Mathematizing space[electronic resou...
De Risi, Vincenzo.


  • Mathematizing space[electronic resource] :the objects of geometry from antiquity to the early modern age /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 516.009
    書名/作者: Mathematizing space : the objects of geometry from antiquity to the early modern age // edited by Vincenzo De Risi.
    其他作者: De Risi, Vincenzo.
    出版者: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2015.
    面頁冊數: ix, 318 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Geometry - History.
    標題: Mathematics.
    標題: History of Mathematical Sciences.
    標題: Geometry.
    標題: History of Science.
    ISBN: 9783319121024 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 9783319121017 (paper)
    內容註: Vincenzo De Risi: Introduction -- Henry Mendell: What's location got to do with it? Place, Space, and the Infinite in Classical Greek Mathematics -- Jeremy Gray: A note on lines and planes in Euclid's geometry -- Alexander Jones: Theon of Smyrna and Ptolemy on Celestial Modelling in Two and Three Dimensions -- David Rabouin: Proclus’ Conception of Geometric Space and its Actuality -- Franco Farinelli: Subject, Space, Object: The Birth of Modernity -- Gary Hatfield: On Natural Geometry and Seeing Distance Directly in Descartes -- Douglas Jesseph: Hobbes’s Theory of Space -- Andrew Janiak: Mathematics and Infinity in Descartes and Newton -- Daniel Garber: Leibniz's Transcendental Aesthetic -- Graciela De Pierris: Hume’s Skepticism and Inductivism concerning Space and Geometry -- Michael Friedman: Kant on Geometry and Experience.
    摘要、提要註: This book brings together papers of the conference on 'Space, Geometry and the Imagination from Antiquity to the Modern Age' held in Berlin, Germany, 27-29 August 2012. Focusing on the interconnections between the history of geometry and the philosophy of space in the pre-Modern and Early Modern Age, the essays in this volume are particularly directed toward elucidating the complex epistemological revolution that transformed the classical geometry of figures into the modern geometry of space. Contributors: Graciela De Pierris Franco Farinelli Michael Friedman Daniel Garber Jeremy Gray Gary Hatfield Andrew Janiak Douglas Jesseph Alexander Jones Henry Mendell David Rabouin