Beyond peacebuilding[electronic reso...
Maschietto, Roberta Holanda.


  • Beyond peacebuilding[electronic resource] :the challenges of empowerment promotion in Mozambique /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 303.3
    書名/作者: Beyond peacebuilding : the challenges of empowerment promotion in Mozambique // by Roberta Holanda Maschietto.
    作者: Maschietto, Roberta Holanda.
    出版者: London : : Palgrave Macmillan UK :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: xi, 297 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Power (Social sciences) - Mozambique.
    標題: Postcolonialism - Mozambique.
    標題: Political Science and International Relations.
    標題: African Politics.
    標題: Peace Studies.
    ISBN: 9781349949519
    ISBN: 9781349949502
    內容註: Chapter 1: Discourses of Empowerment -- Chapter 2: Disentangling Empowerment -- Chapter 3: Colonialism, Independence, and Fragmentation: Dynamics of Empowerment and Disempowerment from a Historical Perspective -- Chapter 4: Post-war Mozambique: Designing Peace, (Re)Distributing Power(?) -- Chapter 5: Promoting Local Empowerment: the '7 Million' Policy Design -- Chapter 6: The '7 million' Viewed from the below: implementation and results -- Conclusion: From Peacebuilding to Empowerment.
    摘要、提要註: This book uses the concept of empowerment as a means to understand peacebuilding in Mozambique. In order to do this, it first traces the different discourses on 'empowerment' and proposes an analytical framework based on multiple levels of analysis and a dialectical view of power. Second, it examines how the process of state formation and, later, peacebuilding have shaped the spaces for local empowerment to occur in Mozambique. Finally, it offers a detailed analysis of a national policy called the District Development Fund (the '7 million'), designed in the context of decentralization and aimed at reducing poverty in this country. This case study helps reflecting on the long-term and derivative effects of peace both in institutional terms as well as at the level of the everyday. The holistic approach to empowerment offered in this book and its application in the case of Mozambique will be of interest to both academics as well as practitioners of peacebuilding and development.