Information systems research and exp...
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  • Information systems research and exploring social artifacts[electronic resource] :approaches and methodologies /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 025.04072
    書名/作者: Information systems research and exploring social artifacts : approaches and methodologies // Pedro Isaias and Miguel Baptista Nunes, editors.
    其他作者: Isaias, Pedro.
    出版者: Hershey, Pa. : : IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA),, c2013.
    面頁冊數: electronic texts (414 p.) : : digital files.
    標題: Information storage and retrieval systems - Research.
    標題: Information storage and retrieval systems - Social aspects.
    ISBN: 9781466624924 (ebook)
    ISBN: 9781466624917 (hardcover)
    ISBN: 9781466624931 (print & perpetual access)
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references.
    內容註: Online survey: best practice / Tomayess Issa -- eCommerce trust beliefs: examining the role of national culture / Regina Connolly -- Subject recommended samples: snowball sampling / Pedro Isaias, Sara Pifano, Paula Miranda -- Practically applying the technology acceptance model in information systems research / Reza Mojtahed, Guo Chao Peng -- Designing personalised learning resources for disabled students using an ontology-driven community of agents / Julius T. Nganji, Mike Brayshaw -- Taxonomy of IT intangible assets for public administration based on the electronic government maturity model in Uruguay / Helena Garbarino, Bruno Delgado, Jose Carrillo -- Online ethnographies / Hannakaisa Isomäki, Johanna Silvennoinen -- Grounded theory in practice: a discussion of cases in information systems research / Jorge Tiago Martins ... [et al.] -- Creating interpretive space for engaged scholarship / Gabriel J. Costello, Brian Donnellan -- Exploring higher education students' technological identities using critical discourse analysis / Cheryl Brown, Mike Hart -- The role of case-based research in information technology and systems / Roger Blake, Steven Gordon, G. Shankaranarayanan -- Mapping participatory design methods to the cognitive process of creativity to facilitate requirements engineering / Nicky Sulmon ... [et al.] -- Combining research paradigms to improve poor student performance / Roelien Goede, Estelle Taylor, Christoffel van Aardt -- Experiences in applying mixed-methods approach in information systems research / Guo Chao Alex Peng, Fenio Annansingh -- Examining Web 2.0 e-learning tools: mixed method classroom pilot / Janet L. Holland, Dusti Howell -- Evaluation of web accessibility: a combined method / Sergio Lujan-Mora, Firas Masri -- Information systems evaluation: methodologies and practical case studies / Si Chen, Nor Mardziah Osman, Guo Chao Alex Peng -- Supporting unskilled people in manual tasks through haptic-based guidance / Mario Covarrubias ... [et al.] -- Integrated methods for a user adapted usability evaluation / Junko Shirogane ... [et al.] -- A protocol for evaluating mobile applications / Clare Martin, Derek Flood, Rachel Harrison.
    摘要、提要註: "This book discusses the approaches and methodologies currently being used in the field of information systems viewed through socio-technical aspects of the design of IS artifacts as well as the study of their use"--Provided by publisher.