Abuse of the doctor-patient relation...
Subotsky, Fiona


  • Abuse of the doctor-patient relationship, 1st edition[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 610.696
    書名/作者: Abuse of the doctor-patient relationship, 1st edition/ Fiona Subotsky.
    作者: Subotsky, Fiona
    出版者: London : : Royal College of Psychiatrists,, 2010.
    面頁冊數: 258 p. : : ill.
    標題: MEDICAL - Physician & Patient.
    標題: Physician and patient.
    標題: Physicians - Malpractice.
    ISBN: 9781904671374
    ISBN: 9781904671954 (e-book)
    內容註: Cover, Title,Abuse of the doctor-patient relationship, 1st edition--Preface, Introduction, TOC,Contents--Preface, Introduction, TOC,List of figures, tables and boxes--Preface, Introduction, TOC,List of contributors--Preface, Introduction, TOC,Foreword by Dinesh Bhugra--References, Appendix, Index,Appendix 1. Extract from Vulnerable Patients, Safe Doctors--References, Appendix, Index,Appendix 2. Codes of ethics of psychiatric associations in other countries--References, Appendix, Index,Appendix 3. Guidance from the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence--References, Appendix, Index,Appendix 4. Examples of determinations by the General Medical Council’s Fitness to Practise panels--References, Appendix, Index,Appendix 5. Website resources and information--References, Appendix, Index,Index.
    電子資源: http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/search/RCPB0000023.html