Strategic marketing in fragile econo...
IGI Global,


  • Strategic marketing in fragile economic conditions /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 658.8/02
    書名/作者: Strategic marketing in fragile economic conditions // Irene Samanta, editor.
    其他作者: Samanta, Irene,
    面頁冊數: PDFs (322 pages)
    標題: Marketing - Management.
    標題: Consumer confidence.
    標題: Financial crises.
    ISBN: 9781466662339 (ebook)
    ISBN: 9781466662322
    ISBN: 9781466662353
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references.
    內容註: Loyalty in crisis: evidence from Greece / Ilias P. Vlachos, Dimitra Skoumpopoulou -- The evolution of trust in Japan: the case of vertical Keiretsu groups / Nabyla Daidj -- Trust deficit in public sector: causes, consequences, and strategies to mitigate / Vedantam Leela -- Customers' satisfaction and loyalty in the economic recession: the case of a Greek bank / Irene Samanta -- Sustainable competitive advantage in turbulent business environments using critical organizational capabilities and resources to manage complexity / Yannis A. Pollalis -- Exploring the relationship between the eco-labels and green buying behaviour with reference to Mumbai City / Ritu Sinha -- Towards leadership marketing: an exploratory and empirical study / Wilson Ozuem, Alina O'Keeffe -- The impact of marketing strategy in small family businesses / Anastasios Ntanos, Stamatios Ntanos -- The role of brand management in emerging markets / Kijpokin Kasemsap -- The antecedents of word-of-mouth behaviour: the service quality perspective / Ho Yin Wong, Anthony Perrone -- How is internal marketing understood?: an examination of stakeholder perspective / Wilson Ozuem, Natalie Limb -- Growing e-marketing trends in India / Laxhminarayan Das -- Tourism promotion through web / Nilanjan Ray, Dillip Kumar Das, Somnath Chaudhuri -- The effect of e-business in B2B relationships / Irene Samanta, Nondas Pitticas -- Electrotextiles: a novel product for the textile industry / Georgios Priniotakis.
    摘要、提要註: "This book provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings relating to consumer confidence, marketing strategies, and the influence of trust during a time of economic crisis"--Provided by publisher.