Prevention of cardiovascular disease...
Andrade, Jadelson.


  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases[electronic resource] :from current evidence to clinical practice /
  • レコード種別: 言語・文字資料 (印刷物) : 単行資料
    [NT 15000414] null: 616.105
    タイトル / 著者: Prevention of cardiovascular diseases : from current evidence to clinical practice // edited by Jadelson Andrade, Fausto Pinto, Donna Arnett.
    その他の著者: Andrade, Jadelson.
    出版された: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2015.
    記述: xxi, 308 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    含まれています: Springer eBooks
    主題: Cardiovascular system - Diseases
    主題: Medicine & Public Health.
    主題: Cardiology.
    主題: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9783319223575
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9783319223568
    [NT 15000228] null: Global burden of non-transmissible chronic diseases -- A global perspective about cardiovascular diseases -- Value of primary prevention for cardiovascular diseases -- How to estimate cardiovascular risk -- Tobacco and alcohol control - preventable risk factors -- Physical inactivity: preventable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases -- Diet and cardiovascular health: global challenges and opportunities -- Raised blood cholesterol: preventable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases -- Hypertension: primary health care approach -- Diabetes: a primary health care approach -- Risk factors in childhood and youth -- Other determinants in cardiovascular diseases: social impact, globalization and urbanization -- Genetics of cardiovascular diseases -- Cardiovascular diseases in women: an update -- Rheumatic heart disease: a neglected condition -- Chagas disease -- Prevention and control of cardiovascular: policies, strategies and prevention -- Prevention and control of cardiovascular in low income countries -- Prevention and Control of cardiovascular: What Works? -- Prevention and control of cardiovascular: integrated and complementary strategies -- Post-traumatic stress disorders and cardiovascular diseases -- Individual interventions for prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases -- Social mobilization on prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases -- Frugal Innovation: Solutions for Sustainable Global Cardiovascular Health -- Atrial fibrillation and stroke prevention -- A global alliance for cardiovascular diseases prevention in clinical practice -- Priority areas for cardiovascular research -- Evidence for preventing cardiovascular diseases.
    [NT 15000229] null: The present book reveals the importance of preventive medicine in cardiology and public health, addressing the lack of a broad discussion of this topic in the current literature. It examines the most important risk factors for different cardiovascular diseases, discussing them in detail from a clinical standpoint and presenting important information from a preventive medicine perspective. Further, specific chapters discuss the burden of cardiologic risk factors in special contexts, such as in women, child and adolescents, and in low-income populations. Lastly, a number of conditions that are often overlooked in terms of their cardiological impact are discussed, such as Chagas disease, rheumatic cardiomyopathy and post-traumatic stress disorder. Cardiovascular diseases are still the major cause of death in the world, even though they are considered preventable clinical conditions. The increased prevalence of some risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is an important concern for cardiologists around the world. On the other hand, primary prevention programs have proven their efficacy concerning some known and treatable risk factors, such as with hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes and smoking, but still need to be made more of a priority in public health. Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases is a book intended for multi-disciplinary audience and aimed for all professionals who are willing to face the challenge of cardiovascular prevention.
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