Transitions to adulthood in the Midd...
Gebel, Michael.


  • Transitions to adulthood in the Middle East and North Africa[electronic resource] :young women's rising? /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 305.40956
    書名/作者: Transitions to adulthood in the Middle East and North Africa : young women's rising? // Michael Gebel, Stefanie Heyne.
    作者: Gebel, Michael.
    其他作者: Heyne, Stefanie.
    出版者: Basingstoke : : Palgrave Macmillan :, 2014.
    面頁冊數: 264 p. : : 17 figures, 33.
    附註: Electronic book text.
    標題: Adulthood.
    標題: Equality.
    標題: Young women - Longitudinal studies. - Social conditions
    標題: Age groups - Middle East
    標題: Gender studies: women - Middle East
    標題: Society.
    ISBN: 1137355565 (electronic bk.) :
    ISBN: 9781137355553
    ISBN: 9781137355560 (electronic bk.) :
    內容註: 1. Introduction PART I: WOMEN IN MENA COUNTRIES: THEORY AND BACKGROUND 2. A Micro-macro Theory of Young Women's Transition to Adulthood 3. The Context of Case Studies: Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iran in Comparison 4. Data and Methodology PART II: WOMEN'S SUCCESS AND FAILURE IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM 5. Education Failures? The Problem of Limited Access to Education and Early Dropout Among Young Women 6. The Determinants of Young Women's Access to Higher Education PART III: HOUSEWORK OR WAGE WORK? YOUNG WOMEN'S TRANSITIONS AFTER LEAVING EDUCATION 7. Back Home: Young Women's Transition from School to Inactivity 8. Stiff Competition for Privileged Jobs: Young Women's Transition from School to Work 9. A Polarized World of Female Employment? The Quality of First Employment PART IV: FAMILY FORMATION 10. Young Women's Transition to Marriage and Household Formation in Difficult Times 11. Completing the Pathway: The Transition to First Birth PART V: CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS 12. Ways to Social Integration of Women in MENA.
    摘要、提要註: This book identifies chances and barriers women face in their transition to adulthood in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria. Adopting a life course perspective, it provides a new integrative micro-macro-theoretical framework and innovative analyses of individual life courses based on longitudinal data.
    電子資源: Online journal 'available contents' page