Management of extended parotid tumor...
Costan, Victor-Vlad.


  • Management of extended parotid tumors[electronic resource] /
  • レコード種別: 言語・文字資料 (印刷物) : 単行資料
    [NT 15000414] null: 616.994316059
    タイトル / 著者: Management of extended parotid tumors/ edited by Victor-Vlad Costan.
    その他の著者: Costan, Victor-Vlad.
    出版された: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2016.
    記述: x, 241 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    含まれています: Springer eBooks
    主題: Parotid glands - Tumors
    主題: Medicine & Public Health.
    主題: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
    主題: Oncology.
    主題: Pathology.
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9783319265452
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9783319265438
    [NT 15000228] null: Anatomical Borders of the Parotid Region -- Extended Parotid Tumors with Origin in the Parotid Tissue -- Extended Parotid Tumors with Origin in the Parotid Lymph Nodes -- Extended Parotid Tumors with Origin in the Skin of the Head and Neck -- Parotid Tumors with Skin Extension -- Parotid Tumors with Muscle Extension -- Parotid Tumors Extended in the Facial Bones -- Parotid Tumors Extended in the Base of Skull -- Pathological Variety of Extended Parotid Tumors -- Clinical Diagnosis of Extended Parotid Tumors -- The Diagnostic Imaging of Extended Parotid Tumors -- Extended Parotidectomy -- Issues on General Anesthesia -- Arising Problems in Extended Parotidectomy -- Closing Postoperative Defects by Direct Suture -- The Use of Local Muscular Flaps -- The Use of Musculo-Cutaneous Platysma Flaps -- The Use of Muscular or Musculo-Cutaneous Pectoralis Major Flap -- The Use of Musculo-Cutaneous Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap -- The Use of Fascial-Cutaneous Radial Flap -- Attitude Toward the Facial Nerve in Extended Parotidectomy -- The Management of Lagophthalmos in Facial Nerve Paralysis -- The Value of Lipostructure in Extended Parotidectomy -- Issues on Radiotherapy -- Chemotherapy in Extended Parotidectomy.
    [NT 15000229] null: This book aims to systematize the selection of treatment options in patients with extended parotid tumors. Clear criteria are provided to assist in the choice of treatment, from the simplest options involving use of local flaps to the most sophisticated ones. With numerous exquisitely detailed color photos, this book will assist the surgeon in ensuring that the patient achieves the best possible quality of life, no matter what the patient's age or the associated comorbidities. Tumors of the parotid gland present particular problems for the surgeon, especially when they extend beyond the borders of the parotid tissue. Reconstruction of the postoperative defect is especially difficult, not only due to the complexity and density of the anatomical structures in the lateral region of the head and neck, but also because of the general condition of most patients, who tend to be elderly and to have accompanying disorders. The difficulty in managing extended parotid tumors is increased by the need to sacrifice the facial nerve, even if only partially. Each case must be carefully judged and treated with caution, and Management of Extended Parotid Tumors will provide an excellent basis for decision making.
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