Quality in higher education[electron...
Cheng, Ming.


  • Quality in higher education[electronic resource] :developing a virtue of professional practice /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 378.166
    書名/作者: Quality in higher education : developing a virtue of professional practice // by Ming Cheng.
    作者: Cheng, Ming.
    出版者: Rotterdam : : SensePublishers :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: xiv, 104 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Education, Higher - Evaluation.
    標題: Universities and colleges - Evaluation.
    標題: College teachers - Professional ethics.
    標題: Education.
    標題: Education, general.
    ISBN: 9789463006668
    ISBN: 9789463006644
    ISBN: 9789463006651
    摘要、提要註: Many countries now employ national evaluation systems to demonstrate publicly that universities provide a quality education. However, the current processes of quality evaluation are often detached from the practices of teaching and learning. In particular, those who teach and those who learn still have to be won over to such audit processes. This book argues that it is time for the higher education sector to concern itself with the human dimension so as to develop both academic professionalism and students' commitment to their learning. Based on five completed research projects, which explore academics' and students' experiences and their views of quality evaluation, the book argues that developing the intrinsic values of teaching and learning held by academics and students is key to achieving high quality education. In this book, the author critically reviews the four most frequently used terms related to current quality evaluation: 'fitness for purpose', 'value for money', 'student satisfaction' and 'students-as-customers', and argues for a motivationally intelligent quality approach, emphasising the moral dimension and the intrinsic values of academics and students. The author also outlines an improved quality evaluation system that encourages and increases academics' and students' commitment to teaching and learning.
    電子資源: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6300-666-8