Media transatlantic[electronic resou...
Friesen, Norm.


  • Media transatlantic[electronic resource] :developments in media and communication studies between North American and German-speaking Europe /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 302.23
    書名/作者: Media transatlantic : developments in media and communication studies between North American and German-speaking Europe // edited by Norm Friesen.
    其他作者: Friesen, Norm.
    出版者: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: viii, 213 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Communication and geography.
    標題: Communication
    標題: Communication - Study and teaching - Europe, German-speaking.
    標題: Mass media - Study and teaching - Europe, German-speaking.
    標題: Mass media - Study and teaching - North America.
    標題: Mass media - Europe, German-speaking.
    標題: Mass media - North America.
    標題: Social Sciences.
    標題: Communication Studies.
    標題: Philosophy of the Social Sciences.
    標題: Cultural Studies.
    標題: Printing and Publishing.
    標題: Media Sociology.
    ISBN: 9783319284897
    ISBN: 9783319284873
    內容註: Introduction: The Geopolitics of Media Studies; Richard Cavell and Norm Friesen -- Part I. Theory and Nationality of Media -- What's German about German Media Theory?; Claus Pia -- Disciplining Media Studies: An Expanding Field and Its (Self-) Definition; Jens Schroter -- Part II. McLuhan Transatlantic -- Anonymous Historiography: A Metaphorology of the Constellation in Benjamin, Giedion and McLuhan; Norm Friesen -- Giedion and Explorations: Confluences of Space and Media in Toronto School Theorization; Michael Darroch -- Part III. Greek Recursions -- Innis and Kittler: the Case of the Greek Alphabet; Till Heilmann -- Chapter 6. Between Orality and Literacy: Plato's Hybrid Medium; Twyla Gibson -- Part IV. Materiality and Ontology -- Innis in the Concertgebouw: Media and Musical Culture in Nineteenth-Century in Amsterdam; Darryl Cressman -- Meta/ Dia: Two Approaches to the Medial: Dieter Mersch -- Part V. New Directions -- McLuhan and Medienwissenschaften: Sense and Sensation; Rainer Leschke -- The Messenger as a Model in Media Theory: Reflections on the Philosophical Dimensions of Theorizing Media; Sybille Kramer.
    摘要、提要註: This book reflects recent scholarly and theoretical developments in media studies, or Medienwissenschaft. It focuses on linkages between North America and German-speaking Europe, and brings together and contextualizes contributions from a range of leading scholars. In addition to introducing English-language readers to some of the most prominent contemporary German media theorists and philosophers, including Claus Pias, Sybille Kramer and Rainer Leschke, the book shows how foundational North American contributions are themselves inspired and informed by continental sources. This book takes Harold Innis or Marshall McLuhan (and other members of the "Toronto School") as central points of reference, and traces prospective and retrospective lines of influence in a cultural geography that is increasingly global in its scope. In so doing, the book also represents a new episode in the international reception and reinterpretation of the work of Innis and McLuhan, the two founders of the theory and study of media.