Research perspectives on work and th...
Matthews, Russell A.


  • Research perspectives on work and the transition to motherhood[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 331.44
    書名/作者: Research perspectives on work and the transition to motherhood/ edited by Christiane Spitzmueller, Russell A. Matthews.
    其他作者: Spitzmueller, Christiane.
    出版者: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: x, 294 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Working mothers.
    標題: Psychology.
    標題: Industrial, Organisational and Economic Psychology.
    標題: Human Resource Management.
    標題: Gender Studies.
    ISBN: 9783319411217
    ISBN: 9783319411194
    內容註: PART I: OVERVIEW AND THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES -- Chapter 1.1: Introduction – Overview and Discussion of Research Challenges; Spitzmueller and Matthews -- Chapter 1.2: Theoretical Perspectives on the Transition to Motherhood; Sabat, Lindsey, King and Jones -- PART II: PREGNANCY AND WORK -- Chapter 2.1: Identity and the Transition to Motherhood; Greenberg, Clair and Ladge -- Chapter 2.2: Marissa Mayer: An Analysis of Media Reaction to a Pregnant CEO; Allen and French -- Chapter 2.3: Worries and Reflections about the Intersection Between Pregnancy and Work: Perspectives of Female Employees and Employers; Hebl -- PART III: MATERNITY LEAVE, MATERNITY BENEFITS, WORK AND ITS IMPACT ON NEW MOTHERS -- Chapter 3.1: Stay at Home or Go Back to Work? Antecedents and Consequences of Mothers' Return to Work After Childbirth; Grether and Wiese -- Chapter 3.2: Global Maternity Benefits and their Impact on Maternal and Child Well-Being; Zhang, Dirr, Spitzmueller and Epie -- Chapter 3.3: Return to Work Following Parental Leave; Fisher and Toppinen-Tanner -- PART IIII: RETURN TO WORK AND ADJUSTMENT TO CONFLICTING ROLE DEMANDS AND COMMITMENTS -- Chapter 4.1: Maternal Employment and Child Health; Freese, Smith and Grzywacz -- Chapter 4.2: Stereotypes of Employed Mothers and Linkages to Work-Family Conflict and Enrichment; Greer and Morgan -- Chapter 4.3: Breastfeeding and the Working Mom: The Impact of Organizational Policy on Women's Well-Being; Bruk-Lee -- PART V: METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS -- Chapter 5.1: Methodological Challenges for Research on Work and the Transition to Motherhood; Matthews, Fisher, King and Spitzmueller -- Chapter 5.2: What We Don't Know Yet But Need to Learn: A Research Agenda for Work and the Transition to Motherhood; Spitzmueller and Matthews.
    摘要、提要註: This book examines the intricate challenges faced by women and families during the transition to motherhood. It presents unique theoretical and methodological approaches to studying women's transition from being employees to working mothers. Its focus is on the impact of work on the transition to motherhood, and the impact of motherhood on women's working arrangements, work attitudes, work experiences and perspectives. Special attention is given to intervention research that can enhance the health and well-being of mothers and employers as they reconcile demands of the family-work interface. Integrating theoretical framework development and methodological considerations, this book provides an in-depth introduction to the topic. It brings together researchers and experts on the work-family interface, on workplace discrimination during pregnancy and early motherhood, and well-being.