Clinical pearls for optometry :[info...
Filips, Roger.


  • Clinical pearls for optometry :[informed decision-making in the busy clinic] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 617.715
    書名/作者: Clinical pearls for optometry : : [informed decision-making in the busy clinic] // Roger F. Filips, Valerie M. Kattouf.
    作者: Filips, Roger.
    其他作者: Kattouf, Valerie M.
    出版者: Columbus, OH : : Anadem,, c2008.
    面頁冊數: vi, 203 p. : : ill. ;; 19 cm.
    附註: Subitle from cover.
    標題: Optometry - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
    標題: Eye - Handbooks, manuals, etc. - Examination
    標題: Eye - Handbooks, manuals, etc. - Diagnosis
    標題: Eye - Atlases. - Diseases
    標題: Diagnostic Techniques, Ophthalmological.
    標題: Eye Diseases - diagnosis.
    標題: Optometry.
    標題: Optometry - methods.
    ISBN: 9781890018689 (pbk.) :
    內容註: Topical ocular medications -- Orals for eye care -- Systemic medications and ocular side effects -- Injuries -- Red eye miscellaneous -- Diagnosis and management of uveitis -- Acute angle closure glaucoma -- Glaucoma-long term management -- Advanced interpretation of Humphrey visual fields in glaucoma -- Age related macular degeneration -- Diabetes -- Hypertensive retinopathy -- Peripheral retina (flashes and floaters) -- Sudden monocular vision loss with retinal changes -- Neurovascular sudden vision loss (no ophthalmoscopic cause found) -- Oculomotor problems (diplopia and ptosis) -- Pupils -- Ocular complications of sinusitis -- Cranial nerve and cerebellar testing -- Malingering and hysteria -- Mental status examination -- Selective laser trabeculoplasty or argon laser trabeculoplasty post-op care -- Cataract surgery with posterior chamber IOL post-op care -- LASIK post-op care -- Laser peripheral iridotomy -- YAG capsulotomy post-op care -- The pediatric eye examination -- Diagnosis and management of near point binocular vision problems-convergence excess (CE) -- Diagnosis . . .-convergence insufficiency (CI) -- Diagnosis . . .-accommodative dysfunction (AD) -- Diagnosis . . .-oculomotor dysfuction (OMD) -- Appendix -- Index -- Amsler grid -- Acuity chart.
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
80058302 四樓西文圖書區 1.圖書流通 圖書(book) 617.715 F483 1.一般(Normal) 在架 0
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •