, William E.


  • Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 617.1/027
    書名/作者: Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training // editor, William E. Prentice ; laboratory manual prepared by Thomas W. Kaminski ; PowerPoint presentations prepared by Jason Scibek.
    其他作者: Prentice, William E.
    出版者: Thorofare, NJ : : SLACK,, c2015.
    面頁冊數: xvi, 881 p. : : col. ill. ;; 27 cm.
    附註: Rev. of: Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training / [edited by] William E. Prentice, 2011.
    標題: Sports injuries - Patients
    標題: Athletic Injuries - rehabilitation.
    標題: Physical Therapy Modalities.
    ISBN: 9781617119316 (hbk.) :
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Essential considerations in designing a rehabilitation program for the injured patient -- Understanding and managing the healing process through rehabilitation -- The evaluation process in rehabilitation -- Psychological considerations for rehabilitation of the injured athletic patient -- Establishing core stability in rehabilitation -- Reestablishing neuromuscular control -- Regaining postural stability and balance -- Restoring range of motion and improving flexibility -- Regaining muscular strength, endurance, and power -- Maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness during rehabilitation -- Plyometric exercise in rehabilitation -- Open vs closed kinetic chain exercise in rehabilitation -- Joint mobilization and traction techniques in rehabilitation -- Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques in rehabilitation -- Aquatic therapy in rehabilitation -- Functional progressions and functional testing in rehabilitation -- Rehabilitation of shoulder injuries -- Rehabilitation of elbow injuries -- Rehabilitation of wrist, hand, and finger injuries -- Rehabilitation of groin, hip, and thigh injuries -- Rehabilitation of knee injuries -- Rehabilitation of lower-leg injuries -- Rehabilitation of ankle and foot injuries -- Rehabilitation of injuries to the spine.
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