Quality assurance and institutional ...
Liu, Shuiyun.


  • Quality assurance and institutional transformation[electronic resource] :the Chinese experience /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414]: 378.51
    Title/Author: Quality assurance and institutional transformation : the Chinese experience // by Shuiyun Liu.
    Author: Liu, Shuiyun.
    Published: Singapore : : Springer Singapore :, 2016.
    Description: xiii, 231 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Education and state - China.
    Subject: Education, Higher - Evaluation. - China
    Subject: Education, Higher - China.
    Subject: Quality assurance.
    Subject: Education.
    Subject: Higher Education.
    ISBN: 9789811007897
    ISBN: 9789811007873
    [NT 15000228]: Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Higher Education Quality Assessment and University Change: A Theoretical Approach -- Part I Higher Education Quality Assurance System in China -- Chapter 3 Higher Education System in China -- Chapter 4 Higher Education Quality Assurance System in China -- Part II Impact of Quality Assessment on University Change in China -- Chapter 5 Impact of QAUE on Higher Education Institutions: Case Studies -- Chapter 6 Impact of QAUE on Higher Education Institutions: Research Findings -- Chapter 7 Quality Assessment and University Change in China -- Chapter 8 Conclusion.
    [NT 15000229]: This book illustrates the higher education quality assurance system and its impact on institutional transformation in China. It starts by describing the higher education system in China and its quality assessment schemes. It discusses in detail the Quality Assessment of Undergraduate Education (QAUE) and the Subject Evaluation, two of the most influential external quality assessment schemes, which are conducted on the institutional and subject levels respectively. In the second part of this book, QAUE is taken as an example for the impact analysis. Using case studies, it explores the impact of the QAUE on various dimensions of quality provisions in universities with different statuses and presents the views of various stakeholders. Based on the empirical findings from the Chinese schemes and the theories on organizational change and the mechanism of external quality assessment, it proposes a model to describe how quality assessment interacts with the evaluated universities and causes them to change.
    Online resource: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-0789-7
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