Healthcare and big data[electronic r...
Ebeling, Mary F.E.


  • Healthcare and big data[electronic resource] :digital specters and phantom objects /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 610.724
    書名/作者: Healthcare and big data : digital specters and phantom objects // by Mary F.E. Ebeling.
    作者: Ebeling, Mary F.E.
    出版者: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan US :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: xiii, 170 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Big data.
    標題: Data mining.
    標題: Social Sciences.
    標題: Gender Studies.
    標題: Big Data/Analytics.
    標題: Knowledge - Discourse.
    標題: Sociology of the Body.
    標題: Medicine - Data processing.
    ISBN: 9781137502216
    ISBN: 9781137502209
    內容註: Out of Death, A Birth -- The Rise of the Databased Society -- Privacy and Data Phantoms -- Coercive Consent and Digital Health Information -- The Biopolitics of Lively Data -- The Uncanny Lives of Data Commodities -- The Body of Evidence -- Life After Death.
    摘要、提要註: This highly original book is an ethnographic noir of how Big Data profits from patient private health information. The book follows personal health data as it is collected from inside healthcare and beyond to create patient consumer profiles that are sold to marketers. Primarily told through a first-person noir narrative, Ebeling as a sociologist-hard-boiled-detective, investigates Big Data and the trade in private health information by examining the information networks that patient data traverses. The noir narrative reveals the processes that the data broker industry uses to create data commodities--data phantoms--or the marketing profiles of patients that are bought by advertisers to directly market to consumers. Healthcare and Big Data considers the implications these "data phantoms" have for patient privacy as well as the very real harm that they can cause.