Poverty and wealth in Judaism, Chris...
Kollar, Nathan R.


  • Poverty and wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 201.73
    書名/作者: Poverty and wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam/ edited by Nathan R. Kollar, Muhammad Shafiq.
    其他作者: Kollar, Nathan R.
    出版者: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan US :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: xxxii, 324 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Wealth - Religious aspects.
    標題: Poverty - Religious aspects.
    標題: Income distribution.
    標題: Religious Studies.
    標題: Comparative Religion.
    標題: Christianity.
    標題: Judaism.
    標題: Islam.
    標題: Social Aspects of Religion.
    標題: Social Policy.
    ISBN: 9781349948505
    ISBN: 9781349948499
    內容註: Introduction; Nathan R. Kollar -- PART I: Personifications of Poverty and Wealth -- 1. Reading Job 19:2-22: A Symbolic-Interactionist View of Poverty; Thomas Decker -- 2. The Story of Qarun (Korah) in the Qur'an and Its Importance for our Times; Zeki Saritoprak -- 3. Mughal Munificence: Care and Concern for the Poor in Islamic Hindustan from Tuladan to the Taj; Michael D.Calabria -- 4. Mary's Magnificat: the Anawim and Church on the Margins; C. Denise Yarbrough -- Part II Doctrines about Poverty and Wealth -- 5. Socioeconomic and Gender Justice in the Qur'an: Modern Challenges; Zainab Alwani -- 6. Gospel Readings on Poverty and Affluence in Most Eastern and Western Churches; Regina Boisclair -- 7. Orthodox Christianity and Islam on Economic Justice: Universal Ideals and Contextual Challenges in Russia; Andrii Krawchuk -- PART III. Spiritual Traditions about Poverty and Wealth -- 8. From Possessio to Paupertas: The Emergence of Religious Poverty as a Critical Spiritual Component of Medieval Christianity; Michael Cusato -- 9. Poverty, Wealth and the Doctrine of Al-Fana' in the Qur'an; Hussam S. Timani -- 10. Prophetic Ethics As Monotheistic Spirituality; Steven Kepnes -- 11. Christian Ethics: the "Non-Person" and the Insights of Liberation Theology for a Twentieth-First Century World; Curt Cadorette -- 12. A Spirituality for Rich and Poor: Contemporary Catholic Ideals for Economic Justice; Marvin L. Krier Mich -- PART IV. Sharing Our Wealth -- 13. Geography-Based Giving in Jewish Tradition; Malka Zeiger Simkovich -- 14. Poverty and Wealth in Islam's Sacred Texts; Abdullah F. Al Lheedan -- 15. Overflowing Riches: Generosity, Divine and Human; Clare Amos -- Conclusion; Nathan R. Kollar.
    摘要、提要註: This book gathers scholars from the three major monotheistic religions to discuss the issue of poverty and wealth from the varied perspectives of each tradition. It provides a cadre of values inherent to the sacred texts of Jews, Christians, and Muslims and illustrates how these values may be used to deal with current economic inequalities. Contributors use the methodologies of religious studies to provide descriptions and comparisons the perspectives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on poverty and wealth. The book provides citations from the sacred texts of all three religions along their interpretations, contexts, and elaboration for deciphering their stances. Poverty and Wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam identifies and details a foundation of common values upon which individual and institutional decisions may be made.
    電子資源: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-94850-5