Handbook of research on retailer-con...
Druica, Elena, (1971-)


  • Handbook of research on retailer-consumer relationship development[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 658.8/12
    書名/作者: Handbook of research on retailer-consumer relationship development/ Fabio Musso and Elena Druica, editors.
    其他作者: Musso, Fabio,
    面頁冊數: PDFs (589 pages).
    標題: Retail trade.
    標題: Customer relations.
    ISBN: 9781466660755
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references.
    內容註: Customer perceived values and consumer decisions: an explanatory model / Philip Y. K. Cheng -- Identity-based consumer behaviour, self-congruity, and retailer-consumer relationships: a literature review / Isabella Maggioni -- Shopping well-being and ill-being: toward an integrated model / Dong-Jin Lee, Grace B. Yu, M. Joseph Sirgy, Ahmet Ekici, Eda Gurel-Atay, Kenneth D. Bahn -- Understanding consumers' behaviour change in uncertainty conditions: a psychological perspective / Amalia Dutu -- Customer store loyalty: process, explanation chain, and moderating factors / Arturo Z. Vasquez-Parraga, Miguel Angel Sahagun, Pablo Jose Escobedo -- Evolving the private label role in the retailer-customer relationship: antecedents and impact of premium private labels on customer loyalty to the retailer / Elisa Martinelli, Donata Tania Vergura -- The mechanisms for the emergence and evolution of retail formats / Barbara Borusiak -- Critical reflections on the decline of the UK High Street: exploratory conceptual research into the role of the service encounter / Jason J. Turner, Toni Gardner -- City trees and consumer response in retail business districts / Kathleen L. Wolf -- The coffee shop and customer experience: a study of the U.S. market / Patrizia de Luca, Giovanna Pegan -- A new systems perspective in retail service marketing / Sergio Barile, Marialuisa Saviano -- Personally engaged with retail clients: Marketing 3.0 in response to new consumer profiles / Ana Isabel Jimenez-Zarco, Maria Pilar Martinez-Ruiz, Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta -- Atmosphere as a store communication tool / Sanda Renko -- The use of sensorial marketing in stores: attracting clients through their senses / Monica Gomez Suarez, Cristina Garcia Gumiel -- Frontline employees' self-perception of ageism, sexism, and lookism: comparative analyses of prejudice and discrimination in fashion and food retailing / Mirian Palmeira -- A dilemma for retailers: how to make store surveillance secure and appealing to shoppers / Angelo Bonfanti -- Retailer-non-profit organization (NPO) partnerships: building trust with socially conscious consumers / Janice Rudkowski -- Engaging social movements in developing innovative retail business models / Roberta Sebastiani, Francesca Montagnini -- Meanings and implications of corporate social responsibility and branding in grocer retailers: a comparative study over Italy and the UK / Elena Candelo, Cecilia Casalegno, Chiara Civera -- An Exploratory study of client-vendor relationships for predicting the effects of advanced technology-based retail scenarios / Eleonora Pantano, Harry Timmermans -- Retail innovativeness: importance of ICT and impact on consumer behaviour / Irene Gil Saura, Maria Eugenia Ruiz Molina, Gloria Berenguer Contri -- Retailer-customers relationships in the online setting: an empirical investigation to overcome privacy concerns and improve information sharing / Sandro Castaldo, Monica Grosso -- Retail and social media marketing: innovation in the relationship between retailers and consumers / Francesca Negri -- Singapore's online retail deviants: analyzing the rise of blogshops' power / Ronan de Kervenoael, Alan Hallsworth, David Tng -- Is multichannel integration in retailing a source of competitive advantage?: a consumer perspective / Daniela Andreini, Giuseppe Pedeliento -- About the challenges to start e-commerce activity in SMEs: push-pull effects / Rauno Rusko, Joni Pekkala.
    摘要、提要註: "This book offers a complete and updated overview of various perspectives relating to customer relationship management within the retail industry and stimulates the search for greater integration of these views in further research"--Provided by publisher.
    電子資源: http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-4666-6074-8